A friend and I were discussing this very issue today while having lunch in an outdoor cafe. We decided to count couples and see how many had a taller man and shorter woman, and how many had a shorter man and taller woman.
There were over 20 couples and all of them was of a taller man with a shorter woman.
This is all fine and good but not very scientific. What does science say about this important issue?
A study by Gillis and Avis in 1980 found that for every 100 couples, only 2 are likely to have a taller woman and shorter man. This suggests that in general, men tend to choose women who are shorter than they are and/or women choose men who are taller than they are.

Source: Short Girl Pictures
Do Men Really Like Shorter Women?

The Gillis and Avis study shows that couples very frequently consist of a taller man together with a shorter woman.
However, this does not necessarily mean that men like shorter girls. In fact, one can argue that the height preference largely comes from the woman’s side. Perhaps the man has no height preference, but simply dates shorter women because shorter women find them more attractive.
To get a more comprehensive view of this tall vs. short women issue, I also examined data from Yahoo Answers!. In particular, I did a search for “tall vs. short women” questions.

Source: http://thinkdrawart.com/short-girl-pictures

I collected a total of 54 responses over about 20 related questions. 29 of the responses were from men, and 25 from women. Of the men,
- 52% said that they like shorter women,
- 31% said that height is not an issue, and
- only 17% said that they like tall women.
These figures seem consistent with the results of my Attractive Women Survey which showed that only 19% of voters like tall women.
Of the women,
- 24% said that men like shorter women,
- 36% said that height is not an issue,
- 40% said that men like tall women.
What is especially interesting about the Yahoo! Answers data is that the woman’s view differs so greatly from the man’s view. Upon greater examination though, we found that of the 10 women who claimed that men prefer taller women, 7 were 5’8”-5’9”, and 1 was 5’5”. Therefore, the relatively small data-set and abnormal height distribution of respondents likely skewed the results.

Data from more rigorous scientific studies also support the hypothesis that men have a preference for shorter women.
“We found that shorter, slimmer females with long slender legs, a curvy figure and larger breasts are more attractive,” said lead researcher Dr William Brown of Brunel University.
~~[The Telegraph]
Nettle’s study on 10,000 people born in the UK in 1958 also showed that –
Shorter women are more likely to have long-term relationships with men, and more likely to have children …
~~[New Scientist]

Why Do Men Like Shorter Women?

Most female models are very tall. Based on this female ideal, it seems that all of us have a preference for the tall, thin, and willowy look.
Therefore, why does the survey and scientific results show that men like shorter women? It seems that here, at least, there is an inconsistency between the media feminine ideal and our real-world feminine ideal.
Certainly tall women have the following advantages –
- Clothes fall and drape more naturally on taller women.
- Tall women can handle extra weight much better than shorter women.
- Tall women get noticed more easily because they naturally stand out in a crowd.
All of these attributes make taller women especially suited for the modelling profession. We want models to stand out from the crowd and we want them to look especially good in a wide range of dress styles.

However, a woman’s greater height becomes more of a liability during mate selection because height is often associated with strength and power. These are traditionally traits that are highly regarded in men but less so in women. A tall woman may therefore have an emasculating effect on a shorter man.
In addition, while women frequently select mates based on strength, success, and power; men are more likely to select mates based on fertility. Nettle further pointed out that –
… girls with late sexual maturity will be taller than those who mature early, because they are growing for longer.
According to Nettle, taller women become fertile at a later date when compared to their shorter counterparts. This could also be another contributing factor to a man’s preference for shorter women.

Don’t Men Want Tall Sons?
What’s strange is that I would like to be taller and I would like my future son(s) to be taller. So it would really make more sense to choose a tall mate with genes that will produce a son who is tall. And yet I’m attracted to short women.
~~[Yahoo! Answers]
Another related factor to this tall vs. short women question is the height of our resulting children. If men do indeed select based on fertility, it seems that part of that fertility question would involve the strength and power of the resulting offspring. As was pointed out in the comment above, selection of a taller woman would increase the chances of producing a taller son.
However, based on all the data it seems that the attributes of our offspring are less significant than the social effects of having a taller female spouse, as well as possible maturity issues as related to height.

Are Tall Women Out of Luck?
Finally, it should also be mentioned that height selection and preference is a relative thing.
Most men like women that are shorter than they are and most women like men that are taller than they are. Men who are over 6 feet tall will have less problems dating tall women because they will still be the taller one in the relationship.
However, the distribution of heights for men and women follow the usual bell-curve shape. This suggests that tall women will have a smaller selection of men to choose from.

I’m 5″2 and my boyfriend is about 5″5 he’s still going to grow a lot though I’m fine with a 3inch difference or a foot difference. I don’t think tall woman or petite woman are more attractive I think it just depends on your preference of looks.
I’m 5’9” girl. I hate it…Never had a bf because of my height x( Every dude just says I’m simply too tall to date and that I should play sports…I really envy short women. They are stealing all the tall, handsome guys!
I am a 5’11 girl, and it definitely isn’t easy. Since I’m so tall and skinny (I’m not anorexic, I can’t help my natural body type), girls of all other shapes and sizes constantly are jealous of me. One girl told me straight up that I’m a waste of height. Other just say the typical, ” gosh it must be wonderful to be so tall”, and I try to explain it isn’t all fun.
Whenever I walk through the city, guys stop and stare. At the very least, most give a glance back at me. But sadly, when it comes to true relationships with them, they have a ‘look but don’t touch’ attitude towards me. Constantly, people complain that I give awkward hugs (yes, I get the point I’m not squishy like other girls, deal with it!). I’m not manly by any means, but I just intimidate most guys away naturally largely due to my height.
But whenever I go to the mall and try on clothes I smile because I realize that most other girls couldn’t pull off the long, elegant summer dresses that I wear without some very high heels. And
I’ll have less worries about foot pains from them than normal girls. And some girls could only dream of all the attention being tall gives you effortlessly. So to any tall girls like me who will ever read this, being tall has some great pros and cons. Now grab a pair of flats, some skinny jeans or a long, elegant skirt (actually anything you want to wear, there’s little off limits to you flattery-wise) and own your height!
I live in New York City and let me tell you.. Forget about getting into celebrity nightclubs and lounges if you’re under 5’7. Only the super tall modelesque girls can get in anywhere without paying and knowing someone there. The most exclusive places look like the land of the giants! I guess because this is a fashion capital they put so much importance in height for women and men. If the girl is beautiful and on top of that over 5’9 she’s definitely a hot commodity.
All this stuff about short and tall women needing a taller man to feel petite, feminine and protected from danger seems purely American to me. I find more women who were raised in western civilizations have serious reservations against dating shorter guys. They are socialized into believing that height is everything in a man and they focus less on character. Other women have genuine fears of embarrassment if they suddenly fall for a short guy or find themselves attracted to one. Tall women can’t handle the public making noise about the shorter guy beside her especially if she towers over him. Short women simply avoid shorter guys because they have more choice of the tall guys who refuse to date a taller woman.
I’ve met women from other parts of the world who don’t seem to garner the same amount of animosity towards shorter guys. Some actually like being taller than the man and it’s not a strange fetish either. Yeah it may sound freakish, but there are tall women in other parts of the world who like guys a lot shorter and will date them. Futhermore, I believe a shorter guy is more likely to have a better dating success rate with foreign ladies.
Great hub, I’m 5’9 and I definately like taller guys because I like feeling small next to a big guy, but I believe guys like small dainty women because it makes them feel macho.
wow i used to hate being tall that i actuly used to cry about it, but after a while of people always tellin me they jealous and tht being tall is so awsum and lots of guys liking me and askin me out i began loving being tall. but now afta seeing most of these comments my confidence has just dropped again sooo much:-(
I’m just a shade under 5’6 and I encourage the tall 6’0+ guys to keep on dating the short girls. You can have them! A lot of them live in their high heels, focus way too much on height and don’t like short guys to begin with. Personally, I like taller women better, even if she’s well over 6’0 herself. I’ve had better experiences with them and a lot more tall ladies have accepted my height than the shorter ones. Don’t get me wrong, there are tall ladies who hold the same reservations against me. The ladies who aren’t afraid of dating a shorter man are the ones I like.
I’m a 6’1″ girl and I do sport too so I’m quite strong. Men in the street all stare or whistle at me but when it comes to dating or relationships, most boys back off.
I am about 5’9-10 and it just bothers me so much when short women date the tall men. I like tall men, and when you take them, only the short men are left!
IM 4’6 my boyfriend is 6’1 and i love it !! i had boyfriends in the past . in the taller side 6 feets and they love petit woman .they said petit girls are the best!!!!
Im a 6’4″ male and I looove women that are between 5’9″ and 6’0″. I find it very attractive, and quite frankly if you’re any shorter than 5’9″ I won’t even notice you unless you have an amazing personality. For one its just comfortable having a tall girl and two being with a tall girl I feel like the power couple in a way.
I can understand why some guys wouldn’t want a tall girl because they are intimidated. If a girl was my height it would scare me too.
Tall people have a harder time finding relationships because generally speaking they are seeking someone tall as well, which is much harder to find than average height people. However, when you do find someone good, you will be extremely happy as it doesn’t happen everyday.
My boyfriend is about 6’2 and I’m 5’3. I love the difference in our height. I think it’s cute. According to the bf taller women can be attractive in photographs because you can’t gauge how tall they are, but when they are standing next to him it’s another story entirely. But, that’s just him!! I’ve also met tall men who date tall women exclusively. But,love your height no matter what! Tall or petite. But, for shorter women who are insecure about their height, it’s very beautiful and feminine to be a petite woman. Elizabeth Taylor, Isabelle Adjani, and Natalie Wood were very tiny women….All under 5’4. Infact, Natalie Wood was only 5’0. Isabelle Adjani was recently voted the most beautiful woman in cinema….EVER!
im only 5’2 and for the longest time i thought because of my small frame no guy would want me =(
I am a 5’8.5″ tall man and I think that tall athletic women can be very hot. Toned legs on a tall woman are very attractive. I would probably date a woman who was maybe an inch taller than me. However, I would normally assume she wasn’t interested in me unless she gave me signals of interest at which point I would go for her.
I am short (150 cm) It was never a problem in my life before.. but now if only I could be taller. I fell in love with this guy and he seems really tall.
I prefer same heights or a little taller then me.
I’m 5’2″ and of medium stocky (a few pounds overweight) build. I’m cute, not hot, and in times past I would have looked like a reasonably attractive peasant woman. I’ve been attracted to guys for a lot of reasons, some have been nearly my height, not shorter than 5’2″ though and of varying body types. However the type of guy that turns my head is a tall, thin, muscular type. (isn’t that the same for every woman?) I have been in two long term relationships with that type of guy.
My current bf is really tall compared to me at a whole foot higher. That was an accident. He sat next to me in a class in college and I really liked him and fell in love sitting there. I didn’t realize his height until I started dating him. He also didn’t realize I was so short. It causes some issues. I wish I could be taller to kiss him for one thing. Also gay guys flock to him and taller women have treated me like I must be his little ugly sister or one of those ugly women with inexplicably hot bfs. Yep that’s me! Good for me! He’s one of the “beautiful people” and I am not so much! I think my personality was what really got him though. I’m very persistent when I want something so whether I was too tall or even shorter than I am now, I would have got to him! (not that I feel that way about every man!!) Not only am I older than him but I am a single mom so I have bigger things working against me than height! Being a single mom is a huge relationship obstacle much more than height!
I know I might feel weird about dating a guy shorter than me but it’s hard to find an adult male under 5’2″ anyway so I wouldn’t know. Using logic, I would prefer a man who is nearly equal in height to me (being an equality driven Libra may be the cause of this). I’ve never heard of women as short as me preferring men above 6′ over a decent height of 5’6″! Fortunately, height is not a determining factor for me in relationships which is perhaps why I have been blessed.
I think tall women are beautiful as well as short and I envy many tall women. I envy the power they exude. Men aside, I feel like my demure height robs me of personal power so I wish I were taller. If I’m standing in a group of people, I find my comments get ignored because I have to look up and speak loudly the whole time. I can see why shorter people are usually poor. We get less attention unless we work harder to be heard and even if we are heard, there are forces at work that cause us to be taken less seriously. All that may cause someone to get bitter and frustrated, hence the “loud, aggressive short person” and the Napoleon Complex. I think tall people should stop blaming their relationship issues on short people and vice versa! Despite the stats, you can find love! Don’t be so picky about height! Personality, despite the cliche, is the most important thing to find a quality mate!!
I am 5’0 tall and have never had any difficulty getting male attention no matter what height the male. I am in a long term relationship and get hit on by others often. Tall women only look good in photos
I am 5’6 as of right now, and I’m supposed to be 5’9 or 5’10 soon. If I can get a good date being that tall, I’d be satisfied):