- Fire is a symbol of rejuvenation. It can cleanse and purify.
- Fire sustain us, but it can also destroy. We need warmth to survive, but uncontrolled fire can cause untold pain and destruction.
- Fire can provide illumination and show us the way when we are in the dark.
- Fire is also a symbol of war, might, aggression, and male power.
- Fire is linked to transformation and change. For example, the Phoenix is a bird of fire that after death, is reborn from the ashes of its predecessor.
Which of these meanings fire has in our dream will depend a lot on the surrounding context. In particular,
- Kindling a fire to serve our purposes is very different from a fire that is blazing out of control.
- A fire that warms and comforts us is different from a fire which causes fear and excruciating pain.
- The objects and people associated with the fire are also important.
This is why in dream interpretation, it is important to remember the details of our dream, for example through the use of a dream journal.

1. Dream of Fire and Control
If we dream that we are in control of the fire and are using it to serve our own needs, then fire has a positive meaning. It also signals that we want change to occur.
- Kindling a fire for others indicates that we are helping or guiding those around us. Sharing a campfire can also express a need or interest in socializing and companionship.
- Kindling a fire in our home, particularly during cold or inclement weather, suggests some imminent good fortune, we may be trying to conceive, or expecting a visit from close friends or family.
- Kindling a fire while on a journey shows that we are being creative, innovative, or leading a new venture.
- A controlled fire burning in the hearth signals comfort, warmth, and light. We may be contented with our current state of affairs. Searching for a hearth fire in our dream, may signal that we are seeking comfort and illumination in our life.
If the kindled fire is extinguished by rain in our dream, it could suggest a loss of money, job, comfort, or security.
On the other hand, if we are setting an uncontrolled fire with the purpose of destroying people, objects, and property (i.e. arson), then we are likely harboring some jealousy, bitterness, or hatred in our life toward a co-worker, friend, or relative.

- Dreaming we are setting fire to ourselves, indicates that we may be experiencing extreme stress or emotional turmoil in our life, and feel like we are burning up. It may also indicate that we want to remove some aspect of our life or personality.
- Dreaming we are a firefighter or are trying to put out a fire suggests that there are many complicated and high stress problems that are demanding our attention. There are perhaps many challenges that we may have to face and we will need to work hard to overcome them. Trying to stop a fire can also express a desire to prevent change in our life.
- Dreaming we are a fire eater shows that we have strong emotions, but they are currently being kept under control. However, if we become consumed by the fire, then our emotions may be starting to overwhelm us.
- Dreaming we are worshiping fire expresses a love for war or conflict. We may feel strongly that a resolution can only be achieved through the use of force or physical might. It may also indicate a wish for finding a more masculine partner, or the need to cultivate more masculine qualities in ourselves.

2. Dream of Fire and How We Feel

How we feel during our fire dream is also very important.
Feeling pain from being burned by our dream fire, may indicate that our current life situation is threatening and painful. There could be an unresolved issue that is causing us subconscious pain. We may be consumed by ambition, anger, frustration, and other strong emotions. We may be going through an emotionally painful break-up, or having difficult problems at work.
If we are struck by pain or discomfort from the heat of a blaze or feel its bite on our face, we may be worried of being the subject of slander, jealousy, spite, or other types of verbal and emotional abuse.
Feeling good or excited from seeing our heart on fire suggests strong positive emotions or love for someone in our life. We may currently be in an exciting relationship, and have intense desire toward our current partner.
Feeling tired or nothing at all from being burned by fire suggests that we are feeling burned-out or unmotivated.
Feeling fear and great uncertainty from a large out of control fire or firestorm signals a worry for insubordination, civic disorder, or chaos around us. There may be signs of unhappiness and insubordination at work or we may worry about social unrest in our current area. More black smoke indicates greater danger.
Feeling cool and comfortable in a fire represents a pure heart. We are confident of our current course in life, and are certain of our faith and decisions. There are no unresolved issues or deceits that are troubling us.
Feeling protected and safe in a fire may mean that we have a trusted partner or a strong support group of friends, family, or co-workers that will help keep us safe from whatever adversity that may arise in our life.

3. Dream of Fire and Objects
The objects in our fire dream are also very important for interpreting its meaning.
1. House.
A common object that appears in many fire dreams is a house. Our house or home often represents us or our family. Dreaming that our house is on fire may indicate large changes that are coming and uncertainty over those changes. It may also reflect tumultuous personal emotions, loss of mental peace, or being overwhelmed by strong feelings.
A raging uncontrolled fire in our town signals broader issues affecting our community. There could be economic issues that cause job losses or political unrest.
Finally, seeing the ruins of our house or town after a fire indicates loss and sadness. We may be worried of losing someone or something important to us (e.g. family, friends, job, money), or have recently experienced such a loss in our life.
2. Fire extinguisher.
Trying to put out a fire with an extinguisher represents a desperate need to suppress emotions and desires, or avoid changes that are happening in our life.
3. Other people.
If we see another person being burned, it shows that we have strong feelings or emotions toward that person. Whether those feelings are positive or negative will depend a lot on what we are feeling in our dream, and whether the person is comfortable or in pain from the fire.
Sharing the light of someone else’s fire may indicate a desire to share in the knowledge and companionship of others. We may be feeling lonely or stagnant, and be yearning for experiences with new people.

The Meaning of Fire Dreams
To interpret the meaning of our fire dreams, we want to pay attention to –
- Whether we are in control of the fire. In particular, did we start the fire and is the fire currently being used for our comfort, safety, and illumination.
- What we feel with regard to our dream fire. Were we afraid of it or comforted by its warmth? Were we comfortable and renewed by the fire, or did we feel pain and fear?
- Other objects and people in our dream.
Do you have many fire dreams? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

I had a dream last night that my home is burning. We were away with my family and my father was the only person left at home. I saw two people on my way home who is running in the direction towards our home but I didn’t feel worried because I didn’t think the opinion about if they burn my house. Then suddenly someone called my mother informing us that our house was on fire. Then we ran quickly as we can. I saw my papa fighting over the fire alone but our house was already burn into ashes. Then again I saw a strong smile on my fathers face. I don’t see any worried look from him after everything he loss. In the end I am just thankful nothing bad happen to him. Then I wake up confused what’s going on. SO bothered Someone help
I had this dream when i was a kid, probably in my elementary days, though this dream not vivid..i dream about a building(im not sure if it is a building I only saw the side view of it) that was set on fire …the place is unfamiliar and i was crying and shouting “daddy” then there’s someone who keeps holding me because i was persistent to go through that building. When I wake up I ask my mother if she know someone that called “daddy”..she said no..it was ages ago and i still remember that dream.
I had a dream that a bad storm rolled in. The clouds were black and had red/orange in them. I knew this meant it was a killer storm and yelled for everyone around me to get into the building we were next to. As I did so, my father saw that someone had been struck by the storm and was on fire. He ran out into the storm to get that person. It ended up being my brother. He and his family were there. So my dad helped carry him, and then I started to work on helping him buy addressing the wound with my sister-in-law. This is when I woke up. Intense!
For years I’ve dreamt of being trapped in a burning house, unable to find my way out. Sometimes I’m alone in the house and sometimes there are other people there too. But recently it’s changed. I’m outside, running through a maze of neighborhoods trying to escape a crazy wildfire that is so close that if I reached out I could touch the flames.
Both types of my dreams, I feel overwhelmed by the heat of the flames, panic, sometimes pain as if I’ve been burned. Terrified and unable to see well through the smoke, I always wake petrified and thinking my surroundings are on fire. If anyone knows the meaning behind these, please do share. They are becoming more frequent and I crave a good nights sleep.
Had a dream today that,the old building of thatched and palm tree sticks buildings of my grandmum had burn today with all my certificates and from no where my long time friend from basic schools from another country just appeared from no where whilst i was in deep pain and crying in my dream also…My grandmum is dead and the building to is abandoned and none of my certificates to are not there.. That’s what is baffling me
I’ve never had a dream like this before but I had a dream about me and my boyfriend and we had a kid, I was also with a friend and a cousin, all of the sudden something blows up and we run into this house bc we couldnt just run from the fire coming at us so we all held hands so wed die together or something and it’s like I felt real pain/ burning on my back while i was sleeping. I wanna know what it means..
Well I was dreaming about my dad and I setting up a fire in the fire place inside the house. The fire was running for a few minutes when out of no where my Christmas tree got caught by its flames and started burning down. The whole tree burned down but nothing else in the house did. My dad and I threw the tree outside the house with barley in flames, but this would then cause the trees outside to get caught as well. I found a hose and started putting down all those flames and then everything went back to normal. No one got hurt
My daughter keep having a dream someone is trying to set me and her on fire . The first time it was a guy I was seeing and she said he set us in fire . The second dream was last night and she stated we were in her car and we seen someone kill someone and they realized we were there and saw ya calling 9-1-1 and they set our car on fire . But we jumped out just in time before it blew up . I have no clue what this dream mean
I don’t know alot of the details but from what I rmeber It was my house in the left corner by the window. it had caught fire and all the girls in my year from school including myself had burns on our faces and legs and everywhere on our body. I didn’t see anyone’s but mine. I was wondering if you could explain as I’m not sure it was my house but maybe a school but with my room in? I have a fear of fire. please explain to me
I dreamt that there were 3 men. These guys are not familiar to me. Some how they got the idea to burn children for electrical power. They experimented with themselfs first 2 of the 3 men burnt themselves in a wooden tunnel the third man was there horrified they would do this. He survived then fueled his car on children. I wasnt there for this. But found out the remaining man was doing this to fuel his car. I couldn’t understand the logic didnt it take more energy to burn them and keep them on fire then it produced energy. Why was this man so passionate about doing this. I wanted him to find a better way. There was more to the dream but this was the fire part. Very disturbing.
I was dreaming of riding down the road and there was a tunnel and it was the only way I could go. So I kept going straight and then I saw fire and I couldn’t go anywhere else and then I drove into it and I started getting hot and I started praying to God to take care of my grand granddaughters and family. Then I started thanking God for all of my blessings and I was in the fire and didn’t really think of being hot but I was getting in the fire and just wanted to pray. And then the
I saw myself as a child of 12 or 13 yrs (now I am 16) but my figure was not familiar , I was shouting at my father for reading anti-party newspaper , my elder sister also supported me and my mother was in bathroom. Then suddenly 7-8 teenagers knocked our door me and my sister went to open , we saw they were very aggressive and some of them pushed us inside our house then locked all the doors which opens outside and a guy shouted “set their house on fire” and others started spreading kerosene oil around our house , then we were trying to escape but mom was not with us so we didn’t .
I was burning a log trying to get to the good wood from the middle? a breeze came and started lighting up the trees. I wrote a note for 1 of my sons to get a hose. It started to light up people’s houses. The police put me in the back of their car but kept yelling at me for proof of the note that i tried to help, I remember being pissed I couldn’t get my phone and they told me I destroyed too much to deserve my things & they left me crying in the car while they went in a store. Obviously this is the cliff notes but I’m guessing it means I’m as FD up as I feel these days?
Last night I had a dream I had a person become obsessesed with me and would not let me leave there house it got weird and actually quite scary and in the dream I’ve just managed to escape the house and I’ve got in my car and managed to get away then I crash the car about five minutes down the street and find a bicycle and I start cycling as fast as I can and all of a sudden I’m at an aleey that I know and decide to take the shortcut I would normally go through except this time the shortcut takes you into someone’s garden and there’s no way round so I go back to main road to see the way and all of a sudden the ground is all ashy and the air is starting to get smokey and when I turned around I see somebody I know and I’m asking him is he OK? And what’s going on and he said there was a fire wave and then all of a sudden it just becomes really hot burning hot and then I wake up…
I dreamt that I was in a house with my husband ( I’m not married) although in my dream I referred to him as my husband and some other family I didn’t recognize but I clearly knew they were. There was an argument and I went outside where there were a lot of birds and I was wearing high heels. The patriarch (old man) yelled at me to shut the birds up. I yelled back saying they’re just birds and if you keep this up I’m not letting you see your grandchildren when you get some. His kids came at me with knives and the police showed up. Somehow the police left and this family locked all the entrances to the house so I couldn’t escape and started throwing lit matches onto the carpet and the house started to fill up with smoke and small areas of fire. I woke up crying for my cat.
I dreamt I was visiting an old friend and his wife and baby girl. While I was lighting candles to decorate their stairway, a breeze blew on the flames and a small persistent fire started. I tried to put it out but it continued. I rang the fire brigade who came and put it out. There was little damage and no fuss but I was afraid my friend and his wife were annoyed with me.
I SEEN A family run from a burning house . The two kids backs were in fire when they came closer to me I asked them to lie on the DAMP grass on there backs that did put out the flames .ONE OF THE KIDS LAUGHED WITH RELIEF I woke up after giving the small children a cuddle . .. what does this mean ?. Was quite disturbed by this dream when I woke up.
I dreamt that my 10 year old nephew walks into the room we were in with his legs on fire. I got up and grabbed a bowl and started to fill it with water. In the meantime I’m yelling for him to get down and roll to put out the fire.. He did not do it. I dumped water on him numerous times until it finally went out. There were a few times the fire came back. He seemed to handled it well and I don’t remember pancaking but feeling a little bit of fear for him and the pain he would be in. But I remember other people being in the room but no one helping him but me. What does this mean. In awakening, it makes me sad to rethink of my nephew burning.
We are celebrating our oldest for her first car and our second oldest walked over to the new car and set it on fire, she did not acknowledge the familk concerns or worry faces but kept walking and while she walked away.she was setting others things on fire.
I am a man that had a vision of a house or e.i. building engulfed with flame it never burned out it just kept consuming the house or e.i. building and a cloaked from head to toe man or woman or person was coming and going to and fro and back again pointing at the house as though it were a warning or sign
Repent and give your life to Jesus and that is the sign and the meaning of the dream