- Fire is a symbol of rejuvenation. It can cleanse and purify.
- Fire sustain us, but it can also destroy. We need warmth to survive, but uncontrolled fire can cause untold pain and destruction.
- Fire can provide illumination and show us the way when we are in the dark.
- Fire is also a symbol of war, might, aggression, and male power.
- Fire is linked to transformation and change. For example, the Phoenix is a bird of fire that after death, is reborn from the ashes of its predecessor.
Which of these meanings fire has in our dream will depend a lot on the surrounding context. In particular,
- Kindling a fire to serve our purposes is very different from a fire that is blazing out of control.
- A fire that warms and comforts us is different from a fire which causes fear and excruciating pain.
- The objects and people associated with the fire are also important.
This is why in dream interpretation, it is important to remember the details of our dream, for example through the use of a dream journal.

1. Dream of Fire and Control
If we dream that we are in control of the fire and are using it to serve our own needs, then fire has a positive meaning. It also signals that we want change to occur.
- Kindling a fire for others indicates that we are helping or guiding those around us. Sharing a campfire can also express a need or interest in socializing and companionship.
- Kindling a fire in our home, particularly during cold or inclement weather, suggests some imminent good fortune, we may be trying to conceive, or expecting a visit from close friends or family.
- Kindling a fire while on a journey shows that we are being creative, innovative, or leading a new venture.
- A controlled fire burning in the hearth signals comfort, warmth, and light. We may be contented with our current state of affairs. Searching for a hearth fire in our dream, may signal that we are seeking comfort and illumination in our life.
If the kindled fire is extinguished by rain in our dream, it could suggest a loss of money, job, comfort, or security.
On the other hand, if we are setting an uncontrolled fire with the purpose of destroying people, objects, and property (i.e. arson), then we are likely harboring some jealousy, bitterness, or hatred in our life toward a co-worker, friend, or relative.

- Dreaming we are setting fire to ourselves, indicates that we may be experiencing extreme stress or emotional turmoil in our life, and feel like we are burning up. It may also indicate that we want to remove some aspect of our life or personality.
- Dreaming we are a firefighter or are trying to put out a fire suggests that there are many complicated and high stress problems that are demanding our attention. There are perhaps many challenges that we may have to face and we will need to work hard to overcome them. Trying to stop a fire can also express a desire to prevent change in our life.
- Dreaming we are a fire eater shows that we have strong emotions, but they are currently being kept under control. However, if we become consumed by the fire, then our emotions may be starting to overwhelm us.
- Dreaming we are worshiping fire expresses a love for war or conflict. We may feel strongly that a resolution can only be achieved through the use of force or physical might. It may also indicate a wish for finding a more masculine partner, or the need to cultivate more masculine qualities in ourselves.

2. Dream of Fire and How We Feel

How we feel during our fire dream is also very important.
Feeling pain from being burned by our dream fire, may indicate that our current life situation is threatening and painful. There could be an unresolved issue that is causing us subconscious pain. We may be consumed by ambition, anger, frustration, and other strong emotions. We may be going through an emotionally painful break-up, or having difficult problems at work.
If we are struck by pain or discomfort from the heat of a blaze or feel its bite on our face, we may be worried of being the subject of slander, jealousy, spite, or other types of verbal and emotional abuse.
Feeling good or excited from seeing our heart on fire suggests strong positive emotions or love for someone in our life. We may currently be in an exciting relationship, and have intense desire toward our current partner.
Feeling tired or nothing at all from being burned by fire suggests that we are feeling burned-out or unmotivated.
Feeling fear and great uncertainty from a large out of control fire or firestorm signals a worry for insubordination, civic disorder, or chaos around us. There may be signs of unhappiness and insubordination at work or we may worry about social unrest in our current area. More black smoke indicates greater danger.
Feeling cool and comfortable in a fire represents a pure heart. We are confident of our current course in life, and are certain of our faith and decisions. There are no unresolved issues or deceits that are troubling us.
Feeling protected and safe in a fire may mean that we have a trusted partner or a strong support group of friends, family, or co-workers that will help keep us safe from whatever adversity that may arise in our life.

3. Dream of Fire and Objects
The objects in our fire dream are also very important for interpreting its meaning.
1. House.
A common object that appears in many fire dreams is a house. Our house or home often represents us or our family. Dreaming that our house is on fire may indicate large changes that are coming and uncertainty over those changes. It may also reflect tumultuous personal emotions, loss of mental peace, or being overwhelmed by strong feelings.
A raging uncontrolled fire in our town signals broader issues affecting our community. There could be economic issues that cause job losses or political unrest.
Finally, seeing the ruins of our house or town after a fire indicates loss and sadness. We may be worried of losing someone or something important to us (e.g. family, friends, job, money), or have recently experienced such a loss in our life.
2. Fire extinguisher.
Trying to put out a fire with an extinguisher represents a desperate need to suppress emotions and desires, or avoid changes that are happening in our life.
3. Other people.
If we see another person being burned, it shows that we have strong feelings or emotions toward that person. Whether those feelings are positive or negative will depend a lot on what we are feeling in our dream, and whether the person is comfortable or in pain from the fire.
Sharing the light of someone else’s fire may indicate a desire to share in the knowledge and companionship of others. We may be feeling lonely or stagnant, and be yearning for experiences with new people.

The Meaning of Fire Dreams
To interpret the meaning of our fire dreams, we want to pay attention to –
- Whether we are in control of the fire. In particular, did we start the fire and is the fire currently being used for our comfort, safety, and illumination.
- What we feel with regard to our dream fire. Were we afraid of it or comforted by its warmth? Were we comfortable and renewed by the fire, or did we feel pain and fear?
- Other objects and people in our dream.
Do you have many fire dreams? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

After getting in the worst fight w husband I cried myself to sleep and dreamt I was in a bedroom relaxing when a tree outside the room window caught fire and it came thru the window and burnt me and some furniture. I tried extinguishing it w a waterhose but it angered the fire. I thought it was put out so I returned and so did the fire. I ran out and closed the door and saw my self in another place starting over.
I’m leaving in one room I dream my room catching fire from electricity box but not flame and I starting to take all the furniture outside with my child
At 10 yrs old it was my job to light the fire so as we could boil the kettle. My dreams as an adult I am back in family home and trying to get a fire lit. It is a good feeling when it takes light. I dream of wanting to keep the fire banked up to keep it going through the night. Our gas had been cut off due to no cash to pay the bill. But I loved the coal fire and wish I had one now.
I had a dream I was sitting in the middle of a room and all 4 walls were on fire. No door or windows but I wasn’t scared I felt nothing. Just sat there looking at the flames.
This is the second time that I can remember in my life I have dreamt about the world is ending , through fire. I can’t really remember the first one, but this one the fire was closing in on us all. I was looking for my children then I found one youngest child was like on some kind of bridge, I was hoping my oldest was there so I was looking for her and I was hoping to make it to up and we go together, but my oldest child was not wit her farther and sister and I couldn’t get to them. I seen the fire cover the full bridge and i vould no longer see their bodies, others on bridge was screaming, but my ex didn’t I got a feeling in dream he didn’t want to have my child hear he was in pain. My child on the bridge in the fire also had her best friend with her on the bridge, but my child didn’t cry ot scream when she was lost in fire , she was singing and I got feeling she was not in any pain. I split from my children’s farther over two years but before the fire started I heard my ex talking bad about me.
So then I spoke with my oldest on phone and she said that she was with my sister and they were heading to this place, were there’s some kind of under ground thing that might save us.
Also throughout out dream my boyfriend the person I with now just over a year and three months in the dream he was slowing me down , he didn’t understand what was fully going on , so I was trying to explain the world us ending were going to be burnt alive, then he understood but he just started crying just sitting there, and I had to go , in the dream I got a feeling he was trying to keep me with him so we die together, so I said to him stop crying and get up if he was coming , I didn’t want to leave him alone and I went and he followed then . Then I rang my child’s phone again but the phone line signal was gone but I knew were they were so I was trying to make it there and then I woke up.
What is the meaning of this dream ?? I feel it may have few different meanings in it??
Please send me back to this please ❤💛
I dreamt I was in a house and it caught on fire. I escaped the house but turned around and saw people in windows in the house, they were distressed, screaming and scrambling to get out. I turned and saw a car on fire and people in the car, in the same state as the people in the house. None of them escaped and I was unable to help them. I could only watch. I woke up scared and really disturbed by this dream. The people’s reactions were scarier than the fire. The people in the house were on the ground floor so should have been able to jump out the window. The people in the car could have opened the car door and stepped out. I don’t recall knowing any of these people.
I dream that the head of soldier being apprehended his the highest position. in his anger he release the rocket and fire blow to all the people under his jurisdiction.
i saw my mom my late father my sister and my youngest son looking at the sky with fear some fire ball drop infront of us we continue escaping from it the dream setting is the church place but in my the church is not yet there.
My fire dream was about death. Not of a specific person but of me and everything around me.
But repeated itself but Instead of complete fire devastation it was flood waters and I survived. But could t find my family anywhere
I dreamt of a burning house. Nobody came to help and it just kept burning and burning and I kept screaming and screaming.
Why are fire dreams always so bad and scary?
In my dream I saw an old man in a cavity who obviously needed help. People passed by him, but no one helped him. As I saw him in that condition I was touched to help him. I took him out of that crater, then he became stronger than before. I saw a young boy perhaps the man’s son who wanted to hit me with a stick for helping that old man. But I saw myself with that same stick which I used to hit him instead. The old man became very organised and started putting things in order. Then I saw in the man’s compound, three separate fires burning. Each fire was separate and in each of them were firewoods and fresh leaves. It started raining heavily but the rain couldn’t extinguish none of the fires. I would like to understand the meaning of that dream please if anybody can help.
Had a dream of being in a house with 4 girls i only remember one of the girls names and there was a fire and i was saying don’t die don’t die in my sleep what does that mean
I don’t have many dreams unless things are bothering me in life. At first they scare me, but then I seek out what they mean. I was renting a house from someone and my son was there he started burning fire in his chest. I could see it, red and orange biting in chest chest. He was in pain begging me to help it stop. When he passed some he would touch it and it was set on fire. We were both freaking out. The fire in him stopped and we both hugged each other. A few minutes later the fire in him started again. He started acting scared, I was upset started praying. I felt powerful I had some white cream in my hand. Lathered my sons chest and they fire started leaving or calming down. I told him he had to get a hold of what’s bothering him. God have him the fire power of protection. And he had to take all the worrisome problem think how to fix them. Then his fire could help others and him.
I dreamt I climbed into a hole which brought me into a small room of a house. Once I was in the people behind me nailed shut the entrance and set it okn fire. I woke screaming trying to get out. When I woke my toe nail was ripped up from kicking the wall and I had thrown my portable air conditioner across my bedroom.
What about a fire that is hidden? I keep having a dream of one of my childhood homes catching fire..There are smoke alarms going off and I’m confused in my dream bc I don’t see a fire. So I go searching to find out where it’s coming from and it’s always a single room with smoke coming from it…I don’t initially see anything and then I see cracks in the wall glowing. It’s like the fire is within the walls and I put it out by pouring water on the walls….this is a reoccurring dream, never the same house but always the fire is within the walls only revealing itself by cracks in the floor or wall that glow from the fire.
Part of in my dream – It was night time, I was on an empty freeway in a car (just me in the backseat and no one else) Then the car stopped but not slowly just immediately with no natural movement. We (I feel like we is the right word because I didn’t feel alone) stopped at Loo Moose Rd, I looked on my left side window and a fire starts at from no where; 5ft away from the car on the middle of the highway. I was cool and comfortable (The fire was pretty) I Just called 911 and I was just telling them as it was happening. The fire was little at first, then it got fireplace bigger, just enough for it to dance… it starts to fade, as it was fading it flew up in the air and left as it was gone but you can still see the little paper like sparks it left behind. (I think it left behind a burnt long sheet of paper). Ends right there. What does the car represent/mean?
This is my second dream about fire but I cannot see it because it is always burning behind a building.. you can’t see the fire actually but you can see the smouldering flames in the background. What does that mean?
I had a dream that me and my girlfriend of two years, we were standing together holding onto each other looking up at the sky. It was on fire almost like the scene from independence day when the space ships are entering earth. the clouds were rolling as far as i can see with fire in them also bursts of fire. trees and grass around us were starting to catch fire. it was getting hot and seem like there was this orange and red glow in the environment around us. we were both scared but at the same time we accepted it. was almost like we were accepting death or we found comfort in each other even tho it was terrifying. i remember we were hugging each other tightly, never had a dream like that before and dont know what to think of it.
I just woke up in a pool of sweat I was having a dream everyone I loved was in it and someone I didn’t recognize at all. Next thing to happen was the intense alarm going off the the woods starting on fire and when I looked back all those people were Ingulfed in fire then I turned around and ran and then there was nothing just me in darkness. Anyone have any good meaning to this I can’t figure it out.
I dreamt that I went into a room filled with fire, a sacred sacrificial fire and I came out. I was then able to turn on and off these flames all around my body, even coming from my fingertips. they didn’t hurt, they just illuminated me.