Angels are messengers from God. They protect us, guide us, or carry out other heavenly tasks.
Therefore, angel dreams symbolize a greater force that is watching over us, directing us, sheltering us, or trying to show us something important, which is hidden. The important part about angel dreams, is in translating the message within, based on what is currently happening in our spiritual and physical life.
The message can be a shared joy of something divine that has happened, a blessing of good things to come, or a warning of something we should prepare for.

Interpreting Our Dream About Angels

To interpret our dream, we want to pay special attention to the angels.
- What were the angels wearing? What is the color and texture of their wings?
- What were the angels carrying?
- Is there only a single angel or multiple angels?
- Are our dream angels male or female?
- What were the actions or expressions of the angels?
What were the angels wearing
The color and material of the angel’s clothes and wings, are part of the message that they convey.
- White clothes and wings indicate purity, peace, blessings, and rejuvenation. We may be at peace with ourselves and our life. Alternatively, the white angels may be telling us that to achieve inner peace, we need to seek greater spiritual support, need to be cleansed, and need to focus on the purity of our actions.
- Colorful clothes and wings suggest playfulness and joy. We may be looking forward to something happy and hopeful in our future, which could be a new relationship, new job, promotion, inheritance, or some other good fortune.
- Black clothes and wings signal a warning of some kind. Our physical or spiritual well-being could be in danger, we could be burdened by sin or guilt, and we may need to take some action to heal ourselves.

What were the angels holding
The items held by the angels or carried on their person, will also have great significance. We want to examine each object carefully, explore what each of them symbolizes, as well as what they each mean to us.
- Objects of knowledge such as a book or scroll, indicates greater clarity for the future, and confidence in our actions.
- Objects of war such as a sword or staff, signals that we may be experiencing some inner turmoil in our life or some disturbance in our soul. We may need to do battle to regain our spiritual equilibrium.
- Objects of love and peace such as an olive brand or a dove implies hope, care, devotion, and self-sacrifice. We may have a difficult journey ahead of us, but we have faith in a brighter future.
- Food and drink suggests that we are in need of spiritual nourishment. We may be feeling depleted and tired as a result of our daily struggles. The angel may be telling us that we need to take some time for ourselves, and refocus on our inner self and spiritual well-being.

Number of angels
- A single angel indicates a purity of purpose and action. We need to cast off distractions, and focus on the thing that is most important to us.
- Three angels signals harmony, completeness, and the divine. Indeed, the triad or trinity is a powerful symbol with deep roots in culture and history. In Greek mythology there are three Fates, the triad also plays a central role in Celtic religion, and of course, there is the Holy Trinity. Therefore, a message carried by three angels is very potent, and may involve all of our body, mind and spirit.
- Multiple angels suggest good fortune, divine support, or spiritual fortitude. Angels guard and guide us. Therefore, having multiple angels watching over us, is a sign of great protection, and also an indication of a promising future.
If we are one of the angels in our dream, then likely, we have done something good and pure, we are planning to embark on a journey of spirituality, or planning to do God’s work.

Male or female angels
- Femininity is associated with the Venus symbol, which captures love, beauty, prosperity, and fertility.
- Masculinity is associated with the Mars symbol, which captures war, savagery, guardianship, and virility.
The masculinity or femininity of the angels in our dreams, also constitutes part of the message that they carry.

Actions, expressions, and environment

Finally, actions and expressions are also important. What did the faces of the angels convey, and how did we feel in their presence?
- A calm expression indicates that we are looking for some peace and quiet. Our life may be hectic at the moment, and we may need some protection from our daily noise and activity. We may be seeking sanctuary, some time for reflection, or spiritual comfort.
- A happy expression signals that we are feeling confident about our present and future. It may also signify a recent positive achievement, or the expectation of some imminent good news.
- A sad expression suggests future challenges and possibly heartache. However, we have a guardian angel watching over us, so we will ultimately prevail.
- An angry expression implies some mistake, wrong-doing, or sin. We need to admit our mistake, make amends, and try to do better in the future.
Similarly, the actions of our dream angels also carry meaning. An angel that is brandishing a sword in warning, will have a different message than one who is handing us his sword, or one who is standing still, with his sword pointed to the ground.
If we are being handed something, then we may need to perform an important task, or go on a quest for our spiritual well being. The nature of the task or quest will rely on the object handed to us. On the other hand, an angel standing with his sword pointed down, may be guarding us from something. Perhaps we need to be vigilant, check our spiritual defenses, and watch out for sinful temptations that may lead us astray.
Actions may also indicate immediacy of the message, in particular, whether we need to attend to it very soon, sometime in the near future, or NOW!
The environment surrounding our angel is also important. An angel standing in the middle of a storm, signifies spiritual turbulence, whereas one who is standing in a calm pool of water, signifies peace and relaxation.

Are Dream Angels Real?
When we dream of angels, there is always the question of whether the angels are real and sent by God, or whether they are a manifestation of our subconscious mind.
Studies show that a large percentage of Americans believe in angels.
- A poll in 2008 by the Baylor University Institute for Studies of Religion, shows that 55% of 1700 respondents, believe that they were protected from harm by a guardian angel.
- A 2007 Pew poll revealed that a whopping 68% of respondents believe that angels or demons are active in our world. Up to 20% describe encounters with either a heavenly or demonic being.
However, some argue that angel dreams and visitations are the result of our subconscious mind only. They further propose that visitations that occur during the day could be the result of lucid dreaming. It could also be the result of a hallucination or trance.
Are angels real?
As with all things spiritual, that is difficult to prove or fully disprove. The belief in angels, I think, is a very personal thing.
However, if through belief we gain hope, solace, and spiritual strength, then isn’t that the very purpose of an angelic guide and protector? And if so, then perhaps angels exist within us, if we but dare to see.

I had the weirdest dream last night, I was with Gail Proctor and Nikita Magill and all of a sudden there was an earthquake, we wer at Ashbury shops then we ran to mums house, next thing there wer people in the street drinkng and cursing and laughing but we hid in the house cuz there we tornado coming!! We tried to close the door but we couldn’t, we then looked to the sky and the tornado wer angels walking across above us nobody but us 3 seen the angels, I woke up crying it was so wierd, I don’t know how I feel about it! What does everyone else think
Well maybe a message I had a weird dream to I was laying flat on the ground and and angel appeared in the. Skies and was flying around the. Sky may not be nothing but I actually recently had a devastating death my grandpa but it was before it happened
I for got some things not sure how it looked it was flying in the sky but I think I saw the angel wearing white clothing and white majestic wings my grandpa actually least away of cancer before that do you guys think that was a sign seems like nothing much but maybe it was a sign someone who has a suggestion please let me know
I had a dream that an angel dressed in black with I white mask came to me and said I am your guardian angel and pointed to the ground why did she point to the ground and I asked her is she my grandmother that I never met and haven’t seen since I was a baby and woke up.
I saw some people are talking about to cut trees. I asked from holy tree about same. Tree reply me like touching small tree asking this tree will cut not me. Then a male angel without hair in white clothes come out from tree and started preforming yug in which tree trunk and my clothes was ready for ahuty.
Last night, I dreamt I saw an angel flew down from the sky. Then he stood before me n he spreader out his wings. I couldn’t see his face clearly. I noticed that he were wearing a long beautiful white robe. As he spread his beautiful white wings. I don’t recall him ever saying a word just looking at me. What does this dream mean?
In my dream, i saw Gabriel, he was wearing jeans and had his pure white wings out, only carrying a scroll, he told me that i had something important to do but then fainted or blacked out, completely unconscious. I believe this means that i have to invoke on a spiritual journey but must not rely heavily on others for guidance but instead walk my own path.
I was in my bed almost asleep when I felt a large amount of weight as if one foot stand fast by my left shoulder. I didn’t want to look out of fear of if it was good or evil. Thou it was an angel and it made short talk with me about my picture frames by my window to calm me. I opened my eyes and my window blinds were written in a language I do not know but the only thing that I did recognized was the signature of Sehaliah,my guardian angel. All of the writtings on the window blinds were glowing a faint blue and white color. What does this mean?
I had a dream 2 weeks ago, there was like a rock structure similar to an old church, the atmosphere there was similar to the movie 300, it was a battle field
There was a demon wearing a robe with a hoodie and I think his name started with a letter ‘G’. I remember someone saying “an angel has been captured and tortured” then i saw a small angel, he seemed to be turned into a statue and was stuck outside the church along with other angels too, they had slit pupils and had different colored sclera like pink,orange,green etc.
Archangel Michael was there, the demon earlier, whenever he would touch a statue it would zip towards Michael and he smashed them using his sword without hesitation. After every last statue was destroyed a female angel arrived the battlefield.
She was wearing light clothing and had armor on her wings and she had a headpiece, she had black eyes and hair bangs that was gathered on the middle of her forehead and the rest of her hair was messy and it reached down to her waist. I think they had a fight about what Michael did and the last thing she said was “atleast I don’t sacrifice my own kin” yeah she was real mad at him and her eyes was just…dead.
this dream really bothered me and it will forever change my perception to archangel michael. I don’t know if this means anything but if it does pls reply to me regarding this dream
I had a dream of a lady that looked like an angel she was behind the register of a store I asked her how much was I suppose to pay but she could not talk .. Then she just gave me my change I walked away counting my money but my daughter was tskeing to long to get my baby do I walked back to the store then the lady called me twards her and try to speak she came to my ear to try to wisper but I hold her waist and asked her if she would gtather write it she knoted her head and said yes I gave her a book and she started writing it on the cover in really nice writing . but then my boyfriend walk in gave me a kiss and she stopped writing It only said the page 115 of the book ? I dont know what book .. Then she was just standing bidding the book that she was writing in behind her back then she gave me a little bag with something that sound like change and then I woke up .. What book was she talking about ? And what dose it mean to receive a little bag ?
Probably the bible
I had a dream where It started with me asking myself “Who am i? What is my purpose?” as my sister called out to me in a hurridly and worrying way, so I followed her as fast as I could and saw 2 normal guys in front of my eyes, one had gold hair and said “sorry” as I wondered he turn to an angel so did his friend. They had white wings (his friend had black hair). I looked with mouth agape as the gold hair male continued “I’m sorry for lying to you. I wasn’t the guy you’d expect” as I move foward and ask him “then who are you exactly” just as he was about to say his name I woke up. #does this sounds too subconcious?
I had a vision of a faceless,white angel he left then a burning cross then a bright star appeared. What does this mean?
Something symbolical to the bible ,perhaps the star ment the North Star or in the bible it says near the end there will be signs in the sky signaling. The burning cross could mean something like the anticrist or someone against Christ or maybe even the KKK.but these are all just possibilities the only reasonable one I can think of was when Jesus was born there was the North Star and angels to tell of his birth(It could also be the birth of the antichrist).
I had a dream last night of looking up in the night sky and an angel was flyers Nig over me, this angel was nude and had big majestic white wings but was carrying someone. As she flew over me she looked at me and she seemed worried as if I wasn’t supposed to see her. Then hundreds if not thousands of hangers flew from a cloud carrying a person and I was wondering if this was the end and why my family was not among them. Then I was on top of the cloud and I was among what seemed thousands of troll looking army and jumped into hearth, as I was jumping down with them I noticed they could see hearth but we were on some sort of other dimension and as we crossed it I could see us crossing that dimension and I was thinking to my self that that was the reason we traveled into space but never reached heaven. Can anyone help with the meaning of this dream? Thank you.
I really saw three male angels an three female angels at different days of course one was in the sky an one set was in the water. Wow what a nights. Princess Carolina Christine Simpson
I had a similar dream. Would really like to know the meaning. I had my children with me, in my dream
I dreamed I saw a male angel sitting, he had black wings, and high black boots, I never saw his face..
I dream about plenty of angels in the sky fighting the evil ones and I saw the face of Jesus Christ what does it mean?
I dreamed of the sky first had two moons I looked around there was two behind me then the heavens opened there was twelve moons in a round crucial and hundreds of angle
They was looking down to the earth leading people to a safe place.
People was going in the gates
A lady told me I could not go in the gates
I returned to the streets
The ground was full of I can only say accid balls burning the streets
I went in a building. And found an old friends
She was smoking and drinking
She asked me to smoke I said no
Things must have got so sad
As I was worked up crying asking God to forgive me
So I don’t know what happens in the dream
The lord has blessed me with lots of dreams and I dont usually interpret any dreams but i happen to find yours interesting.
The moons represent Believers of Light – ( Gen 1:14) It was Good
They are witnesses of Christ also the 12 moons are witnesses
12 Gates are the 12 tribes which enter heaven – remember though that the only way through the gate is Jesus
John 10:9 He stands at the Gate HE is the Gate .
Old acquaintances – In your dream they come up as “old friends” its not talking about friends that you have now but spiritual spirits which may mean that theses call you friend , if you have dabbled in some dark stuff then theses may linger around.
This dream is a reality check , God loves you and wants nothing but the very best for you to have a relation with him like adam and eve talking to Him in the garden of eden and spending eternity in his safe arms . The interpretation is not from me but of HIM who is calling you to walk with him every day and have joy and peace in Him. He is your deliver and strong tower. Hope this is a lighted path of Hope for you.
I had a dream that’s there was a crowd of people or group I was with they was fallowing me. We stop as a group and the devil appears in front of us. His was was narrow long chin. Had curly black hair with a goatee. He then was speaking to me telling is we should be scared of him. Then I was like nope he was like watch this. Then at that point fire was flaming the outside line of his head. He asked me again does this scary you people I was like nope. At this time some in the group was getting frighten buy home. I was like i know I have to go to battle with the devil. So I looked up at the dark shy said God call your angels down. At this time rain drops of glittery gold started raining down before hit ground was Calvary angels forming hundreds of them and they started to battle I then woke up.
I also had a dream that me and one of my best friends were getting touched in a hotel and we were captured I tried jumping out a window but I came back in the apartment because they were walking around the tall building so we wouldn’t get out then all of sudden we appear on the street talking bout a specific angel I don’t remember the name is blurry but we. Were having a race and we were talking how the angel was teasing us we had said the Angel is to perfect to be on. This earth that the Angel thinks that it can do anything so we race and I was the fastest out of my bestfrand and one of my friends but I’m not sure the Angel was there ,there was this huge crowd walking up the side walk so me and my friend stopped and there was a car with a broken window my friend was laughing and told my bestfrand that something really funny this guy had a gf in the car and she left the door open and window shattered I don’t really know what this dream means at all its confusing the Angel was a female and was very beautiful
I dreamed of angles flying in the clouds just swirling around each other just flying free as if they had no worries. And I just wanna know why I dreamed of that and what’s the meaning of it.
I had the exact same dream. I was in my car at night just looking at the sky and talking to the loml and then I looked up and saw 1 angel just flipping his wings, then came another angel along, and me & her both saw it. They were beautiful. Then in my dream I called my dad & told him that we saw two angels in the sky.. my dad said “Thats a message from God trying to create you”
I had a dream yesterday. I seen an angel which is a male. I seen him in my room he was walking near my bed and i called him & i said thanks and he turened and he gave me a peaceful smile. He is wearing golden bracelet in his left hand. Big white huge feather. I was realy thinking weather my guardian angel always with me or not. I been thinking its for long time. I think through this show up he proved me he is with me always everywhere. My god acknowledged me he gave me an grurdian angel. And am happy bout it….
That’s so sweet
I dreamt when I was really young, maybe 6 or 7, that an angel appeared on the side of my wall only waist up could I see. Back then I had a lot of hallucinations before bed I never wanted to own up to and if I looked at things to long they seemed to morph into Creatures or faces and being so young that scarred me, I didn’t sleep in my room for many years. This was particularly different because I felt awake like the times things would morph, but when I blinked or spoke it didn’t go away. It seemed to have a clip board or book it was reading off and in a monotone voice it read out lots of what I belive to be events and dates. All I remember was the prediction of my dog cosmos death. At the time I was really scarred and pretended to be asleep and still I’m not sure if this was a dream or not, it follows me still. But I remember it clearly, it was perfectly white with short curly hair, small soft white wings, some small white crown like thing on its head. It appeared just like it was poking through my wall near the side of my bed.
I had a dream where I was fighting a huge blue and metallic angel and the weird part was I was in a how do I put this.. Third person mode and I was also an angel I was gold um I was fighting the blue angel and I cut his arm off what does that mean?
Well, blue can represent a sad or depressing mood. Angels not only come from God, but they also come from the devil, this may have been an angel of the devil trying to overcome your sense of “innocence” or “Gold” (as you said you were). But, you took away (or will take away) that angels ability to influence you in a bad way.
I’m not an expert but if anyone is please correct me if I am wrong
I dreamed I looked up I saw a man from chest up made of clouds and all around him were angels.
Then the angels started flying down taking people.
The next thing I remember was I was with my youngest daughter her father and his wife, and were trying to get to a church.
What could this mean, the angels were in different clothing very colorful but no armour.
I had a dream of people came down from heaven with angels and I was with people I knew from my school I was looking up at this Hall ceiling and and dozens of white doves came magically appearing out of nowhere I was stood with a crowd of people I knew. And the doves were landing on certain people but not me and the angels were talking to other people but not me and I started crying getting upset. And everyone sat down and i was the only one stood up and I was looking at the people and angels with sadness and I eventually sat down and an angel started talking about something to do with negative people he had a sword and brown wings and brown robes he started pointing his sword at me and he said you and that was it I don’t understand it was a weird dream.
I had a dream I was with my daughter and aunt and mother 3 most important ppl in my life right now. We are at a carnival my aunt tells me its supposed to rain later but the sky was clear , sunny but the wind starts to pick up I look behind me and see a huge dark cloud coming really fast kind of looks like a tornado. I turn to her and say its going to be real bad we need to hold on to something and tight. And i grab my daughter tight in one arm and I’m holding on to a truck. Then it comes and I can hear kids and ppl screaming… Then it calms down but its dark and dust is every where all I can see is what looks like what used to be a church grid like with a cross.. And my aunt turns to me and points at the sky and says holy sh** its Jesus and I see a very bright outline in the sky and I fall to my knees still holding my daughter very tight and then angels start coming out and the lining in the sky opens and its very bright and just beautiful the angels are in normal clothing one angel in particular I seen was a black lady and she says come on. And I see kids running towards her but I keep holding my daughter close. In a split second after her telling me that angels start disappearing and the sky becomes dark and red and I knew it was the devil people started to run I was so scared then I woke up. If anyone can help with this interpretation I would appreciate it.
usually tornado’s mean that there will be some type of situation in your life it may be people close to you or close people that you know that may go through a trouble some time . ( almost like tornadoes in one life) or storms of life.
God is giving you insight on what might be happening or will happen in future .
Pray – Lean on God and he will be your anchor in the storm .