Whatever we may say, unkind words or even words that were not meant unkindly, can often hurt us. Belonging, approval, and being part of a group or tribe is important to us because it enhances our survival. Therefore, we feel good when we get approval from others and feel bad when we get their disapproval. Here, we try to understand why words hurt and how we can build emotional resiliency.
Self-Love and Why We Are So Hard on Ourselves
Everyone agrees that self-love is one of the main keys to happiness and a good life. However, instead of being kind to ourselves, we berate ourselves for small mistakes and set up impossible to achieve goals. Why is that? Why is self-love so hard to do?
Your Puny-Pathetic Depression is Not as Good as My Awesome Manly Depression
Depression combined with social comparisons can lead to envy, jealousy, shame, and a closed heart. Ultimately, we end up alone, feeling abandoned, hopeless, betrayed, and more depressed than ever.