Tattoos symbolize permanence, self expression, creativity, and transformation. As a result, when we dream of tattoos,
- We may be ready to make a greater commitment, with respect to a relationship, job, belief, or something else that is both personal and significant.
- We may need to express ourselves to others, show our skills, and share the fruits of our talent.
- We may yearn to explore our creative side, want to stand out, break from the pack, and step out beyond the bonds of cultural and societal norms.
- We may be looking for change and transformation, either in ourselves, in a relationship, or in some other important aspect of our life.

In the past, tattoos also served as marks to indicate a particular status or rank, membership to a particular group or religion, and an acknowledgement of certain skills or achievements. Today, this is similar to the function of badges, printed emblems on clothing, and printed cards. Tattoos were also used as talismans to protect us from harm.
In addition to the general symbolism of tattoos, the meaning of our dream will also be dependent on –
- The details of the tattoo including color, whether it is text or image, as well as subject matter.
- The location of the tattoo(s) on the body.
- Whether the tattoo appears on us or somebody else.
- Our interaction (if any) with the tattoo.

Visual Details of Our Dream Tattoos
One of the most popular subject matter of tattoos are pledges of love. For example, our dream tattoo may be the name of our spouse or partner. It could also be the name of our child, sibling, or friend. Other common love symbols include the apple, a rose, heart, dove, or cupid.
Love tattoos indicate that we are ready to commit ourselves to the person. There may also be a lack of communication in our relationship, which makes us want to better express our love and feelings.
There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.
~~[Edmund Bertram, Mansfield Park]

Another popular group of tattoo symbols are of animals (real or fantasy). Many tattoo animals including the dragon, tiger, or lion are symbols of strength and power. Others may signify intellect (fox, owl, eagle), luck (rabbit, goose), or spirituality (unicorn, phoenix). Animal tattoos show a need to share or express our power, wisdom, good fortune, or faith, to others.
Finally, tribal tattoos also appear in many circumstances. Tribal tattoos were originally worn –
- As a form of camouflage,
- To indicate membership of a particular tribe, or
- To indicate rank or achievement.
When we dream of tribal tattoos, it may signal a hidden message, a need to belong, or a wish for greater status and success.

Finally, how our dream tattoo is rendered also contributes to its meaning.
- A colorful or visual dream tattoo indicates creativity, joy, and passion.
- A black or textual dream tattoo suggests simplicity, logical expression, as well as a more serious or focused purpose.
Body Location of Our Dream Tattoos
If our dream tattoo is on a part of the body that is often hidden by clothes, then we may have a secret that we are too shy or fearful to confess. For example, hiding a rose or heart tattoo in our dream, may signify that we have a secret relationship that we want to share, but are unable to.
The exact location of our dream tattoo also carries meaning-
- Hands and armsWe use our hands and arms to greet others, to protect, as well as to create great works of art, grow food, invent, and more.Dream tattoos that are situated on our hands and arms are very powerful, because they relate to friendship, protection, and creation. For example, if we have a tattoo of our boyfriend’s name on our arm, it may mean that we want to protect him and keep him safe.
- Legs and feet
Our legs and feet carry us to new worlds, allow us to explore, as well as search for that which was lost. As such, leg dream tattoos are associated with travelling, journeys, and transformation. It may represent a physical journey or a spiritual journey.For example, a dream rose tattoo on our leg may imply that we need to embark on a journey to find new love or recapture a love which was lost. It may be a physical journey, a transformation of our physical self (change of appearance), or a transformation of our spiritual self (change in thinking and belief).

- Head
Our head is where we think great thoughts, develop creative ideas, and refine our beliefs. As such, a head tattoo relates more to the emotional or spiritual, rather than to the physical and mundane. - Body
The trunk of our body is where material utilization and absorption occurs. Our lungs process air, our stomach processes food, and our heart pumps these nutrients to the other parts of our body.A body tattoo implies a material or physical relation. For example, a lion tattoo on our body may indicate physical strength and power, whereas if it is on our face or head, then it may indicate spiritual strength instead. A heart dream tattoo on the body may indicate lust, but one on the head may symbolize spiritual love or devotion.
- Neck
Our next connects our head (spiritual plane) to our body (material plane), thus it is often associated with risk, balance and equilibrium. It also contains our voice box, so it is also a symbol of communication.A neck dream tattoo may signal something that needs to be communicated with all haste, a risk that we need to take, or that there is a lack of equilibrium in certain aspects of our life.
Having many tattoos on our body implies a great need for self expression. In particular, we may have many repressed thoughts and emotions that have accumulated over a long period of time. We may also have trouble communicating our thoughts, and may need some help in this area.
If we dream of having a different tattoo design in the same location as a real-life tattoo, then we may be feeling like we are living a lie, or pretending to be somebody we are not.

Person Wearing Our Dream Tattoos
We should also pay close attention to who is wearing the tattoos.
If the tattoos are on our own body, then we are the ones who need to better express ourselves, to transform, be creative, or step outside our comfort zone.
If the tattoos are on somebody else, then –
- We may be missing or overlooking something in our relationship with that person. It can also mean that the person is trying to get our attention, or is feeling neglected.
- We may yearn to have what the other person has.
- We may need to help somebody else express their feelings, offer a shoulder to cry on, or offer support in a stressful time of change.
If in our dream, we are a tattooist, then we may be looking to have a greater impact on the lives of others. Perhaps we currently feel disconnected, and want to leave something of ourselves behind, in the people around us.
Being a dream tattooist could also express a need to experience something new, that is outside the bounds of societal norms.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
~~[Henry David Thoreau]

Our Interaction with the Dream Tattoos
Finally, we want to consider how we interact with the tattoos in our dream.
- If we are trying to remove the tattoo, then we may be having difficulties ending a bad relationship.
- If we are praising the tattoo or otherwise interacting with it in a positive way, then it may capture an attribute that we want to cultivate in ourselves.
- If we are drawing over the tattoo or trying to change it through other means, then we may be discontented with our current circumstances, and be seeking transformation.
- If we are trying to convince others to get our tattoo, then we may want to teach, share our wisdom, and perhaps guide the people around us.
Lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us,
Footprints on the sands of time.
~~[Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]

Last night I had a dream that my partner got about 5 tattoos. They don’t have tattoos in real life but they want to get some. I can’t remember what the other tattoos were but I remember one clearly, it was like a devil face. It was on her arm. What could that mean?
I had the craziest dream. I had dreamt that when I was 20 cause I’m 13 now I had a bunch of red and blue lines on my arms and when you look closer at them there are many dragon tattoos and they had like an ancient language writing in each one and I remember one of my real life friends who’s a doctor/scientist texting me about one of the writing and translated it to the symbol “HATCHET” and she had had also told me that the dragons meant power and the writing translated symbol (hatchet) meant to keep me alive and a bunch of other weird stuff and then I hearted a voice but I didn’t recognize it and it said that I was the god of the gods!?!? And the the dragons send me the combined power of the gods or their symbols to be power , love ,determination ,life , death ,and everthing . but the scariest part of it was I have an actual friend who’s a doctor and great friends also with my mom who love symbols and gods and then when I woke up I google hatchet symbol and its in Christ bible and an actual thing and this dream was so scary that I had to share this for I’m scared like crap.
I had a dream I was getting my whole body tattooed with different colored jewelry. What does it mean?
Ok so I have a small tattoo behind my ear – it was done about 15 years ago and is pretty faded. I dreamt I was going to get it redone/ covered up and when I saw it, it ended up being massive and basically all over both sides of my neck. I don’t really remember what it was of but there was colour in it and a gap in the middle of my neck. I know I didn’t like it and was mortified that I had tattoos on my neck. Not sure what this could mean
I had a dream that this guy I have a thing with were confronting each other, and somehow after that he showed me the tattoos he had on his back; the tattoos were a bunch of quotes written in black, plain simple font. He doesn’t have tattoos in real life but wants one. I don’t remember what the quotes were saying. But then, I guess I didn’t like how the tattoos were designed, so I “erased?”/changed them, and recreated them using a better font (still black but in cursive). Although, I didn’t get to finish one of the quotes written on his lower back. Can you explain the meaning of this?
Hi, I had a dream last night that a male friend showed me his tattoos. He doesn’t have any in real life. I can only remember one of the tattoos, it was on the underside of his arm and was difficult to decipher, but when he lifted his arm up, it was clearly a dogs face smiling. Could you shed any light on this please? Many thanks, Emma x
hi i dreamt my daughter got a tattoo of lord krishna in her left hands
I had a dream last night that my ex boyfriend had gotten a tattoo of my name on his wrist. And I was shocked bc I didn’t know he was going to do that. I want to know what it means
I woke up remembering that I had just had just dreamed like it was my second life again. People I know where there family I haven’t seen in years. I was a few years younger. Totally different place but yet it wasn’t it was earth. I was being tattooed by an Native American man he is beautiful strong thin. There is a woman his Mother their too it’s the leader his Father tattooing me. They are using a wooden thing with metal on the end and tattooing the back of my left leg. I was scared at first they used sage and sang chants very quietly to calm me I didn’t understand but went into a very calm place and trusted them fully. It felt like it was my destiny. The top of the feather pointed to my foot it covered most of my calf. Outlined in with blue and purple and red there was symbols with in the feather. The beauty and uniqueness is outstanding. The young man and I where Destin to be together. I was brought to him many times after the tattoo. He had a matching one on his back. To be removed from him was painful. They’re was also these white animales pure white that would come by the 100’s by the end when I woke up. They reminded me of farettes but they weren’t. The love the bond between myself and this young man was crazy. The bound seemed to be the tattoos it seem to bring a spell brinding peace to me. I just wish I understood it more. It was BEAUTIFUL
I had a dream about a girl I been talking to for a bit , she had a colorful tatto on her forehead. We weee laying in bed I have her a hug . I reached to give her a kisss then she started carrying . I felt like my legs were getting pulled back and I woke up.
I saw a dream in which I have Three circle tattoo in my hand.
What does it mean….
Today night i saw dream that tattoo guy wrote tokyo food chain on my palm, what does it mean by, i asked him to get me a tattoo on palm and after that he gave black colours gloves to wear???????
i dreamt that i was going to get a tattoo of a heart and 2 stars symbolizing the love i had for my mom and brother (strange because i really never express that) I was going to get it done but my mom was with me and she was okay with it (she doesn’t want me to get a tattoo) but then i was having second thoughts about getting it. so i walked out and went into a store while in there there was 4-5 people there as well there was like these monsters or aliens that controlled every inside and it was trying to kill us no one could escape i was kind of like the lone wolf while everyone was together. so i tried to escape and i couldn’t get the door open but some how i did and everyone tried to go after me but once i got out i was being looked for by the police. then i woke up
Hi, i can not find the answer yet. I dreamed one of my friend girls. That she has lion head tattoo on her belly button. And also a pen keep going back too her.
Also i like too know , i dreamed my girlfriend with her kids visit my supermarket. The boy was looking toys and my girlfriend was happy
Yesterday i dream i have a new tattoo in my right shoulder blade to waist, its a many flower, so beautiful, the tattoo was red and blue, i feel the pain caused of niddle then i woke up whats the meaning…?
I had a dream that someone was tattooing(is that a word?) my right arm with a name… using my own blood as ink.. the name is of someone I know but I am not particularly related to her (I don’t even talk to her ‘cept for projects where we need to work together). and also, the name isn’t also completed(about 4 letters out of 9) (cause I pulled my arm away due to shock on the second time the tattoo artist pulled my blood out using syringe) but I know that it is her because the guy\gal said her name while tattoing it.
I had a dream that I had a tatoo of an upside down Jesus on my outer lower leg. He was not on the cross and have a halo on top of his head. I am not Christian and I’m more spiritual than religiou, I grew up Jewish. Any thoughts?
Please can give a meaning to my dreams? Its been a week but i can still remember it.
I had a dream about a girl and a guy chasing a fat frog. The frog went to the grass and the guy followed. He catched the frog early in the morning. The frog suddenly escape and jum over the water so as the guy. The girl laugh hardly until the guy laugh too. The guy didn’t catched the frog this time so they decided to lay in the grass then tight there i saw a three tattoo in the girl forehead. The location of the tattoo or right, left and middle of the forehead. I can’t remember the exact text but i think it’s a guy name (right) and a girl name(left) the names are in the text like they were from large to small until they fades while between tattoo are a cross the slowly fades too from large to small.
While i see those people i saw a broken bridge who is slowly fixed then it sways fast after it was fixed.
When i wake up i write my dreams as fast as i could that’s why it’s a little detailed.
it just sounds like a couple found a hobby then created true love once they laid down . (tat Representing love)
I drempt a man that I don’t know in real life but apparently just met a few days ago in my dream, got a colorful abstract looking tattoo on his shoulder because he wanted to show me how he felt about me. We were sitting on the ground on a sunny day near a creak bank. His tattoo was a bunch of solid coloured blocks all connected to each other with random letters on some of them in black, gold and silver. I asked him what inspired him to get that tattoo and what the letters meant. He said he had always wanted to get a tattoo on his sholuder to cover up an injury he had a long time ago. When when he met me, he finally knew exactly what to put there. He said that the letters represent things I said to him that were meaningful, and that he’s been meaning to tell me for a long time how he felt. (He made it sound like he’s veen trying to find me for years?) He said he’s never had the courage to say anything to me, until now. Now that he’s finally been able to find me again. He got up off the ground and proposed to me witn a ring on one knee. I felt like I was flatteted, confused and that I loved him, but for me I felt like I just met him, so I thought for a monent and said no. But I tried to explain that I just wanted to get to know him for longer but he was already deflated and sad and my dream had ended.
I wanted to say yes, but I was also being picky about how he asked me, because he never said will you marry me. He took out the ring and said, “so will ya?” And I wanted him to ask me again in the future properly, sense it’s such an important question?
His tattoo was on his left shoulder really close to his shoulder blade. His skin was healed unevenly were his injury had been. On the edges of the tattoo there was a lot of solid white blocks.
I guess that’s about it?
I e been studying dream Interputation for a few years . Today I dreamed I was getting a tattoo from a woman in her home. It was a dream of a pink butterfly that covers the inside of my right arm. Now I already have a tattoo there but nothing of butterflies
When the woman grabbed my arm to begin the tattoo it was like I could feel all her energy. She was completely a mess. I said to her she needed to ground herself and align her chakras.
Last night I dreamt I got a tattoo on my leg, below the knee. I remember it was a big and beautiful, minimalistic tattoo with black contures representing a woman with some red stuff (unfortunately, I don’t remember exactly what it looked like). I don’t believe dreams are trying to tell us anything, but now that I’m reading about the meaning of it, I see it’s a correct explanation. Damn 🙂