Angels are messengers from God. They protect us, guide us, or carry out other heavenly tasks.
Therefore, angel dreams symbolize a greater force that is watching over us, directing us, sheltering us, or trying to show us something important, which is hidden. The important part about angel dreams, is in translating the message within, based on what is currently happening in our spiritual and physical life.
The message can be a shared joy of something divine that has happened, a blessing of good things to come, or a warning of something we should prepare for.

Interpreting Our Dream About Angels

To interpret our dream, we want to pay special attention to the angels.
- What were the angels wearing? What is the color and texture of their wings?
- What were the angels carrying?
- Is there only a single angel or multiple angels?
- Are our dream angels male or female?
- What were the actions or expressions of the angels?
What were the angels wearing
The color and material of the angel’s clothes and wings, are part of the message that they convey.
- White clothes and wings indicate purity, peace, blessings, and rejuvenation. We may be at peace with ourselves and our life. Alternatively, the white angels may be telling us that to achieve inner peace, we need to seek greater spiritual support, need to be cleansed, and need to focus on the purity of our actions.
- Colorful clothes and wings suggest playfulness and joy. We may be looking forward to something happy and hopeful in our future, which could be a new relationship, new job, promotion, inheritance, or some other good fortune.
- Black clothes and wings signal a warning of some kind. Our physical or spiritual well-being could be in danger, we could be burdened by sin or guilt, and we may need to take some action to heal ourselves.

What were the angels holding
The items held by the angels or carried on their person, will also have great significance. We want to examine each object carefully, explore what each of them symbolizes, as well as what they each mean to us.
- Objects of knowledge such as a book or scroll, indicates greater clarity for the future, and confidence in our actions.
- Objects of war such as a sword or staff, signals that we may be experiencing some inner turmoil in our life or some disturbance in our soul. We may need to do battle to regain our spiritual equilibrium.
- Objects of love and peace such as an olive brand or a dove implies hope, care, devotion, and self-sacrifice. We may have a difficult journey ahead of us, but we have faith in a brighter future.
- Food and drink suggests that we are in need of spiritual nourishment. We may be feeling depleted and tired as a result of our daily struggles. The angel may be telling us that we need to take some time for ourselves, and refocus on our inner self and spiritual well-being.

Number of angels
- A single angel indicates a purity of purpose and action. We need to cast off distractions, and focus on the thing that is most important to us.
- Three angels signals harmony, completeness, and the divine. Indeed, the triad or trinity is a powerful symbol with deep roots in culture and history. In Greek mythology there are three Fates, the triad also plays a central role in Celtic religion, and of course, there is the Holy Trinity. Therefore, a message carried by three angels is very potent, and may involve all of our body, mind and spirit.
- Multiple angels suggest good fortune, divine support, or spiritual fortitude. Angels guard and guide us. Therefore, having multiple angels watching over us, is a sign of great protection, and also an indication of a promising future.
If we are one of the angels in our dream, then likely, we have done something good and pure, we are planning to embark on a journey of spirituality, or planning to do God’s work.

Male or female angels
- Femininity is associated with the Venus symbol, which captures love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility.
- Masculinity is associated with the Mars symbol, which captures war, savagery, guardianship, and virility.
The masculinity or femininity of the angels in our dreams, also constitutes part of the message that they carry.

Actions, expressions, and environment

Finally, actions and expressions are also important. What did the faces of the angels convey, and how did we feel in their presence?
- A calm expression indicates that we are looking for some peace and quiet. Our life may be hectic at the moment, and we may need some protection from our daily noise and activity. We may be seeking sanctuary, some time for reflection, or spiritual comfort.
- A happy expression signals that we are feeling confident about our present and future. It may also signify a recent positive achievement, or the expectation of some imminent good news.
- A sad expression suggests future challenges and possibly heartache. However, we have a guardian angel watching over us, so we will ultimately prevail.
- An angry expression implies some mistake, wrong-doing, or sin. We need to admit our mistake, make amends, and try to do better in the future.
Similarly, the actions of our dream angels also carry meaning. An angel that is brandishing a sword in warning, will have a different message than one who is handing us his sword, or one who is standing still, with his sword pointed to the ground.
If we are being handed something, then we may need to perform an important task, or go on a quest for our spiritual well being. The nature of the task or quest will rely on the object handed to us. On the other hand, an angel standing with his sword pointed down, may be guarding us from something. Perhaps we need to be vigilant, check our spiritual defenses, and watch out for sinful temptations that may lead us astray.
Actions may also indicate immediacy of the message, in particular, whether we need to attend to it very soon, sometime in the near future, or NOW!
The environment surrounding our angel is also important. An angel standing in the middle of a storm, signifies spiritual turbulence, whereas one who is standing in a calm pool of water, signifies peace and relaxation.

Are Dream Angels Real?
When we dream of angels, there is always the question of whether the angels are real and sent by God, or whether they are a manifestation of our subconscious mind.
Studies show that a large percentage of Americans believe in angels.
- A poll in 2008 by the Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion, shows that 55% of 1700 respondents, believe that they were protected from harm by a guardian angel.
- A 2007 Pew poll revealed that a whopping 68% of respondents believe that angels or demons are active in our world. Up to 20% describe encounters with either a heavenly or demonic being.
However, some argue that angel dreams and visitations are the result of our subconscious mind only. They further propose that visitations that occur during the day could be the result of lucid dreaming. It could also be the result of a hallucination or trance.
Are angels real?
As with all things spiritual, that is difficult to prove or fully disprove. The belief in angels, I think, is a very personal thing.
However, if through belief we gain hope, solace, and spiritual strength, then isn’t that the very purpose of an angelic guide and protector? And if so, then perhaps angels exist within us, if we but dare to see.

I dreamt an angel with light skin, brown swishy hair wth no wings was protecting me and he looked like my boyfriend and asking to be in a relationship with me then there was a demon with pale white skin white blonde short hair and black clothing also trying to be in acrekationship with me, and the demon gave me a black dog and kissed me and the angel held my hand and took me on dates…?
I kept having dreams about two guys, one has white hair, blue eyes, white wings, and has holes in his palms. The other one has black hair, a green eye and a blue eye, and white wings. Honestly I’m very confused, sometimes they just stand there and smile, but other times they just look at me.
The holes in his palms remind me of Jesus when he was nailed to the cross
Lastnight I had a dream of being in a temple talking to a man whom looked to be a priest he said “they have something for you” as I looked to his side I saw 3 angels all females wearing a different color cloak … As they began to put their own color cloak around me I awoke… What does this mean
Depends on what color the cloaks were, could be symbolic. It doesn’t seem to be bad
I had a strange dream that I was an angel. I dreamt could fly and went to people I know, but noone could see me. Plus , a voice told me I coudnt have wings yet. I came across a girl I know (it must have been future cuz she looked older) and had a beautiful but squealing baby girl. But the baby could see me, and I touched her and this stopped her crying. I also sung to her, and had an amazing voice, which was nice because my real life singing voice sucks. I was loving flying in the dream and before I woke up, the part where I was given wings reminded me very much of the scene in the childs film thumbelina, where she has wings and a big white dress. In real life I’m trying for a baby and its been very stressful, could the baby bit represesnt this? Although I must say I feel much calmer after this dream.
were there any other angels with ya??
just be nice to yourself and relax -:))
They say animals and babies can see things normal people can’t and maybe that means eventually God will bless you with a child
Aug. 2014, I’ve had three dreams in which I am an angel. I can’t really remember much of them anymore, and I am ashamed I did not write them down when they were fresh in my mind. But I do know in each scenario, I was helping others with a problem they could not accomplish on their own. Only the one dream with the two blonde children felt personal yet unreal; simply because when I finally caught up to them and chased the monsters away, we were at the apt. complex I grew up in. No one in any of the dreams could actually see me, except for a fellow angel(presence) I was conversing with, and the two children in my third dream. I felt such kindness and protective in each of these dreams and it felt so real. As if my own wings were actually an extension of my body, and flying felt so natural. My abilities were supernatural; if I thought something, it would happen. Example; a local in my first dream was sad about the water I think being low? I don’t remember. But I stepped in and raised the water level for the locals and they were so happy. It’s hard to explain how it felt, all I can say is that my mind influenced the water to raise, and it did. I’m not very skilled in dream interpretation, so I sought the internet, and couldn’t find any answers to what it meant being an angel. My dreams were not overly fantasy; I was not a knight in shining armor wielding a glorious shield and blade doing battles with demons. I never even saw my own face(or how I appeared), but the feeling of existing as a guardian entity felt real, and aiding the people in my dreams felt satisfactory. In reality, at the time, a good friend of mine was having much trouble with his gf, who had dumped him after they were together for a long time. He was heart broken and hit rock bottom, and I was extremely worried about him. I comforted him, helped lift him onto his feet, brushed away his tears as best I could, and am mending his broken heart. I think the dreams were in relation to that situation, I don’t know. We are together now and he is happy, and the dreams have since stopped. I would still appreciate any interpretations in case they ever do return. xoxo(:
I’ve had a dream that I was an Angel with black and gold armor with big black wings holding a black and gold sword fighting off demons, I got to see my own face and it was pale with a dark tint with my iris black and black veins under my eyes and long blond flowing hair like bleached blond
I have just woken up to a dream of angels. I cannot remember all of my dream but, the portion of which I do remember is as follows. I am sitting in the children’s class room ( adjectent to where I work) and someone hands me a cardboard cut out no bigger than my two hands. Printed on the cardboard is a man in black and next to himis a boy aged roughly at 10 years old wearing black and brown clothing. I remember someone saying ” it’s so sad about the boy.” and I felt deeply sad looking at the boy. Covering the boy’s feet where two small angels all in white, wings closed infrnot of them which where made of card. I gently opened their wings. I was handed another card full of colour which said ‘a gift’ on it spelt in illustrated leaves. I woke up to the words to a song I haven’t heard before ‘hold on hold on’ in my head. Can anyone interpret what’s going on? I have no clue!
Idk but I also wake up with random songs I’ve never heard before stuck in my head
Oh i dreamt of angel moments ago with my grandmother?? Are they taking me already? LOOOL XDD
The angel was holding a scroll
She looklikes me kindda LOL
But she’s a lot more beautiful
They are smiling at me..
But after that, after seeing them, i felt better.. I feel angelic. Made me pray lol. And thankful. Etc
Just sharing.. Random. Very nice dream 😀
I had a dream of angels. It happened months ago, but I still remember parts very vividly- and I hope that I knew what it meant. I was in this house with my friend and family, and the house was located in this cove.
We were aware that a storm was approaching because of the color of the sky and the “coolness” of the air. I walked to one of the bedroom windows and I saw a VERY low hanging cloud outside of the window. It hanged so low and was so thick- I could touch it and I felt the thickness of the cloud as I rubbed my fingers together.
Suddenly, I heard people outside; I ran to the front door and as I approached it, I saw people standing in the cove pointing up in the sky above house .
I ran out into the cove where the crowd was standing and I saw the most amazing thing- I saw angels flying high above. As a matter of fact, I saw MULTIPLE angels in different scenarios. It was not in color, but very vivid.
They didn’t acknowledge that they were aware that we were watching. I really don’t think they they noticed us. It was as if a curtain was open to their world and they were not aware that it was open.
I felt astonishment, amazement, fear, and intrigue. But it was quite beautiful. That is all that I remember from that dream.
cool dream. Probably saw light workers.
be well
I dreamed a powerful yet scary dream. Just before I woke up.
They’re was some kinda function at my house.
There were new addition to the property.
My oldest sister was there with her husband
So were my parents. There were people I didn’t now but I spoke to them like old friends.
While speaking to my sister I noticed 4 stars falling in the distance.
I pointed it out in the number of falling stars increased.
Then some stars came closer and shaped out wings and then a massive angel landed in the middle of it all and took a seat with almost zero interaction or acknowledgement.
There we’re demons around us that spoke of attacking this angel and as they spoke it a voice mentioned to them u are already dead.
And they turned to dust.
Then the dream turned into a viewing dream like a was just a camera.
My daughter was in what I believe to be my car in a parking lot alone with my dog.
Whilst demon like things were passing her they announced intrest in the dog my thinking being if they go back for the dog what will happen to my daughter.
Then the last thing I remember is that angel in my yard arrised and just stood in strong composure and calm on his face.
i dreamed that i was in a crow of people, and i just had a feeling to turn around and look at the sky, and when i did, there were 3 angels coming dow, all in white and white wings, them 3 angels fly over me and pass me, but one of them came back and stood over me from a distance were i could reach and touch him, and when i did he smile and left, flew back with the other 2 angels, after that i felt in my knees and start it crying, and i was saying to my self, they are really real!! they do exist!! and then i turn around and ask the people that were around me, and ask them, did yall saw that too? and they said NO.. But the guy that was next to me said, i dint saw them, but i did saw them on the reflection of your sunglasses. that has bean my first dream, dont know what it means, but it was beautiful!!
The sight was for, nice!
i had a dream about holding a mother Mary statue in side her i have collect money , took the statue to put in the secure place , then give her a kiss and told her that she will be ok here because its a very save place after i finish saying that , that statue become a life and transform a beautiful Angel with light on her back , the Angel look at me then gave me a kiss and hug me and saying to me , thank you for what you have done , then i just looked suck and happy at the same time did not what to say all i know i was so happy and woke up very happy, i just can believe i had dream about an Angel thanks me and cuddle me,
In my dream I saw angels flying above me. I was singing and in worship with other people in loud intense praise to the Lord and I saw several angels some in white and i also saw some in colors, gold and blue. I looked up and above me the ceiling had opened up I was looking straight into the open sky the angels were flying above in circular patterns. I cannot remember the name of the praise song but I felt so happy and so full of joy.
I hAd same dream
I’ve had a similar dream ..
I had a dream about multiple angels and I was flying with them. We were all wearing white. We had swords. We were smiling at each other and they were teaching me how to fly. Such an amazing dream.
Amazing dream!
i dream about three angels looking at me, but first was healing people .mybe god wants to u use me on his ways but i resist .i love god with all my mind ,heart ,soul.
Just last night I had this dream in which I was heading back to my old house where I no longer live, my girlfriends grandpa who’s very spiritual gave me a flute where he said I blow into it and it will help the spirits of my passed away animals, as I was taking this flute he told me to try it out, so I blew into it, and as I was biking home I noticed in the clouds a fair distance away a small angel shaped by clouds, the angel flew into a set of larger clouds and appeared the angel even closer to me but still in the clouds, the angel was looking down at me, smiling, waving and kept watch over me, everything felt as if life paused in time, I felt peace, curiosity, I was mesmerized by this angel, I then had so much happiness I began to tear with happiness.
Couple nights ago I dreamt bout 2 angels with colorful wings
I dreamt this angel had white cloth, 2 angels was carrying me and my babies I lost them to Ocs can this be a message that my kids are coming home
With colorful wings
I dream”t that this lady came up to me who was much shorter than me and gave me a hug and while she was hugging me her wings opened up. I very light sky blue in color.
Then my wings opened up as well.
I dreamed that I was laying down upon the ground and it was dark but a stone throw away I saw Black angelic beings ascend and descend from heaven. I heard a voice saying it will heal me. I inquired how and suddenly one like the son of light was beside me and he inquired angrily do you not have faith. I need an interpretation
It was jesus being angry at you for not having faith in him for your healing
Why did you not ask for the help?