- Fire is a symbol of rejuvenation. It can cleanse and purify.
- Fire sustain us, but it can also destroy. We need warmth to survive, but uncontrolled fire can cause untold pain and destruction.
- Fire can provide illumination and show us the way when we are in the dark.
- Fire is also a symbol of war, might, aggression, and male power.
- Fire is linked to transformation and change. For example, the Phoenix is a bird of fire that after death, is reborn from the ashes of its predecessor.
Which of these meanings fire has in our dream will depend a lot on the surrounding context. In particular,
- Kindling a fire to serve our purposes is very different from a fire that is blazing out of control.
- A fire that warms and comforts us is different from a fire which causes fear and excruciating pain.
- The objects and people associated with the fire are also important.
This is why in dream interpretation, it is important to remember the details of our dream, for example through the use of a dream journal.

1. Dream of Fire and Control
If we dream that we are in control of the fire and are using it to serve our own needs, then fire has a positive meaning. It also signals that we want change to occur.
- Kindling a fire for others indicates that we are helping or guiding those around us. Sharing a campfire can also express a need or interest in socializing and companionship.
- Kindling a fire in our home, particularly during cold or inclement weather, suggests some imminent good fortune, we may be trying to conceive, or expecting a visit from close friends or family.
- Kindling a fire while on a journey shows that we are being creative, innovative, or leading a new venture.
- A controlled fire burning in the hearth signals comfort, warmth, and light. We may be contented with our current state of affairs. Searching for a hearth fire in our dream, may signal that we are seeking comfort and illumination in our life.
If the kindled fire is extinguished by rain in our dream, it could suggest a loss of money, job, comfort, or security.
On the other hand, if we are setting an uncontrolled fire with the purpose of destroying people, objects, and property (i.e. arson), then we are likely harboring some jealousy, bitterness, or hatred in our life toward a co-worker, friend, or relative.

- Dreaming we are setting fire to ourselves, indicates that we may be experiencing extreme stress or emotional turmoil in our life, and feel like we are burning up. It may also indicate that we want to remove some aspect of our life or personality.
- Dreaming we are a firefighter or are trying to put out a fire suggests that there are many complicated and high stress problems that are demanding our attention. There are perhaps many challenges that we may have to face and we will need to work hard to overcome them. Trying to stop a fire can also express a desire to prevent change in our life.
- Dreaming we are a fire eater shows that we have strong emotions, but they are currently being kept under control. However, if we become consumed by the fire, then our emotions may be starting to overwhelm us.
- Dreaming we are worshiping fire expresses a love for war or conflict. We may feel strongly that a resolution can only be achieved through the use of force or physical might. It may also indicate a wish for finding a more masculine partner, or the need to cultivate more masculine qualities in ourselves.

2. Dream of Fire and How We Feel

How we feel during our fire dream is also very important.
Feeling pain from being burned by our dream fire, may indicate that our current life situation is threatening and painful. There could be an unresolved issue that is causing us subconscious pain. We may be consumed by ambition, anger, frustration, and other strong emotions. We may be going through an emotionally painful break-up, or having difficult problems at work.
If we are struck by pain or discomfort from the heat of a blaze or feel its bite on our face, we may be worried of being the subject of slander, jealousy, spite, or other types of verbal and emotional abuse.
Feeling good or excited from seeing our heart on fire suggests strong positive emotions or love for someone in our life. We may currently be in an exciting relationship, and have intense desire toward our current partner.
Feeling tired or nothing at all from being burned by fire suggests that we are feeling burned-out or unmotivated.
Feeling fear and great uncertainty from a large out of control fire or firestorm signals a worry for insubordination, civic disorder, or chaos around us. There may be signs of unhappiness and insubordination at work or we may worry about social unrest in our current area. More black smoke indicates greater danger.
Feeling cool and comfortable in a fire represents a pure heart. We are confident of our current course in life, and are certain of our faith and decisions. There are no unresolved issues or deceits that are troubling us.
Feeling protected and safe in a fire may mean that we have a trusted partner or a strong support group of friends, family, or co-workers that will help keep us safe from whatever adversity that may arise in our life.

3. Dream of Fire and Objects
The objects in our fire dream are also very important for interpreting its meaning.
1. House.
A common object that appears in many fire dreams is a house. Our house or home often represents us or our family. Dreaming that our house is on fire may indicate large changes that are coming and uncertainty over those changes. It may also reflect tumultuous personal emotions, loss of mental peace, or being overwhelmed by strong feelings.
A raging uncontrolled fire in our town signals broader issues affecting our community. There could be economic issues that cause job losses or political unrest.
Finally, seeing the ruins of our house or town after a fire indicates loss and sadness. We may be worried of losing someone or something important to us (e.g. family, friends, job, money), or have recently experienced such a loss in our life.
2. Fire extinguisher.
Trying to put out a fire with an extinguisher represents a desperate need to suppress emotions and desires, or avoid changes that are happening in our life.
3. Other people.
If we see another person being burned, it shows that we have strong feelings or emotions toward that person. Whether those feelings are positive or negative will depend a lot on what we are feeling in our dream, and whether the person is comfortable or in pain from the fire.
Sharing the light of someone else’s fire may indicate a desire to share in the knowledge and companionship of others. We may be feeling lonely or stagnant, and be yearning for experiences with new people.

The Meaning of Fire Dreams
To interpret the meaning of our fire dreams, we want to pay attention to –
- Whether we are in control of the fire. In particular, did we start the fire and is the fire currently being used for our comfort, safety, and illumination.
- What we feel with regard to our dream fire. Were we afraid of it or comforted by its warmth? Were we comfortable and renewed by the fire, or did we feel pain and fear?
- Other objects and people in our dream.
Do you have many fire dreams? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

I dreamed I was in my mother’s home and an electrical cord that ran into the ceiling caught on fire and at first we thought it was out because we saw no more fire like it has just disappeared.. until the ceiling started falling in then we saw the attic above moms bedroom on fire. Then out of nowhere strangers appeared with buckets of water trying to put it out to no avail. While they were doing that, I then began frantically searching for a plastic container of baby items of a baby that passed away, screaming for someone help me find it as that’s all I had left of my baby boy. ( It was strange to me because although I had a miscarriage 20 years ago, I’ve never a full term unborn or infant to die). I finally found the container, barely, before the house was totally engulfed in flames. And me and my mom made it out and I instantly woke up at that point.
I dream I’m in a void well just darkness nothing else around me accept a can of gasoline which I use to pour over myself and than I light a match and drop it on the ground. The Fire rises up surrounds me. At first I’m warm and sad but then I feel the worst pain imaginable but I’m happy at this as I know it’s about to end. It’s all going to end. The pain finally end.
Fire surrounding me as I approach a golden cage. Inside it is a powerful goddess with flames around her head. Clearly a cross roads of my religious views. Unsure if I interpreted the message. I stopped the path I was on for fear her wild nature freed would lead to a life of danger.
I dreamt that I was with my husband and fire balls were coming towards our hotel. We were supposed to be there for the weekend alone without the kids. I saw the fire balls coming towards next to the hotel and started to pack my stuff immediately to leave. I was worried about being locked in the hotel
I dreamt that I was back home with my parents they were asleep while was studying and at about 3.30am I noticed the side of our house was on fire. I woke my parents up to get out we all get out safely. I then returned with a hose and started putting out the orange flames. There was a big screen Tv with little screens around it i sprayed it with water and put the flames out. To my surprise the tvs were still working. I put the rest of the fire out which had spread to the opposite corner of the house. We then went around the house investigating how the fire started and found that the fires were set from opposite sides of the house but we had no idea who could have started it.
In my dream of fire. I was just passing in a car without any feelings just looking at a large fire along a fence and into a field. Please give me an idea of the meaning
I dream this morning of my parents house burning down nobody was in the house but everyone was outside I was warning them but nobody was hearing me and I know burn started burning the house it is my ex . What does this dream mean ?
I have a repeated dream of fire burning in my gas while cooking as if it want to explode, but it won’t. Sometimes I will forcefully put my hand In the burning gas and turn it down but it won’t off completely
My husband died. Yesterday and I dreamt of ears of corn being burnt in a fire
I had the same dream 3 times in a row. My friends and classmates set our (mine and moms) car on fire, and then used to fire to burn everything we owned. When we tried to stop them, they used our glass and porcelain things to try to kill us.
I dream about our house that people alarm us to get out of our current house and we saw smoke and fire then theres people we love that we use to be with with that house and they are dead long time ago they help us out of the fire and a white dog come cross to me like a worried and like want me to get out of the house… then we were like opening a door that we will evacuated as the house was burned down 😥 and I woke up cold because My blankets are thin and our fan was too much, I then pray because I’m afraid is an understatement 😰
I had a dream where my wife and three children were in a pick up truck (possibly my truck). I told my wife to get out of the truck. our three children were in the back seat covered with paper debris. i then set fire to the truck and we walked away. I remember seeing one of my children’s face with a surprised look. afterwards, I felt terrible for doing what I did. later someone told us that they found two suspects that had caused the accident to our vehicle. This dream leaves me puzzled as to what the Lord is trying to tell me.
I dreamt about flame of fire burning from between cracked rocked on a path way.
I just had a dream me and my grade were on a field trip and this one kid that is always been a bully to me was there and him and most of the other guys were trying to kill everyone else. They set the building on fire and chased us. We got on to the buses to try and get away but the lit the on fire too.