Fallen angels have always had a strong allure to the human psyche.
Fallen angels have physical beauty, and power. However, together with strength, they also have vulnerability. They are fallen, and therefore need to be saved.
When you cried I’d wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me
~~[Excerpt of My Immortal by Evanescence]

Fallen Angels
There are a variety of interpretations and beliefs associated with fallen angels. Fallen angels are most commonly identified as angels that have been exiled from Heaven as a punishment from God.
A variation of this belief, is that fallen angels are those angels who have sinned. Because angels are spiritual beings, they are immune from sins of the flesh. As a result, they are only susceptible to two sources of sin – pride and envy.
Another interesting interpretation of fallen angels is that they are simply messengers. However, unlike angels who bring an enlightened message that comes from love, fallen angels bring an unenlightened message that comes from fear.

In all of these descriptions of fallen angels, there are several common aspects –
- Fallen angels retain the intellect, knowledge, and power of angels.
- Fallen angels differ from angels in that they are imperfect in some way.
This brings fallen angels much closer to humans. Like us, they are imperfect, and are therefore vulnerable in that imperfection.
This vulnerability makes fallen angels a lot more accessible because we can see ourselves in them – that is why we love them.
However, fallen angels are a more perfect version of ourselves because they wield the power, strength, and knowledge of angels.

Angels vs. Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels are commonly depicted as regular angels, except with dark or black feathers. Their physical aspect, and powers are equal to that of an angel, but they are marked by a darkness which manifests in the color of their wings.
For the same reasons we love bad boys or bad girls, we love fallen angels. We love fallen angels because they are dark and imperfect. We are the only key that can unlock and smooth away those imperfections. Once we do that, they are perfect and ours forever.
On the other hand, perfection is boring. Perfection cannot be saved, because it is already perfect. As a result, it can never truly be ours to hold.
Fallen angels are exciting and dangerous because we can never predict their behavior. They may choose the path of light, they may choose a darker path, or they may just choose the path that rocks.
There is chaos in darkness, and chaos is scary but exhilarating.
Perfection is perfectly predictable. It is comforting but stagnant.

Are Vampires Fallen Angels?
In recent media depictions, the line between vampire and fallen angel has been blurred.
Unlike vampires of old, modern vampires are physically stunning, and have the strength and power of angels. They are no longer depicted as simple monsters with a thirst for blood, but rather are capable of love and compassion.
Like fallen angels, vampires are flawed because they must drink the blood of the living to survive. However, modern vampires are no longer soulless, and can love just as deeply as the best of us.
Truly then, there is very little that separates fallen angels from vampires except in the particulars of their flaws, and powers.

My Fallen Angel
Yes … fallen angels are attractive, irresistible, and we cannot help but fall in love with them.
They are a wonderful fantasy and a beautiful dream.
However, if we constantly seek the excitement of darkness, it will surely overwhelm and destroy us.

Ever considered the idea of God being an evil tyrant, fallen angels the good ones, and the regular angels misguided by the lies of God?
After all, God did in the Bible kill over 25 million people and plots to burn all those who oppose him forever in a lake of eternal fire.
God is loving and just.Who can tell him what to…Not me or you.I see God as a nurturing father.Yes he makes things happen that seems wrong…But it is not.For everything he does lies a purpose.When End days come and we stand before him to be judged…Everything he did will be made clear.
Take it from someone who has had an experience with a fallen angel they are not cute and cuddly at all.
It’s instant fear. They are Very attractive tall dark and handsome yes but I don’t think they want to have a friendly chat.
Me, my friend and 1 priest saw him and felt his presence and 7 other priests felt his presence including one of those priest who immediately changed his entire personality and become Mean yelled things about hell. He was taken away to another part of the building by another priest.
When you see 1 priest freak out and call another seven and they arrive in lightening speed then form a cirvle of protection around you and start chanting in tongues before you even say hello then read the bible for 6.5 hours you get a different perspective.
The priest in a well Known very old catholic church made us stay there for 6.5 hours bevause he said its not safe. to leave. He could see him to, even pointed out where this thing was standing when I asked him. The head priest told me he cannot step past the fence.
This man type being was on top of a 30 storey building then in an instant standing ten metres in front of us. He was taller than everyone else about 6.5 + amd wearing a thick long black coat and what looked like black work boots and just stood there like a statue. I started praying and grabbed my friends hand. Me and my friend quickly glanced at each other and made comments about his features. We looked back and he had vanished, 10 seconds and he was gone.
Then we left quickly and went to a church hoping. They wouldn’t think we were bonkers.
This handsome and scary Angel stood just off church grounds for hours. Only myself my friend and the head priest could actually see him and describe him. The other priests could only feel his presence and they were scared. They felt the fear too. They did not want to leave either.
Long story short, the priest that lost it recovered and was ok and felt baffled and sorry. We left safely, the priests and myself had an experience we will never forget and there not on my Christmas card list.
Melek-Taus and his Followers the Yadizis, Wow! I’m already thinking of having a hubpage and work on nothing in life is free, and really work hard for a separate biz, while staying anonymous for few people to see how EVIL, in a Holy Way, I truly am. Getting me and those dogs outta here! I’ll delete my fb account as soon as possible. As soon as I can… WALA! (As in the Major dialect of the Philippines as if I never existed). As for being the vampire who I am… Creative, Emotional that truly Good stuff makes make cry (it really does) to bleed my eyes, extremely passionate, sensual, a bit too human in falling in love and wrathful when cornered.
you people are very cute-but have as you shall ever had the real-mccoy contact you!!!!
We certainly think alike or my other account named prey, great to read more of you and sorry cant help laughing at you two above me. Aren’t all wings black or maybe just mine and the fallen angels I roll with LOL
Thanks for another cool read!
Kimberly [prey and karma]
Loved your insight into fallen angels.
But you know, you always come around to us good angels!
LOL – you are definitely more of a bad boy. You and Shades make a great bad boy pair. Both of you will look good with black wings and riding bad ass Harleys. YUM!