- Fire is a symbol of rejuvenation. It can cleanse and purify.
- Fire sustain us, but it can also destroy. We need warmth to survive, but uncontrolled fire can cause untold pain and destruction.
- Fire can provide illumination and show us the way when we are in the dark.
- Fire is also a symbol of war, might, aggression, and male power.
- Fire is linked to transformation and change. For example, the Phoenix is a bird of fire that after death, is reborn from the ashes of its predecessor.
Which of these meanings fire has in our dream will depend a lot on the surrounding context. In particular,
- Kindling a fire to serve our purposes is very different from a fire that is blazing out of control.
- A fire that warms and comforts us is different from a fire which causes fear and excruciating pain.
- The objects and people associated with the fire are also important.
This is why in dream interpretation, it is important to remember the details of our dream, for example through the use of a dream journal.

1. Dream of Fire and Control
If we dream that we are in control of the fire and are using it to serve our own needs, then fire has a positive meaning. It also signals that we want change to occur.
- Kindling a fire for others indicates that we are helping or guiding those around us. Sharing a campfire can also express a need or interest in socializing and companionship.
- Kindling a fire in our home, particularly during cold or inclement weather, suggests some imminent good fortune, we may be trying to conceive, or expecting a visit from close friends or family.
- Kindling a fire while on a journey shows that we are being creative, innovative, or leading a new venture.
- A controlled fire burning in the hearth signals comfort, warmth, and light. We may be contented with our current state of affairs. Searching for a hearth fire in our dream, may signal that we are seeking comfort and illumination in our life.
If the kindled fire is extinguished by rain in our dream, it could suggest a loss of money, job, comfort, or security.
On the other hand, if we are setting an uncontrolled fire with the purpose of destroying people, objects, and property (i.e. arson), then we are likely harboring some jealousy, bitterness, or hatred in our life toward a co-worker, friend, or relative.

- Dreaming we are setting fire to ourselves, indicates that we may be experiencing extreme stress or emotional turmoil in our life, and feel like we are burning up. It may also indicate that we want to remove some aspect of our life or personality.
- Dreaming we are a firefighter or are trying to put out a fire suggests that there are many complicated and high stress problems that are demanding our attention. There are perhaps many challenges that we may have to face and we will need to work hard to overcome them. Trying to stop a fire can also express a desire to prevent change in our life.
- Dreaming we are a fire eater shows that we have strong emotions, but they are currently being kept under control. However, if we become consumed by the fire, then our emotions may be starting to overwhelm us.
- Dreaming we are worshiping fire expresses a love for war or conflict. We may feel strongly that a resolution can only be achieved through the use of force or physical might. It may also indicate a wish for finding a more masculine partner, or the need to cultivate more masculine qualities in ourselves.

2. Dream of Fire and How We Feel

How we feel during our fire dream is also very important.
Feeling pain from being burned by our dream fire, may indicate that our current life situation is threatening and painful. There could be an unresolved issue that is causing us subconscious pain. We may be consumed by ambition, anger, frustration, and other strong emotions. We may be going through an emotionally painful break-up, or having difficult problems at work.
If we are struck by pain or discomfort from the heat of a blaze or feel its bite on our face, we may be worried of being the subject of slander, jealousy, spite, or other types of verbal and emotional abuse.
Feeling good or excited from seeing our heart on fire suggests strong positive emotions or love for someone in our life. We may currently be in an exciting relationship, and have intense desire toward our current partner.
Feeling tired or nothing at all from being burned by fire suggests that we are feeling burned-out or unmotivated.
Feeling fear and great uncertainty from a large out of control fire or firestorm signals a worry for insubordination, civic disorder, or chaos around us. There may be signs of unhappiness and insubordination at work or we may worry about social unrest in our current area. More black smoke indicates greater danger.
Feeling cool and comfortable in a fire represents a pure heart. We are confident of our current course in life, and are certain of our faith and decisions. There are no unresolved issues or deceits that are troubling us.
Feeling protected and safe in a fire may mean that we have a trusted partner or a strong support group of friends, family, or co-workers that will help keep us safe from whatever adversity that may arise in our life.

3. Dream of Fire and Objects
The objects in our fire dream are also very important for interpreting its meaning.
1. House.
A common object that appears in many fire dreams is a house. Our house or home often represents us or our family. Dreaming that our house is on fire may indicate large changes that are coming and uncertainty over those changes. It may also reflect tumultuous personal emotions, loss of mental peace, or being overwhelmed by strong feelings.
A raging uncontrolled fire in our town signals broader issues affecting our community. There could be economic issues that cause job losses or political unrest.
Finally, seeing the ruins of our house or town after a fire indicates loss and sadness. We may be worried of losing someone or something important to us (e.g. family, friends, job, money), or have recently experienced such a loss in our life.
2. Fire extinguisher.
Trying to put out a fire with an extinguisher represents a desperate need to suppress emotions and desires, or avoid changes that are happening in our life.
3. Other people.
If we see another person being burned, it shows that we have strong feelings or emotions toward that person. Whether those feelings are positive or negative will depend a lot on what we are feeling in our dream, and whether the person is comfortable or in pain from the fire.
Sharing the light of someone else’s fire may indicate a desire to share in the knowledge and companionship of others. We may be feeling lonely or stagnant, and be yearning for experiences with new people.

The Meaning of Fire Dreams
To interpret the meaning of our fire dreams, we want to pay attention to –
- Whether we are in control of the fire. In particular, did we start the fire and is the fire currently being used for our comfort, safety, and illumination.
- What we feel with regard to our dream fire. Were we afraid of it or comforted by its warmth? Were we comfortable and renewed by the fire, or did we feel pain and fear?
- Other objects and people in our dream.
Do you have many fire dreams? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

Hi.I’m a girl. I dreamt so weird that I was attending a seminar or I was in a class room Im confuse
Don’t know but I saw man and woman like couples and I saw one person I knew my batchmate in elemtary he’s also there while the lecturer talk in front of us suddenly there’s an explosion and fire from the stove its like some one cooking inside the room where we are, we run outside I don’t know what happened to the people there me, I had a first degree burn in my arm and staring the fire like nothing no emotion and then slightly fear. Outside I saw my girl neighbor from my home town. She run also we run away from the burning establishment or building during our scape from that fire we saw people selling televisions, computers or gadgets I think they steal those gadgets and then I woke up. I hope can some one interpret my dream. Thank you so much.
I just dreamed about someone from my past “never told her what I feel about her” from my college days. I saw her renting an apartment near our place with her family, and I was shocked why she was there since I knew that their family is kinda rich x.x then I started walking towards her, waving my arms to get her attention. Then we talked, and talked and talked and talked. She told me what happened. Then the last thing I remember was I’m about to hug her, and then my daughter (2 years old) just slapped me then I woke up and remembered I was married to someone else who I really love. I guess I’m just missing that person.
My dream of fire was wierd and bad..i happen to pass by a petrol station, and then a car with people inside catches fire, I see people trying to help put out the fire, and then a popular musician in my country who is also passing by, but looks battered(like he’s just been in a bloody fight or an accident, because his footwear was in his hands) utters sarcastically “you guys are trying to save people burning in a fire?”. The people around try putting out the fire, but there seems not to be enough water in the hose, and then the fire then engulfs the whole bus with people inside.
Now as the fire rages on, one of the occupants of the car manages to get out, but he still keeps burning, and I can gradually see his body decomposing in the fire, but he keeps walking forward. Then suddenly, he begins dancing and praising God as his body finally burns off.
As I pass by, there is a lady walking in front of me, and I sadly say to her, “let God not allow us witness bad things”, to which she replies amen.
I then get to the house of a girl I haven’t been talking to for some months, and as she opens the gate of her house for me, I can see that she’s trying to hide a smile of her being happy to see me, to which I let her know that I see her doing that. And that’s how my dream ends.
Please what does this dream mean?
My dream was that I was having a party at my house and there was a part in the garden as well and we were all having a great time my mum and dad were there and so was my sister and all my friends and the people I work with and there was 2 firework looking things on the counter and I had a lighter in my hand and I was walking past them and they just started sparking up without me even using them do I picked them up and threw them in the garden and I screamed everyone move and only a few people moved and my old bestfriend was still there and the fireworks set off at her and she was on fire so I ran away to my recent best friends house that lives opposite me (idk why) and it was my old best friends family asking where she was so I said she’s coming and I ran back to my house to sort it out but everyone was screaming and it was all burning so my dream skipped to the next day and I went in my house and there was an after party of the fire and everyone was fine they was just all sitting there. So weird :/
The corner of my room was on fire and at first I was frantically trying to call some type of authority to help but I realised I could maybe put it out myself. So I was going in and out of the kitchen filling a bowl with water, while my mother just stayed doing her own thing. But every effort I did to put the fire out it failed or did nothing and every time I went back to my room it was worse. Then my father started to help and he gave up because the first bit of water he threw on it missed… But then I was angered by that so he tried again and put most of it out and just left it saying the rest will go down, which eventually all went out and I woke up… No idea what it means
So, the dream starts out as my parents and I watching the news, and apparently a man was getting a shave at the barber( yes, current time) and the barber’s electric razor had very much mutilated the man’s face. Afterwards the injured man steps outside where there are just small flames (appearing to maybe be from a crash?) and he stumbles into the flames. The barber looks at him frightened and backs away at the man on fire stumbling towards him. The dream ends with me clasping my hands over my face in worry/astonishment whilst my parents have not been affected by the display of what we had just viewed.
My dream of fire was bad. I have a fever at the moment(That might effect it). So, I am asleep, my body is hot. Next thing I know my body is on fire, I rolling around on my bed but it was doing nothing. I tried to sit up and I’m restricted. I look around, there is more people around me on fire (Some are moving some are restricted also). We are inside this big area. I hear someone saying they all have the disease and we have to keep them here. The rest of the dream, which lasted all night, was just be rolling around still on fire. I felt the heat on my body. I don’t want to lay in the bed because what if it happens the same as it did last night. I’m to scared to go back to sleep.
I dreamt the plug of the kettle was on fire & sparking. My ‘best opposite sex friend’ had just left, I called him back to help, he removed the plug. Then a bird was by the kettle, it’s flapping wings were on fire, but the bird seemed to want to stay by the kettle. The dream ended.
Okay so my “fire dream” started out as a fireman in the rain (for some reason) then went to me going out of a window with a lot of openings (a lot of pannels had to be opened) and I was in a burning house and I had to decide which tennis shoes (honestly I have no idea why) I was going to take with me and I was rushing to get out with a bag and when I woke up my heart was pounding very hard.
So…. What does that mean?
So I had a really disturbing dream last night i dreamt my hubby and me were coming home, and we saw a big fire in the street we live. We were curious to wehre it was when we got to our house the fire was in our house, we left the kids with my inlaws when we go talk to them i see 3 of my 4 kids, i was relieved. But when i asked were my 8month old is they tell me they couldnt get him out cause the fire started in the area he was. So eventually th fireman put out the fire and I go into the remains with ashes of the house to see if I atleats can find hes remains since the police and fireman told me they didn’t find any remains, i was in deep sorrow, in the dream i spent 4 days lookingfor him, after that i woke up. Like mega scared that i went to the crib looking for him, it was horrible could you tell me what it means I havent told hubby cause i’ve told him of others drems i’ve had and hes told they are nonsence that its just the subconcious
What is meaning of my dream in my dream i saw my friend push me in burning flame and i caught fire and immeditely i control the fire ???????
Tonight, right before I went to bed I had a 3 hour conversation with a boy, someone I could see myself woth after he change. Then we hung up I got comfortable in bed and laid down. I dozed off and had a dream first about my high school (freshman year) ex boyfriend, and we were happy, which confused me. So, the fire dream change immediately after, I was in my house and I smelt a smoke smell but thought it was the downstairs neighbors, but I’m retrospect, it was a new house built closer to my house. (This house don’t even exist in real life.) But that house was on fire and I didn’t notice where the smell could have came from til I opened my door and saw the top right corner of my bedroom ceiling burning. I was so scared but I managed to get everyone out. As I had reached the bottom of the stair and made sure everyone else was safe, I ran back to get my cats, dog. (It surprised me because my old cat named Sonny was in the dream and the new cat Bowtie. But Sonny ran away months ago).
I had a dream about fire burning up somewhere around, outdoors. As far as I remember, I think it was a house burning up and there was almost nobody around except me. The waves of fire kept coming to my face like a giant demon, burning up half of my face as I tried to run away from it. I still remember the effect that it had on my face, as it burned.
i had a dream wear i put into a fire dress and had to perform in front of a crowd of people and they wear back talking me and someone had stolen my mobile phone the dress burd and it hurt very bad nir my heart and on my face i think this site sums it up very nicely also in the start of the dream i can chose a dress of each element… and my by was no wear to be fund i think i have a good relationship with my bf but i see the other things is right on like being afraid of jealousy and so on…
You’ve probably watched too much hunger games….
My dream started out with rain and thunderstorm and the storm was starting to calm before it got to the end of the dream I saw the most beautiful sunset with colors of vibrant pinks and oranges and the dark blue clouds then my sister runs off out into our yard to get a better view and then all of a sudden lightning strikes the power lines and then the grass catches fire and I see my sister run back up to me and I told her to grab my phone and call 911 she said she can’t and I never got to see the rest of the dream I was scared of the dream my sleeping hasn’t been very well but my dreams weren’t like this dream they didn’t terrify me like this one did
For 2 nights I have dreamed of fire. Night before last (Wednesday) house which I don’t live in now. The was a party going on & someone had poured lighter fluid on the floor next to a window & a vent was on the floor. I saw him get out him lighter & yelled no. Then I was standing next to him & he light the lighter, flames went up the curtain then back into the vent. Next thing flames were coming out of the fireplace in the dinning room. I woke up, but I was very hot all night, I could never get cool while sleeping.
Last night (Thursday) other house fire dream, this time I didn’t know the house. There was a lot of wood & cardboard around the house. I was in the kitchen with someone & saw flames. First they weren’t close then different spots of flames came closer & spread fast. Each stack of wood, then cardboard, then house. Before it got to house I yelled call 911, I remember dialing the phone & my brother answered, I said house on fire & hung up. Everyone ran out ( maybe 3 people)). Then I asked about my daughter, which is 24, but in dream she was young and my dog. I woke up. Again all night I couldn’t get cool.
My boyfriend and I had a huge fight Monday night, which wasn’t the first, but was the first in a while & I am in being on menopause. (Hot flashes so I keep a fan on at night & have a window air conditioner in my room at 68 at night. I shouldn’t be hot. (Lol) I also just finished an associate degree & graduate in. 2 weeks & looking for a job in my field. I do have a part time job, though.
Can you give me an interpretation?
I saw an unknown guy’s name burning in fire.and voice saying kill kil was allaround…
In my dream, my house started to burn on its own but the flames were in slow motion. I was able to get all my animals out and collars and leashes put on my three dogs, I also got out my clothes but not my boyfriends. I went back to try and get the fridge and it had melted but the flames were still moving slow but had spread to all the outside walls. I went back outside and got the leashes and watched it burn and thought well this sucks. I wasn’t afraid just annoyed. Any idea what that means?
In my dream , I was cleaning one of the rooms inside the house. A house not the one I live in for real. Anyways a women had been staying there , but wasn’t there at the time I was cleaning. It was a mess crap everywhere. When I was done cleaning getting ready to walk out the door, I looked to the side of me and against the wall I see a little can of some kind of fuel tips over and spills. And started a fire . I was scared right away cause I didn’t want the house to burn down naturally. I was looking for a fire extinguisher everywhere in a panic. I come across this hose that was running and I squirt ed the water on the fire and it went out. When I found my ex boyfriend I was telling him what happened and the fire started up again bigger . he put it out with the water, and the wall was black and burnt up. That’s all I remember.
I had a dream that I lived in Hawaii with my boyfriend at the top of a hill and below, a village was on fire. A firefighter came by telling us to evacuate. So, while I am trying to get all of our stuff and leave, my boyfriend ends up cheating on me and I broke up with him. Towards then end of my dream, my family tells me to go to him because he’s starting to become an alcoholic. Throughout the dream-up to that point when I reunite with him, I’m always around a source of fire or heat. Right before I wake up, I have him cradled in my arms, extremely out of it and we are leaningon the side of a house that has been warmed really hot by the sun.wonder what this means?