Water is the basis of life. Our bodies consist of mostly water, we need water to survive, the animals and plants around us need water to survive, which is why water is such a strong and commonly recurring symbol in our dreams.
Water is used to bless, renew, and purify. However, water can also be used to torture and kill. Water can be peaceful and life-giving, or it can be powerful, over-whelming, and dangerous.
- Lying in a calm pool of water can be restful to our body and soul.
- Riding on a wave of water can be exhilarating and exciting.
- Falling into a deep ocean of water can be dark, directionless, and full of unknown terrors.
When we cannot properly express our emotions during the day, they may take form in our dreams at night. Therefore, finding the meaning of our dreams, will help us understand ourselves better, as well as improve our emotional and physical well-being.
To find the deeper meaning of our dream about water, we need to look at the details of our dream, within the context of what is currently happening in our life.

Our Dream of Water – What, Where, How

Dreams about water can have many different interpretations depending on –
- How we interact with the water.
- How we feel during and after the dream.
- What type of water appears in our dream. A clear ocean, a fast moving river, a swampland, a swimming pool, or a lake, will all have different associated meanings.
- What objects and people are in the water dream.
1. How we interact with the water
There are many ways with which we can interact with water. Different actions, have different purposes and effect, and therefore a different meaning.
Positive interactions –
- Swimming in water indicates that we have a new goal or destination that we are moving toward. We could be finding a new direction in life, starting school, moving, or changing jobs. Swimming with the current, shows that our journey is going well, and we are happy and confident with our circumstances. Swimming against the current, signals that we are having difficulties and have to work hard to move forward. Being carried away by the current, suggests that the journey is too challenging, and we are no longer sure that we can reach our goals. In this case, we may want to re-evaluate our future and current actions.
- Diving into water can signify a need to delve into our own emotions, needs, actions, and inner psyche. Alternatively, we may be trying to understand the goals and intentions of someone close to us, or how to solve a current work issue.
- Crossing a body of water captures a yearning for freedom, independence, and change. We are moving from what was known and safe, to what is new and not constrained by old rules and old doubts.
- Playing or frolicking in water signals the awakening of a new love or a new passion. We could be looking forward to a new relationship, a new work project, or learning a new skill.
- Walking on water suggests that we are in control and are confident that we can face whatever challenges are currently in our life.
- Listening to water shows a need for reflection, and to be at peace with our emotions.
- Pouring water on someone else may mean that we are helping a friend recover, helping her embark on a new journey, or offering her new opportunities and blessings.
- Drinking water from a water fountain, cooler, spring, or other nourishing source, suggests that we are seeking to be refreshed and renewed. On the other hand, drinking dirty water implies a fear of getting sick, continuing sickness, or some other contamination of the body and mind.

Negative interactions –
- Drowning, rising water, or being swallowed up by a stormy sea indicates anxiety, dread, or a feeling of being overwhelmed by external forces. We could be experiencing a lot of stress from work, from our friends and relatives, or from our current environment and circumstance. We may have lost our job, lost someone we love, and may feel that we no longer have control of our emotions or our life.
- Breathing under water suggests a wish to return to the womb, in particular, a need for safety, security, and freedom from responsibilities. We may be facing difficult issues in life and be overburdened by commitments, therefore we are looking to return to a simpler and safer place.
- Bailing out water is a signal of future troubles or difficulties, which we have currently forestalled with hard work and effort. However, there is uncertainty as to whether we can hold-off the coming tide.
- Looking or thirsting for water may mean that recent setbacks or current life experiences (e.g. work, health, relationships), have left us feeling empty and depleted. Therefore, we are looking to be refueled or reborn. We need to take time to nurture ourselves.
- Falling into water captures a feeling of momentary helplessness, of not being in control, regrets on mistakes made, and possible unpleasant consequences.
- Splashed by water symbolizes a wake up call. We need to focus, get our thoughts straight, and stop living in self-denial or self-delusion. Otherwise, we may end up in a dead-end job, a bad relationship, or a life full of regrets.
- Throwing water at others suggests the onset of an emotional outburst, or the need to show more emotion. Getting water thrown at us, indicates that we may be the target of someone else’s anger or strong emotion.

2. How do we feel during and after the water dream
- Feeling bold and laughing at the stormy sea indicates that we are ready to meet adversity, we are ready to transition into something new, we are confident we can sail through the difficult circumstances, and come out victorious on the other side.
- Feeling anxious and fearful of the water is a signal that we are afraid of the unknown. We may be unsure of the direction to take on a vast trackless body of water, or we may feel that we have no control of where our life is taking us.
- Feeling calm and peaceful about the water captures our feelings of safety, security, and contentment while in our mother’s womb. We feel safe in our current situation, our work life is progressing smoothly, and the people and environment surrounding us gives us peace.

3. What type of water appears in our dream
The type of water in our dream is also significant. In particular –
a) Size and depth of the water
- Large or deep bodies of water (ocean, lake, or well) indicate the unknown, hidden secrets, uncertainty, and greater danger.
- Small and shallow bodies of water (a pond, swimming pool or puddle) are safe, familiar, and known. Even if they are associated with negative emotions and actions, they are more of a nuisance or minor setback, rather than a life changing phenomenon.
- A path of water (stream, creek, or river) signals movement to a particular destination, or having to choose which direction to take.

b) Condition of the water
- Clear water indicates confidence, clarity in thinking, or that we are in tune with our spirituality.
- Still or calm water shows that we are at peace, or that we are seeking peace and relaxation.
- Murky or stagnant water, for example in a swamp or bog, is a sign of apathy and depression. We may feel lost, that our life is going nowhere, that we will never find love, or that our achievements are meaningless. We may be struggling with negative emotions, and find it difficult to take positive action, or indeed any action at all. Fog, is perhaps a weaker symbol, which indicates that we are having trouble reaching clarity, or taking action.
- Ice represents repressed emotions, or some disturbing past experience that still haunts us. Melting ice signals that we are ready to face our past or childhood trauma, and start unraveling our repressed emotions.
- Falling water, for example standing in the rain, under a shower, or in a waterfall denotes a cleansing or need for self-renewal. We may need to heal emotional scars or let go of pent-up emotions, that is causing us sadness and pain.
- Fast moving water, for example in a river, may signify that our life or emotional landscape is changing too quickly. Similarly, boiling water indicates emotional turmoil and great stress.
- Tsunamis, tidal waves, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other acts of God captures a strong sense of being overwhelmed by events that are beyond our control. They may also suggest a hidden guilt or sin, that is greatly weighing on our psyche. We may feel that we need to be, or are going to be punished.

4. What is in the water
Finally, the objects or people related to our water dream can also be significant.
- Boats, jet skis, water skis, water floats, and other objects that give us the ability to stay on top of the water, suggests self-confidence. In general, objects that provide us with more control and more speed, signify greater belief in ourselves and our actions. For example, speed boats and jet skis > sail boats > row boats > paddle boats > water floats.
- Hose, faucets, or other objects that allow us to control the direction and flow of water, also suggests that we are in control, and have the emotional fortitude to take charge of our life and actions.
- Other people swimming in the water with us, helping us get to the surface, or helping us get to shore, indicates that we have support from friends and family in our current troubles. On the other hand, being held back or pushed down into the water, suggests that we have enemies or competitors, who are trying to sabotage or impede our progress.
- Fish and other sea creatures can have a variety of meanings. Mermaids and fantastical sea animals, show a need for change or an urge to escape into a different life. Being attacked by sharks, alligators, or sea monsters, implies that we are feeling harried in many aspects of our life, or that we are worried about embarking on something new and unknown. Observing fish and other sea life from a distance, represents a feeling or indifference, and an unwillingness to explore or to engage in the happenings of our life.
- Barriers in the water or hitting some impediment, signals some complication that is preventing us from reaching our goal. We may be unwilling to take some risk, unable to commit to some action, or make a required sacrifice.
- Familiar objects under water implies that we have repressed or hidden feelings related to those objects. We may feel reluctant to examine or confront those memories.
- Water lily is a symbol of grief and separation. It indicates feelings of sorrow and bereavement.

What Is the Meaning of My Water Dream
Dreams are made of symbols. The interpretation of dreams involve identifying which symbols are important in our dream, and then translating what they each mean to us.
Some symbols have broader cultural significance, while others may have narrower meanings, or may pertain to specific experiences that are special or unique to us. Therefore, dream interpretation is partly a study of symbology, and partly a study of self.
In this article, we examine many of the broader meanings of water, in its various forms and contexts. However, always be aware that our personal experiences and histories also play a very big role.
To fully understand the meaning of our water dreams, we must not only understand the cultural significance of water, but also be brave enough to look into ourselves, and read what it signifies to our soul.

I had a powerful, vivid dream that I was let down badly by someone (not a partner but a business colleague), and to make it up to me he allowed me to “open” a river to traffic for the day. In the dream it was River Thames in London, and I had to sail into it and raise my arm. The water was very tough and stormy, but I was really pleased that I had sailed it with no issues – it was a quick sail into the river on my own in a dinghy, raise my arm, then back to shore. I felt elated.
I had a dream that I was at a pool party, then I saw a girl I never saw before but I was angry with her because she was hitting on my boyfriend, so I pulled her down to the pool and gave her signs to leave him alone, I went back up the pool, but that girl couldn’t get up for some reason and she drowned
What does this dream mean?
I had a dream where I met a strange girl outside the swimming pool, she approached me Nd we went to swim in the swimming pool so I asked her to hold me let me cross her but she refused and ask me to hold her so I accepted Nd hold her. as we about to swim, we drowned inside the water but my leg was u so people saw me struggling and rushed and help me. I now stand up and realize the water get dried up Nd as am walking away the water start coming back again. Please I need someone to help me interpret
I had a dream that I was coming back home with a bottle of water in my hand and someone asked me to give him the water, then we started dragging and I stood up from the dream. What Doe’s it mean?
My mother just told me today she had a crazy and really wierd dream about me the other night. She said it was strange how realistic the whole dream seemed to be. She said it was me her and her boyfriend fishing over the bridge just outside of the town I live in. Then all of the sudden I fell over the bridge and she dived in the river after me and the water was dark green kindve she couldnt see anything but could hear me screaming under water and before she could find me she woke up. What could her dream symbolize?
I had a dream that I was outside of the water. Some aquatic animal (snake or crocodile) chased me by mountain n I got to escape from it. I was so much relieved by escaping from the animal and then after I lived happily with my family in high mountains.
i had a dream where my mom had left me so my uncle took me to the mall that some how was on a big Cruise ship and there was animals on the ship then a big wave came out of no where and took them away. Then the water turned into rough waters with big waves. The captain and his wife was standing behind me and they was talking about how there was sharks in the water and his wife was telling him that we have to turn the ship around but the captain said no we have to continue onwards. Then a big wave shipped into the ship and everyone started freaking out and i swim out of the ship window and lose my uncle. The ship started to sink and the water become calm. So i was just floating on top of the water, scared that a shark might eat me and watching over people die because they could not swim.
I have a dream I was at some where with a swimming pool that is unusual an people looking at it it has a rubber like surface and people can walk on it and suddenly my son who is 30 want to try bu5 he fell in the wafer and could not go out because the surface ease very thick for him I was watching him try to go out but couldn’t then he sink at the bottom but still breathing t wake up feeling fearful
I have a dream now which since before i keep dreaming that i went with people but end up being alone in the boat at night and then later i know im in the water which i really love and snakes are there a lot while im just moving which i don’t know what makes me float but im just trying to raise my feet and there’s a snake on it but a small one and try to get rid of it. Then i saw getting more i don’t really want to touch them which im just enjoying and im nit afraid with it but enjoying it and I dare to put down my feet under and ive touch some snakes but didn’t bite me until it go on. later that Im thinking why Im here i should go to the boat i was riding on but while im on the water i dont see the boat and later that im already at the boat alone and when i feel anxious there will always a guy who appear and trying to help me… just in case someone attack me. When i dreamed about this before I really end up on my destination. I don’t know if it’s related as being year of the snake and as Cancer which represents water and moon
Had a dream of my dead mother in law with my husband who he is alive in a swimming pool they were both wet but when they got out of the pool they dry and my mother in-law was laughing
I just dreamt that i called by bf and we had a brief talk. Whilst asking him what he is up to he responded with a weird “im 69 at 56”. I then walked out of my bedroom to my garden and saw a female lifeless half naked body dressed in black tights and white letters, with naked upper body in my swimming pool. I couldnt see the face. The body almost look familiar (my teenage daughter). The water was clear and calm
I had a dream that I was running away from someone that was going to hurt me and I had my baby with me in a car , a dog , and some guy that was driving us. First I was in a house with my daughter trapped in a room the guy I seen out the window told me that if I jump down out of the window and land on my feet he would drive me to wherever I needed to go I had to hurry because the person was coming back I jumped down with my baby in my arms and landed on my feet out the window the dog also came along then we jumped in his car in the passenger seat. He drove as fast as he could out of there the person seen us and tried to chase his car but we kept running. Then We had to drive off this bridge to get to the other side so we drove off of it but landed in deep cold water then some how we broke out of the car I help my baby so close to me and swam as fast and far as I could then were some how out of the water and we were in a place with a lot of snow but for some reason we were crawling and my baby was also crawling next to me the dog was behind her making sure she was keeping up with us and the man was also beside me on the other side it felt like something was new we were in a whole lot other place we never been with nobody that could hurt us..
I dreamed just now. We had a family bonding to an unfamiliar newly discovered tourist spot. It was along in a sea or ocean(i dont know exactly what it was, but it seemed a broad body of water), but it was very calm and yet dark but not muddy. And most of us, we got ourselves in the water carefully to dip or plunge ourselves and had a little swim or dive, but only to the elevated portion below the water for there was a cliff portion under that water. The condition of tge weatger is calm but it quite gloomy or dusky, it was seemed a sunrise or a sundown. The event was just short that after plunging into the water each of us would immediately get out from the water.
I dreamt of a river looking for something an old lady was preventing me from finding what I was searching for I did not recognize this person and who she was , she pushed storms towards me and as she walked on water towards me I seen what I was looking for a pair of shoes on the bottom of the river I reached out to grab them and once I had them I ran away I believe she was a witch but not sure
I dreamt about a misty water very big but calm was too big to walk through but was going with my boyfriend he entered the water first and told me to come over which I entered and walked through it ,
I dreamed of a monyre Carlo blue and a truck in a river ocean lake filled with bubbles two nieces 17 and 10 and there mom and sister babydaddy and the car was going under and the girls were just alone and the mom n dude was swimming on threw water and left the 2 girls alone and I 17 weeks pregnant and I drunk lots of water bottles feeling like I was dehydrating my child n awoke to a dream like this
I had a dream that I was in a thick, green, and dark forest with a huge wall of bright, clear, and blue water in front of me. I don’t remember if it was falling or standing but I just know I was standing very close to it……
I dream that l was somewhere having acting sessions all of a sudden i saw my ex husband coming with my two little girls and a friends daughter then my friend hanged him then we started moving going somewhere which l don’t know he wasn’t talking to me until we reached small dirty and stagnant water road which was going towards a river he was aholding my hand telling me what has been going towards while i was away l
I dream, I am riding in vehicle and at the side is a ling river which us calm. Its a broken road thats why the jep Im riding fell two times on the river, the jeep is is very fast, I am the only one on it. then the jeep stoppef, I saw a stair, I walk upstairs and able reach the main road, and thete I saw my husbsnd looking for me. What does this all means to me?
I had a dreamed of the end..
One day.. the sky is full of water, then it suddenly poured and flooded the land.. we were scared. I prayed diligently but i think it is late.