When online dating was first introduced, many people were unsure of its usefulness. In fact, online dating was often viewed negatively because it was new and unfamiliar. There was an implicit assumption that only people who cannot find dates in the real world would go looking for it in the virtual world.
However, this is no longer the case. As we have seen withFacebook, Twitter, HubPages, and more, online social interaction has become the norm.
Online dating is no longer something that lives in the fringes of society. In fact, many of us have probably joined an online dating site or are currently thinking of joining one.
Not surprisingly, online dating shares many similarities with real-life dating. However, there are some differences. By recognizing and using these differences you can do to put yourself ahead of the pack and become an online Don Juan.

Source: Couple Dating Pictures
1. Online Dating Profile
After you join an online dating site, the first order of business is to write an online profile. Many people will consider their skills, interests, and strengths; then highlight those qualities that they deem to be most important.
However, that is often not the most effective approach.
Just as a work resume should speakof your target employer, your online dating resume should speak to your target online dates.
Write for your audience, not for yourself.

Before rushing to write up your online dating profile, first do some research.
Consider your prospective audience. Read up on the profiles of the men or women that you would most like to date. After going through a few of those, a pattern will usually emerge as to their interests, as well as likes and dislikes.
Once you have this, you are ready to start writing your online dating profile.
- Highlight aspects of yourself that are important not to you, but to your potential dates.
- Take your time. Your online dating profile is the first thing that someone sees about you. They will decide whether to start a conversation with you based on this profile alone. Therefore, it is very important to make a good first impression.
Do not rush
. You will find more success if you initially put in the time to create a targeted and effective online profile. - Do not lie, but try to put in things that both you and your target audience have in common. There is also nothing wrong with expanding your interests and trying out some of the things that your potential online matches enjoy. Read some new books, listen to new music, and watch a few movies that you have never seen before.
Birds of a feather flock together.
The more common ground you find, the better your chances of impressing your target dates and getting the first foot into the door.
Make your online dating profile more about your potential dates and less about you.

2. Online Dating Plan

Have an online dating plan.
In online communication and encounters there is usually a greater time-lag. This can work in your favor if you use that time to prepare and formulate a good plan of action.
While creating your online dating plan, keep the following in mind –
- People respond best when you take the initiative and provide them with clear next steps to act on. Do not just leave an online conversation hanging. Always plan for follow-up conversations, meetings, and activities. If you take the initiative, you will find that people are more likely to follow.
However, do not be overly pushy. This will only make you look desperate or dangerous, and neither will enhance your online dating prospects. If he/she is not interested in what you have to offer, then find someone else.
- Some people are naturally witty and charming. However, wit and charm can also be achieved through research and pre-planning.
Have a plan on how to woo your date. Come up with a list of topics that you think he/she will enjoy and make sure you have good stories, jokes, or one-liners that will surely impress your date. In many ways, dating is like chess or having a debate. You anticipate your opponent’s moves and come up with clever counter moves. In this way you appear charming and witty because you know exactly what to say, and when to say it.

3. Don’t Just Rely on Text
In online conversations, there is a tendency to rely solely on text.This is a mistake.
Relevant images and video will quickly catch a person’s attention and enhance your online conversation.
Impress your date with your creativity and do not be afraid to express yourself through words, pictures, music, or videos. Once, one of my dates composed me a song, and played it for me on the piano. That was incredibly attractive and I still remember that day!
Don’t just rely on text. One of the big advantages in online communication is that you can seamlessly speak through art, music, and videos. Be creative and use these other forms of expression to your advantage. This will set you apart from your competitors.

Successful Online Dating
Online dating success is not magic. To do well, all you need do is –
- Put some time into creating an effective online dating profile that is targeted towards your audience.
- Take the initiative and create a good online dating plan. If you provide good suggestions for followup conversations and meetings, it will be easier for your date to say Yes! Make your date an offer that is difficult to refuse.
- Be creative. Step out of the box and speak with images, music, and video.
Most of all, remember to have fun and stay positive.
With online dating, it is easy to get discouraged if you are turned down or don’t get many responses. Online encounters are more fleeting in nature, and it is easy to lose confidence and give up altogether.
However, remember not to take it personally.
Online dating success is more about research, planning, and presentation than about you. If you are not performing well, go back and do more research, reformulate your plan, and rework your presentation. As you do this, you will get new data and learn which techniques work best for your potential dates.
The longer you stay in the game, the more you will learn, and the more successful you will become. Before you know it, you will have become an Online Don Juan.
What are you waiting for?? Get out there and have some fun!