Tattoos symbolize permanence, self expression, creativity, and transformation. As a result, when we dream of tattoos,
- We may be ready to make a greater commitment, with respect to a relationship, job, belief, or something else that is both personal and significant.
- We may need to express ourselves to others, show our skills, and share the fruits of our talent.
- We may yearn to explore our creative side, want to stand out, break from the pack, and step out beyond the bonds of cultural and societal norms.
- We may be looking for change and transformation, either in ourselves, in a relationship, or in some other important aspect of our life.

In the past, tattoos also served as marks to indicate a particular status or rank, membership to a particular group or religion, and an acknowledgement of certain skills or achievements. Today, this is similar to the function of badges, printed emblems on clothing, and printed cards. Tattoos were also used as talismans to protect us from harm.
In addition to the general symbolism of tattoos, the meaning of our dream will also be dependent on –
- The details of the tattoo including color, whether it is text or image, as well as subject matter.
- The location of the tattoo(s) on the body.
- Whether the tattoo appears on us or somebody else.
- Our interaction (if any) with the tattoo.

Visual Details of Our Dream Tattoos
One of the most popular subject matter of tattoos are pledges of love. For example, our dream tattoo may be the name of our spouse or partner. It could also be the name of our child, sibling, or friend. Other common love symbols include the apple, a rose, heart, dove, or cupid.
Love tattoos indicate that we are ready to commit ourselves to the person. There may also be a lack of communication in our relationship, which makes us want to better express our love and feelings.
There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.
~~[Edmund Bertram, Mansfield Park]

Another popular group of tattoo symbols are of animals (real or fantasy). Many tattoo animals including the dragon, tiger, or lion are symbols of strength and power. Others may signify intellect (fox, owl, eagle), luck (rabbit, goose), or spirituality (unicorn, phoenix). Animal tattoos show a need to share or express our power, wisdom, good fortune, or faith, to others.
Finally, tribal tattoos also appear in many circumstances. Tribal tattoos were originally worn –
- As a form of camouflage,
- To indicate membership of a particular tribe, or
- To indicate rank or achievement.
When we dream of tribal tattoos, it may signal a hidden message, a need to belong, or a wish for greater status and success.

Finally, how our dream tattoo is rendered also contributes to its meaning.
- A colorful or visual dream tattoo indicates creativity, joy, and passion.
- A black or textual dream tattoo suggests simplicity, logical expression, as well as a more serious or focused purpose.
Body Location of Our Dream Tattoos
If our dream tattoo is on a part of the body that is often hidden by clothes, then we may have a secret that we are too shy or fearful to confess. For example, hiding a rose or heart tattoo in our dream, may signify that we have a secret relationship that we want to share, but are unable to.
The exact location of our dream tattoo also carries meaning-
- Hands and armsWe use our hands and arms to greet others, to protect, as well as to create great works of art, grow food, invent, and more.Dream tattoos that are situated on our hands and arms are very powerful, because they relate to friendship, protection, and creation. For example, if we have a tattoo of our boyfriend’s name on our arm, it may mean that we want to protect him and keep him safe.
- Legs and feet
Our legs and feet carry us to new worlds, allow us to explore, as well as search for that which was lost. As such, leg dream tattoos are associated with travelling, journeys, and transformation. It may represent a physical journey or a spiritual journey.For example, a dream rose tattoo on our leg may imply that we need to embark on a journey to find new love or recapture a love which was lost. It may be a physical journey, a transformation of our physical self (change of appearance), or a transformation of our spiritual self (change in thinking and belief).

- Head
Our head is where we think great thoughts, develop creative ideas, and refine our beliefs. As such, a head tattoo relates more to the emotional or spiritual, rather than to the physical and mundane. - Body
The trunk of our body is where material utilization and absorption occurs. Our lungs process air, our stomach processes food, and our heart pumps these nutrients to the other parts of our body.A body tattoo implies a material or physical relation. For example, a lion tattoo on our body may indicate physical strength and power, whereas if it is on our face or head, then it may indicate spiritual strength instead. A heart dream tattoo on the body may indicate lust, but one on the head may symbolize spiritual love or devotion.
- Neck
Our next connects our head (spiritual plane) to our body (material plane), thus it is often associated with risk, balance and equilibrium. It also contains our voice box, so it is also a symbol of communication.A neck dream tattoo may signal something that needs to be communicated with all haste, a risk that we need to take, or that there is a lack of equilibrium in certain aspects of our life.
Having many tattoos on our body implies a great need for self expression. In particular, we may have many repressed thoughts and emotions that have accumulated over a long period of time. We may also have trouble communicating our thoughts, and may need some help in this area.
If we dream of having a different tattoo design in the same location as a real-life tattoo, then we may be feeling like we are living a lie, or pretending to be somebody we are not.

Person Wearing Our Dream Tattoos
We should also pay close attention to who is wearing the tattoos.
If the tattoos are on our own body, then we are the ones who need to better express ourselves, to transform, be creative, or step outside our comfort zone.
If the tattoos are on somebody else, then –
- We may be missing or overlooking something in our relationship with that person. It can also mean that the person is trying to get our attention, or is feeling neglected.
- We may yearn to have what the other person has.
- We may need to help somebody else express their feelings, offer a shoulder to cry on, or offer support in a stressful time of change.
If in our dream, we are a tattooist, then we may be looking to have a greater impact on the lives of others. Perhaps we currently feel disconnected, and want to leave something of ourselves behind, in the people around us.
Being a dream tattooist could also express a need to experience something new, that is outside the bounds of societal norms.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
~~[Henry David Thoreau]

Our Interaction with the Dream Tattoos
Finally, we want to consider how we interact with the tattoos in our dream.
- If we are trying to remove the tattoo, then we may be having difficulties ending a bad relationship.
- If we are praising the tattoo or otherwise interacting with it in a positive way, then it may capture an attribute that we want to cultivate in ourselves.
- If we are drawing over the tattoo or trying to change it through other means, then we may be discontented with our current circumstances, and be seeking transformation.
- If we are trying to convince others to get our tattoo, then we may want to teach, share our wisdom, and perhaps guide the people around us.
Lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time.
~~[Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]

I had a dream that my tattoo smeared when I put lotion on. In my dream I was really upset, freaking out about it actually. I cant figure out what it means…any suggestions?
In my dream I had a blue tattoo been put on the centre of my chest it was square in shape with writing but I couldn’t read it and the people that were around me that i knew and they where partying and cheering me on to have the tattoo it was one of the most clearest dreams I have had for a longest time i have no idea why but it’s been the best nights sleep as well !
I would like to know why I had a dream about been tattooed as this has never happend to me before?
I dreamed that I was born with a tatoo a phoenix, of course this changes in times sometimes I go and get it done at a tatoo place. What it doesn’t change is where in my body I go it, in my right shoulder blade, and I know it might sound funny but its a dream, I interact with the tatoo, like I summon the power of the phoenix and I use it to fight, most of the time are demon like monsters.
I know that dreaming about a phoenix is a good thing, it means change and so on, but I haven’t found anything about dreaming of being/using a phoenix as a weapon.
Any thoughts??
Last night I dreamt both of my arms were totally covered with tattoos. I was scared cause being a retired teacher, in my dream I had to teach 6 and 7 years old… I was thinking I would be judged and loose my job.. I will covering my arms with hands… I think it was kind of greyish, looked like quarter moons…
Mine is i saw my boyfriend in my dream that we are meeting each other but on my dream when he saw me he suddenly run fast and hug me then i was schocked to saw he have tattoo all over his body and face then he says i love you im still confuse why?
I had a similar dream last night. I dreamed of my current ex boyfriend. I ran into him and he had tattoos all over his face and body too. He seemed happy and sad, almost bitter sweet. He ends up telling me he quit his job and moving to another country doesn’t know when he will return so he has to let me go. All his tattoos were pictures. I was trying hard so see if there where any of me. There was one of us kissing, another s picture of me and my cousin. Another was a moving tattoo and it was of me dancing. I was concerned because of his face tatto, look up and see it is mostly gone, like he washed make up off his face.
Were you having problems with your boyfriend when you dreamed of him being tattooed? I just asked because my boyfriend and myself break is recent and fresh. My dream made me sense he wanted to be with me but in some ways hesitant and wanted to run away forever
I had a dream where it was just on dark and I started playing with a dog, suddenly the dog attacked something. What ever it attacked I couldn’t see it properly. It was squirming, I thought it was a snake. I raced over to protect it and whilst pulling the Shepard off I saw it was a female person. I grabbed her and she touched my left arm, then I was marked with a small tattoo on the inside of my arm. It just looked like a black squiggle and line. I thought to myself………great the sign of the crow. (sarcasm).
After reading the symbol of the crow it was spot on. I’d never seen the marking, I was wondering if anyone had?
❤☺️ Rachel
I had a dream that I was giving myself tattoos on my thigh. They were really random designs, and there were about five of them. I guess they were drawn on by other people because they had signatures underneath. Seems like I was practicing to be a tattoo artist. Weird dream but I woke up wanting a tattoo.
I have a dream that my right arm and the back of my palm were tattooed. At my forearm was a cherry tree tattoo and at my hand was a peach tree tattoo. I thought it was real and it makes me confuse. Tell me more about this.
This morning I had a dream of me going into a tatoo business getting my first animated tatoo..the tatoo artist asked where did I want the tat and what type of tat I desired.I told the tat artist that I wanted mickey and minnie mouse on the side of my face..but she puts on one side of my nose mickey and coming across the bridge of my nose on the other side was minnie. I don’t even like tattoos in real life.what does this mean spiritually
Today morning i had a dream having a tattoo on my nape of neck it was a word but i could not recognize what is the word tattooed on my nape of neck.What does my dream mean?Can anyone interpret this dream for me?
I had a dream last night that i had my face tattooed down both sides all i remember is the colour green but not what the tattoo was. Then i looked at it and hated it and was trying my hardest to get it removed. I finally found someone that could remove it but he said it wouldnt be removed completely and i was left with white outlines of this tattoo. Then i woke up. No idea what that means it felt so real… I lost my Dad this year to cancer and my Mom cant take it and took some pills.. (i won’t go into full detail) but she’s ok. I have also just fallen out big time with the ex of 9 years who i have an 11 year old daughter with. Im thinking it might be something to do with all the emotions running through me at the moment.
This is so strange but i have had that exact dream work from work. I even woke up at the same part!
I had a dream that I met a man and we were in lust with each other, we were just staring in each other’s eyes , he opened his arms to hug me and I grabbed his wrist and seen a tattoo with the date 11/21/85 and the word Scorpio written under it, and my response was “now I see why I like you so much I’m a Scorpio too! ” that was weird to me , that I remember the date vividly
I do not have tattos in real life. I dreamed I had “future” written on my arm and I had large stars on both sides of my neck.
I had a dream that a friend of mine got me tattooed all over when I was passed out. I woke up to find several tattoos. I had a large seal with a beautiful blue background on my right shoulder, an aka 47 riffle on the outside of my left leg (completely black) complete from top to bottom, I had Asian markings along with weird lines and symbols on the inside of my right arm, and several more I don’t remember in great detail. I was a little upset she did this without my permission but not as upset as I should have been. The tattoo that I did not like at all was the gun because I am against them but it seemed to me at the time of waking that it symbolized power and strength verses violence. The unusual thing about these tattoos was that I could feel burning in my skin where they were put.
In had a dream I was getting XO on my side & it was painless
I dreamed that someone put a tatoo that covered the right side of my face. It was colorful and attractive but it was done against my will and I was horrified to see my entire right side of my face had been colored with designs
Interesting. ( larger than expected, practice; from a mate. Wouldn’t change it.)
My design.. ish.
Anyway.. had an unusual dream. Face tat. Forehead and nose. Blue and black.
Normally.. I’m not normal. I know this.
Just out of curiosity…
My girlfriend told me she dreamt that me and here tattooed eachother a heart on our shoulders with a burning pen but then it’s not a tattoo but still, what does that mean ?
my dream was about my face being tattooed… my eye brows ,cheeks and chin && across my face.. at first it was very colorful then at the end of my dream it had become more darker w white outline i was ok w it for awhile until this Chinese lady comes up to me and says i have work for yu.. idky i went w her.. bc i was jus sitting at the bus stop being ok w my self and my new tattoo .. lol then she wanted me train me get me ready for somethg.. but then all of a sudden she puts conditioner in my hair… then i started doing that. then at the end i saw a mirror i looked in… saw my face i was ok w it.. b ut then after awhile i was like what i do?? .. then i thought i can call someone who can laser it off… and i had a tear roll down my eye. lol ps i left that place after that and went home which was like a block away. ((idky i was at the busstop))
In my dream i.was at a party and someone asked me you have an infinity tattoo and I said yes and moved my time shirt to the side which the tattoo is on my shoulder