Angels are messengers from God. They protect us, guide us, or carry out other heavenly tasks.
Therefore, angel dreams symbolize a greater force that is watching over us, directing us, sheltering us, or trying to show us something important, which is hidden. The important part about angel dreams, is in translating the message within, based on what is currently happening in our spiritual and physical life.
The message can be a shared joy of something divine that has happened, a blessing of good things to come, or a warning of something we should prepare for.

Interpreting Our Dream About Angels

To interpret our dream, we want to pay special attention to the angels.
- What were the angels wearing? What is the color and texture of their wings?
- What were the angels carrying?
- Is there only a single angel or multiple angels?
- Are our dream angels male or female?
- What were the actions or expressions of the angels?
What were the angels wearing
The color and material of the angel’s clothes and wings, are part of the message that they convey.
- White clothes and wings indicate purity, peace, blessings, and rejuvenation. We may be at peace with ourselves and our life. Alternatively, the white angels may be telling us that to achieve inner peace, we need to seek greater spiritual support, need to be cleansed, and need to focus on the purity of our actions.
- Colorful clothes and wings suggest playfulness and joy. We may be looking forward to something happy and hopeful in our future, which could be a new relationship, new job, promotion, inheritance, or some other good fortune.
- Black clothes and wings signal a warning of some kind. Our physical or spiritual well-being could be in danger, we could be burdened by sin or guilt, and we may need to take some action to heal ourselves.

What were the angels holding
The items held by the angels or carried on their person, will also have great significance. We want to examine each object carefully, explore what each of them symbolizes, as well as what they each mean to us.
- Objects of knowledge such as a book or scroll, indicates greater clarity for the future, and confidence in our actions.
- Objects of war such as a sword or staff, signals that we may be experiencing some inner turmoil in our life or some disturbance in our soul. We may need to do battle to regain our spiritual equilibrium.
- Objects of love and peace such as an olive brand or a dove implies hope, care, devotion, and self-sacrifice. We may have a difficult journey ahead of us, but we have faith in a brighter future.
- Food and drink suggests that we are in need of spiritual nourishment. We may be feeling depleted and tired as a result of our daily struggles. The angel may be telling us that we need to take some time for ourselves, and refocus on our inner self and spiritual well-being.

Number of angels
- A single angel indicates a purity of purpose and action. We need to cast off distractions, and focus on the thing that is most important to us.
- Three angels signals harmony, completeness, and the divine. Indeed, the triad or trinity is a powerful symbol with deep roots in culture and history. In Greek mythology there are three Fates, the triad also plays a central role in Celtic religion, and of course, there is the Holy Trinity. Therefore, a message carried by three angels is very potent, and may involve all of our body, mind and spirit.
- Multiple angels suggest good fortune, divine support, or spiritual fortitude. Angels guard and guide us. Therefore, having multiple angels watching over us, is a sign of great protection, and also an indication of a promising future.
If we are one of the angels in our dream, then likely, we have done something good and pure, we are planning to embark on a journey of spirituality, or planning to do God’s work.

Male or female angels
- Femininity is associated with the Venus symbol, which captures love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility.
- Masculinity is associated with the Mars symbol, which captures war, savagery, guardianship, and virility.
The masculinity or femininity of the angels in our dreams, also constitutes part of the message that they carry.

Actions, expressions, and environment

Finally, actions and expressions are also important. What did the faces of the angels convey, and how did we feel in their presence?
- A calm expression indicates that we are looking for some peace and quiet. Our life may be hectic at the moment, and we may need some protection from our daily noise and activity. We may be seeking sanctuary, some time for reflection, or spiritual comfort.
- A happy expression signals that we are feeling confident about our present and future. It may also signify a recent positive achievement, or the expectation of some imminent good news.
- A sad expression suggests future challenges and possibly heartache. However, we have a guardian angel watching over us, so we will ultimately prevail.
- An angry expression implies some mistake, wrong-doing, or sin. We need to admit our mistake, make amends, and try to do better in the future.
Similarly, the actions of our dream angels also carry meaning. An angel that is brandishing a sword in warning, will have a different message than one who is handing us his sword, or one who is standing still, with his sword pointed to the ground.
If we are being handed something, then we may need to perform an important task, or go on a quest for our spiritual well being. The nature of the task or quest will rely on the object handed to us. On the other hand, an angel standing with his sword pointed down, may be guarding us from something. Perhaps we need to be vigilant, check our spiritual defenses, and watch out for sinful temptations that may lead us astray.
Actions may also indicate immediacy of the message, in particular, whether we need to attend to it very soon, sometime in the near future, or NOW!
The environment surrounding our angel is also important. An angel standing in the middle of a storm, signifies spiritual turbulence, whereas one who is standing in a calm pool of water, signifies peace and relaxation.

Are Dream Angels Real?
When we dream of angels, there is always the question of whether the angels are real and sent by God, or whether they are a manifestation of our subconscious mind.
Studies show that a large percentage of Americans believe in angels.
- A poll in 2008 by the Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion, shows that 55% of 1700 respondents, believe that they were protected from harm by a guardian angel.
- A 2007 Pew poll revealed that a whopping 68% of respondents believe that angels or demons are active in our world. Up to 20% describe encounters with either a heavenly or demonic being.
However, some argue that angel dreams and visitations are the result of our subconscious mind only. They further propose that visitations that occur during the day could be the result of lucid dreaming. It could also be the result of a hallucination or trance.
Are angels real?
As with all things spiritual, that is difficult to prove or fully disprove. The belief in angels, I think, is a very personal thing.
However, if through belief we gain hope, solace, and spiritual strength, then isn’t that the very purpose of an angelic guide and protector? And if so, then perhaps angels exist within us, if we but dare to see.

I had a dream going thru a tunnel at end tunnel was a bright light and angel in white robe with gold on it he smiled at me and held his hand out out me.The dream was peaceful. Than I woke up
Good morning, I’m always having interpretation and dreams of all kinds of things. This morning dreams have my really thinking. I dreamed of 3 angels one of them just stood there looking at me with armor of silver , the other one appeared with a a bow and an arrow ready to shoot an arrow and the one that stood out was the one that actually came down to earth it was a boy. His clothing was light blue with teal his hair was black and curly his skin was creamery colored. He touched someone I could tell who. Than he walked up to me and you hed my stomach before I could say anything I was a woken by my friend. I usually can understand all my dreams but this one I can not can you help me please. The other to angles was a man and a woman.
I had a dream of being baptized in a pool, in ground size at a community center with a friend. The min I touched the water it flowed and I felt at peace and invited my friend to do the same. She too had the glow and felt at peace. While getting out the single Angel in the water looked over and smiled at me. He flew over hugged me and kissed me passionately as we went under the water. I woke up feeling at peace. Not sure what this means, I have never had a religious dream before…but the Angel seemed very happy he was dressed in normal clothes (jeans, blue shirt with a vest and kinda looked like a younger Randy Travis lol).
This is my first time researching about angels because I just had a dream of seeing multiple angels last night. They all look like warriors with different color of armors and wings. I can’t remember much about my dream, but there are some other people in my dream and each person has their own angel. My friend’s angel is wearing white armor with white wings and mine is wearing some unique color like mint blue blended with some other subtle colors. I believe there were also men angels but the one that stood out in my dreams are the female ones. They all look so tall, beautiful and gorgeous. They didn’t speak in my dream, but it feels like they are so real protecting us.
An angel came to my mother, who could no longer bear children, and told her she i would be born and that I would be male and I would be a prophet of the Lord. My mother said she wanted to question the angel as to how could that be possible and was told to have faith in her message and never to doubt. I was offered the next day by my birth family maternal grandmother, who like my mother was a good God fearing christian. My mother told her of the dream of the angel and of her message and so the adoption process began. I have a strong belief in God and I know, without doubt, of His existence but Im not a prophet nor a good christian. She was also visited by an angel who provided heat when I was brought home from the hospital and I was saved from certain death by, whom I believe to be, that same angel. How can I be the prophet the angel foretold when Im nearly 60 years old? Have I missed the opportunity? Will it still happen? Or was my mother who lived the life of a real and true christian, and myself, a sinner, just crazy to believe this?
A long time ago I was awake when I saw a angle standing at the foot of my bed he was wearing all White and he had a big book what does this mean
I have a dream about pure white and lightly white angel fighting seriously in sky .
Please I need someone to explain it for me
I was awake when I turned around, say a woman on a big iron throne. She and the throne was glowing brightly blue. I jumped! It slowly faded. Can anyone tell me what that means?
I had a dream but at the end of the dream an angel/messenger apoeared he said nothing he just looked at me no expression he had white wings and black clothes. I saw he face very clear
I had a dream about an angel,female,she told me to eat an apple to protect me from some men wearing black suits.i saw her flying ,I showed her to my mom,she was wearing a dress with some kinda handmade flower stitch and the atmosphere around her radiate a beautiful sunset+sunrise color
What does it mean if I have a dream driving a car
i was in church sleeping one day in dream i saw angels not one but not many not little i saw them discussing and i was trying to hear what they are saying and they notice it one of them shouted catch him i stated running and the chase me and lo and behold the catch me i want to explain how there touch looks like, COOL COOL COOL like ac the carry me i was shouting in igbo language unu egbula egbu meaning don’t kill me and they carry me behind orange tree that in my church and i wake up
I dreamed that I had a pair of old eye glasses that belonged to Albert Einstein or someone but they were worth 25million and I was so shocked and couldn’t believe that what was said in thing I read and watched became true. That I was rewarded for being me. Then I remember looking up at the bright cloudy sky with open patches. Then I started moving and swing and in between the swings I seen the angles through the open patches of clouds and I was crying tears of happiness and love then I look down and my babies are swimming in the ocean and o join them and realize I can’t swim and my girls disappear but I find them before I wake up
angel in a dream holding out her left hand saying tell my sister, she will know
Aim note sure either but i dreamed about angles and i feel its real thing
I’ve had 2 dreams now both was the same I was hanging out with angles in a park walking across a bridge there was a bad angle and a good angle 1st I was with the bad angle later the good angle then went back to hanging out with the bad angle he asked me in my 2nd dream can I have your soul I said no I already gave it to the good angle the bad angle got so mad at me everything turned dark and stormy and he got really scary but I woke up
I saw a multiple toodlers Angels wearing dazzling white super white. Then, i was wondering only the wings are moving.. and theyre flooting… and the background of them was blue .. isaw them during the middle of my thyroid surgery. Can you explain the meaning of this? Those beautiful calm angel faces that only thier wings are moving. Theyre watching us.
I dreamt of happy multiple angels all females and even small ones. They were happy waving at me and they landed where I was surrounding me except for 1 girl angel that seemed angry, I pointed at her with a Holy sword 🗡️ and she eventually calmed down. I woke up
My dream (I am man):
I was in like a sports olympic setting. I was sitting in one of the benches of an open stadium. Now the world was different in such a way that different beings where recognize. So there were vampires in the open and even some participating in the olympics. I could remember that Dracula joined one of the games (can’t remember which game) but there was something missing that Dracula did not push through so Dracula instead slept in his coffin which were place above the bleachers of the stadium.
Sitting beside me was a male vampire. At first he tried to go near my neck like about to bit me, but then I said, “stop, what are you trying to do?” For a while the vampire left me alone but then he approached me again and told me his name which was Alphaone. I had a bandage on my left leg because I had bruises. Somehow Alphaone removed the bandage and licked my wounds. He said, “you see your wounds do not heal. I can make you heal”. I replied “How, by turning me into a vampire. I do not want to be sucking blood and killing people.”. He resonded back, “there is a solution to that. You do not need to kill people”. Somehow, I agreed so he placed me on his back and flew. While on the air flying the surroundings pause like time has froze. Everyone froze except the vampire and me on his back. Then a celestial being appeared who was chasing us, a female waring white robes with purple and blue stripes (like that of chimeco in pokemon). She was after me, and she softly spoke but I was hearing it, “Think twice, do you really want to do that?”. And for a second I hesitated then let go of my grip from Alphaone and told him, “Let go of me, I don’t think I want to do this”. So I separated from the vampire and the celestial being (maybe she is an angel) took me and brought me to the clouds. She was like a leader because there were others that looked like her but in smaller forms. And then she healed my wounds just by pointing her palms on my leg. And then she said, “Go back to the benches and remember you are a celestial”. I ended up in one of the bleacher seats but a white band similar to the celestial is already on my neck. And I could feel it, I was refreshed, powerful. I tried jumping and I jumped from one bleacher to the other which were 100m apart. I tried jumping again and this time I never landed as I wish too. I was floating, no I was flying. Finally I decided to land and somehow I landed where I saw Alphaone. I started a conversation with him, “I am a celestial”…
then unfortunately I was woken up by a phone call. It was so vivid that I could remember details.
i had a dream that an angel asked me if i wanted to know everything i haven’t learned yet i said yes then they touched my head and i felt it in my body i felt tingling and warm. the angel was shining so bright i couldn’t get a good look but i saw wings i saw a body i saw arms. i woke up a few seconds later and was sweating i could still feel it in my arms i could barely move