Angels are messengers from God. They protect us, guide us, or carry out other heavenly tasks.
Therefore, angel dreams symbolize a greater force that is watching over us, directing us, sheltering us, or trying to show us something important, which is hidden. The important part about angel dreams, is in translating the message within, based on what is currently happening in our spiritual and physical life.
The message can be a shared joy of something divine that has happened, a blessing of good things to come, or a warning of something we should prepare for.

Interpreting Our Dream About Angels

To interpret our dream, we want to pay special attention to the angels.
- What were the angels wearing? What is the color and texture of their wings?
- What were the angels carrying?
- Is there only a single angel or multiple angels?
- Are our dream angels male or female?
- What were the actions or expressions of the angels?
What were the angels wearing
The color and material of the angel’s clothes and wings, are part of the message that they convey.
- White clothes and wings indicate purity, peace, blessings, and rejuvenation. We may be at peace with ourselves and our life. Alternatively, the white angels may be telling us that to achieve inner peace, we need to seek greater spiritual support, need to be cleansed, and need to focus on the purity of our actions.
- Colorful clothes and wings suggest playfulness and joy. We may be looking forward to something happy and hopeful in our future, which could be a new relationship, new job, promotion, inheritance, or some other good fortune.
- Black clothes and wings signal a warning of some kind. Our physical or spiritual well-being could be in danger, we could be burdened by sin or guilt, and we may need to take some action to heal ourselves.

What were the angels holding
The items held by the angels or carried on their person, will also have great significance. We want to examine each object carefully, explore what each of them symbolizes, as well as what they each mean to us.
- Objects of knowledge such as a book or scroll, indicates greater clarity for the future, and confidence in our actions.
- Objects of war such as a sword or staff, signals that we may be experiencing some inner turmoil in our life or some disturbance in our soul. We may need to do battle to regain our spiritual equilibrium.
- Objects of love and peace such as an olive brand or a dove implies hope, care, devotion, and self-sacrifice. We may have a difficult journey ahead of us, but we have faith in a brighter future.
- Food and drink suggests that we are in need of spiritual nourishment. We may be feeling depleted and tired as a result of our daily struggles. The angel may be telling us that we need to take some time for ourselves, and refocus on our inner self and spiritual well-being.

Number of angels
- A single angel indicates a purity of purpose and action. We need to cast off distractions, and focus on the thing that is most important to us.
- Three angels signals harmony, completeness, and the divine. Indeed, the triad or trinity is a powerful symbol with deep roots in culture and history. In Greek mythology there are three Fates, the triad also plays a central role in Celtic religion, and of course, there is the Holy Trinity. Therefore, a message carried by three angels is very potent, and may involve all of our body, mind and spirit.
- Multiple angels suggest good fortune, divine support, or spiritual fortitude. Angels guard and guide us. Therefore, having multiple angels watching over us, is a sign of great protection, and also an indication of a promising future.
If we are one of the angels in our dream, then likely, we have done something good and pure, we are planning to embark on a journey of spirituality, or planning to do God’s work.

Male or female angels
- Femininity is associated with the Venus symbol, which captures love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility.
- Masculinity is associated with the Mars symbol, which captures war, savagery, guardianship, and virility.
The masculinity or femininity of the angels in our dreams, also constitutes part of the message that they carry.

Actions, expressions, and environment

Finally, actions and expressions are also important. What did the faces of the angels convey, and how did we feel in their presence?
- A calm expression indicates that we are looking for some peace and quiet. Our life may be hectic at the moment, and we may need some protection from our daily noise and activity. We may be seeking sanctuary, some time for reflection, or spiritual comfort.
- A happy expression signals that we are feeling confident about our present and future. It may also signify a recent positive achievement, or the expectation of some imminent good news.
- A sad expression suggests future challenges and possibly heartache. However, we have a guardian angel watching over us, so we will ultimately prevail.
- An angry expression implies some mistake, wrong-doing, or sin. We need to admit our mistake, make amends, and try to do better in the future.
Similarly, the actions of our dream angels also carry meaning. An angel that is brandishing a sword in warning, will have a different message than one who is handing us his sword, or one who is standing still, with his sword pointed to the ground.
If we are being handed something, then we may need to perform an important task, or go on a quest for our spiritual well being. The nature of the task or quest will rely on the object handed to us. On the other hand, an angel standing with his sword pointed down, may be guarding us from something. Perhaps we need to be vigilant, check our spiritual defenses, and watch out for sinful temptations that may lead us astray.
Actions may also indicate immediacy of the message, in particular, whether we need to attend to it very soon, sometime in the near future, or NOW!
The environment surrounding our angel is also important. An angel standing in the middle of a storm, signifies spiritual turbulence, whereas one who is standing in a calm pool of water, signifies peace and relaxation.

Are Dream Angels Real?
When we dream of angels, there is always the question of whether the angels are real and sent by God, or whether they are a manifestation of our subconscious mind.
Studies show that a large percentage of Americans believe in angels.
- A poll in 2008 by the Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion, shows that 55% of 1700 respondents, believe that they were protected from harm by a guardian angel.
- A 2007 Pew poll revealed that a whopping 68% of respondents believe that angels or demons are active in our world. Up to 20% describe encounters with either a heavenly or demonic being.
However, some argue that angel dreams and visitations are the result of our subconscious mind only. They further propose that visitations that occur during the day could be the result of lucid dreaming. It could also be the result of a hallucination or trance.
Are angels real?
As with all things spiritual, that is difficult to prove or fully disprove. The belief in angels, I think, is a very personal thing.
However, if through belief we gain hope, solace, and spiritual strength, then isn’t that the very purpose of an angelic guide and protector? And if so, then perhaps angels exist within us, if we but dare to see.

There are a lot of angels for diffrent meanings when u dream as soon as u wake write it down, the angels send us signs to guide us and we all have a guardian angel that is with us all the time! X
I was dreaming of multiple blue angels that were pointing with their hands towards a road. to a church
you need to start believing in God again remember the church and find it by its location name whatever the saint of this church want you to light a candle for them or smth in exchange
I had a dream of an angel she is tall and wearing a white dress and her wings is white holding a ball and played with me in the basketball court i felt very happy that i coudn’t explain it.
I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that I was outside, it was dark & there had just been a tornado. I’m talking to some woman and I look up & see several more funnel clouds.. I am pointing it out to the woman and all of a sudden an angel made completely of fire appears above me and keeps staring directly at me for some time.. It has a bow in it’s hand that is also made of flames– while staring at me it pulls it’s bow up and shoots it into the sky. It looks at me a moment more and flys away.
omg we have the same dream
ROBERT pray for god to remove that from your mind and remove that feeling. Pray for a shield of protection over life life. Ask god to let your angle guide you and protect you at all times. Tell that devil he is a lied and no weapons shall form and prosper against you in the name of Jesus.
Sorry I was trying to comment on somebody post
I dream a male angel wearing white long dress,he has white wings but his carrying big dark fork. His face is serious. He just stares at me while i just gape at him. Admiring his beauty. He said something that i can no longer recall exactly what he said to me. We were in my neighbors gate where we met in my dreams. I got this feeling of happy but scared.
Tell me please what it supposed to mean. It bothers me that much.
Was there more than one?
I had a dream of multiple male Angels flying towards the crowd of people waiting to see the Vatican in Rome. One angel flew towards me and asked can I have those? He meant my eyes.
Then all the Angels heard Bells and flew back in the church.
They had black pants and white shirts with black leather crisscross belt on the chest.
With white wings
Recently visited Rome and did not go to the Vatican
I was sick that day. My other group went and I stayed back.
What a weird coincidence!
Feeling blessed!
I had a dream where I have seeing multiple angels all over the sky and the cloud turn into angels with lovely white robe on. One of the angel came down and shook my hand and it was the beautiful feeling I have ever feel. The angel then look ad me and smile and went straight up back to the sky with the other angels
Ive had this dream too.
hi there please explain if possible
I dreamt me and my boyfriend were sitting next to each other and the sky suddenly turned reddish more like dark orange, and out of the blue a few angels appeared and touched my hand smiling..
I had a dream I was praying for someone and angels came down as I was praying.
I had a dream last night I was walking and in this tree were three small angels just sitting in the branches with their wings closed and hovering at the side was a beautiful large angel just flying and floating watching me ….Any ideas please xxbbxx
I was asleep on my couch, I was looking through my window starring at the clpuds but then suddenly I was outside and the white clouds started falling then soon stars started falling as well it was something so beautiful, then stars started converting into angels thousands of angels and they started flying around the sky in circles, I didnt see their faces but I saw their figures, they were completely white and made a sound sound fine that ive never ever in my entire life have heard, then suddenly I woke up and that was the end, can someone please help me out with the meaning to this dream id truly appreciate it
i had a dream of three white angels surrounded by light no wings. i was crying when they came. only one angel spoke. i felt encourage and peace when i woke up i just remember the name of the angel who spoke. and that is michael. i was not sure if it is the archangel i do not know what the dream meant..can you help me?
I have dreamt of angels lifting me into the air while singing songs of praise and worship to God. We flew around my room but my eyes were closed. I could only hear them and feel them hold me up but I did not open my eyes to see them. All I can describe from that is the fact that their voices are unbelievable and so was the feeling of utter euphoria. It felt like every worldly thought absolutely vanished. A taste of heaven perhaps? I don’t know. They then lay me down on my bed and I was awakened to total confusion. I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or not. This is not the first of such dreams either. I have been having them since I was young. Some people have told me that it is a bad omen, however I fail to see how it is. If anyone can interpret or help me understand this dream then please do.
Three white angels came to visit me while I was asleep. One female and two male. I was by the ocean in a home and they flew by and landed on my porch offering me to take there hand.
My dream last night was of an angelic being without wings. Female and wearing white. She was letting me know that I should be content and not regretful. That forgiveness is the answer to that. She was also comforting others around me.
I had a dream last night that I was an angel. I was protecting my friends with my wings from an anonymous threat. I had a dagger like blade in my hand. I had my wings around my friends as a shield. My wings were black like the night.
I have been watching a lot of SPN lately and Castiel is my favorite character but my dream felt real. And as soon as I woke up my upper back was very itchy like some thing was rubbing on my back there.
I couldn’t find any explanation for this dream so please help me.
Ive dream of two white angels and they are happy
I had a dream of a woman with long blonde hair in a ponytail in a suit and she said you passed. I dont know exactly what this means. Can somebody help me. I woke up happy that i passed a test. I have been looking for a sign because of how my life had turned out abuse, neglect, abandonment and been living in poverty as a single mother with no help. I was beginning to loose my faith until she appeared. But she was in a black suit. Does that mean danger.
I think that she is coming to reassure you. If she was wearing a business suit then that is good because if you see a business suit in your dreams you may end up with wealth in your future. Stay strong thing will get better.
I had a dream about angels and demons and the devil angel preparing for war I think the rapture is near I feel like I’m being watched and afraid too fall asleep I’ve seen demons in hell torturing people and and some pretty hard stuff I’m 13 and scared for my life I trusted God with my life but I’ve seen the devil in my dreams and afraid what is yet too come
Pray to God each night and call soon the Angel of that day. Each day is ruled by one archangel. Here is the list.
Monday: Gabriel
Wednesday: Raphael
Thursday: Castiel
Friday: Aneal
Saturday: Cassiel
Sunday: Michael
Robert, don’t think of the devil I’m the same age and yes, the devil is scary but if you give the devil power to scare you that’s only giving the devil the benefit. Pray to God, keep a rosary by your bed.
Stay strong. I can’t imagine what you’ve seen but try to get those thoughts out of your head.
Pray that’s all I have to say. Don’t think of the devil.
You don’t need a rosary just read the 23 psalms at bedtimes ask the Lord to give you sweet sleep and you will be ok