Water is the basis of life. Our bodies consist of mostly water, we need water to survive, the animals and plants around us need water to survive, which is why water is such a strong and commonly recurring symbol in our dreams.
Water is used to bless, renew, and purify. However, water can also be used to torture and kill. Water can be peaceful and life-giving, or it can be powerful, over-whelming, and dangerous.
- Lying in a calm pool of water can be restful to our body and soul.
- Riding on a wave of water can be exhilarating and exciting.
- Falling into a deep ocean of water can be dark, directionless, and full of unknown terrors.
When we cannot properly express our emotions during the day, they may take form in our dreams at night. Therefore, finding the meaning of our dreams, will help us understand ourselves better, as well as improve our emotional and physical well-being.
To find the deeper meaning of our dream about water, we need to look at the details of our dream, within the context of what is currently happening in our life.

Our Dream of Water – What, Where, How

Dreams about water can have many different interpretations depending on –
- How we interact with the water.
- How we feel during and after the dream.
- What type of water appears in our dream. A clear ocean, a fast moving river, a swampland, a swimming pool, or a lake, will all have different associated meanings.
- What objects and people are in the water dream.
1. How we interact with the water
There are many ways with which we can interact with water. Different actions, have different purposes and effect, and therefore a different meaning.
Positive interactions –
- Swimming in water indicates that we have a new goal or destination that we are moving toward. We could be finding a new direction in life, starting school, moving, or changing jobs. Swimming with the current, shows that our journey is going well, and we are happy and confident with our circumstances. Swimming against the current, signals that we are having difficulties and have to work hard to move forward. Being carried away by the current, suggests that the journey is too challenging, and we are no longer sure that we can reach our goals. In this case, we may want to re-evaluate our future and current actions.
- Diving into water can signify a need to delve into our own emotions, needs, actions, and inner psyche. Alternatively, we may be trying to understand the goals and intentions of someone close to us, or how to solve a current work issue.
- Crossing a body of water captures a yearning for freedom, independence, and change. We are moving from what was known and safe, to what is new and not constrained by old rules and old doubts.
- Playing or frolicking in water signals the awakening of a new love or a new passion. We could be looking forward to a new relationship, a new work project, or learning a new skill.
- Walking on water suggests that we are in control and are confident that we can face whatever challenges are currently in our life.
- Listening to water shows a need for reflection, and to be at peace with our emotions.
- Pouring water on someone else may mean that we are helping a friend recover, helping her embark on a new journey, or offering her new opportunities and blessings.
- Drinking water from a water fountain, cooler, spring, or other nourishing source, suggests that we are seeking to be refreshed and renewed. On the other hand, drinking dirty water implies a fear of getting sick, continuing sickness, or some other contamination of the body and mind.

Negative interactions –
- Drowning, rising water, or being swallowed up by a stormy sea indicates anxiety, dread, or a feeling of being overwhelmed by external forces. We could be experiencing a lot of stress from work, from our friends and relatives, or from our current environment and circumstance. We may have lost our job, lost someone we love, and may feel that we no longer have control of our emotions or our life.
- Breathing under water suggests a wish to return to the womb, in particular, a need for safety, security, and freedom from responsibilities. We may be facing difficult issues in life and be overburdened by commitments, therefore we are looking to return to a simpler and safer place.
- Bailing out water is a signal of future troubles or difficulties, which we have currently forestalled with hard work and effort. However, there is uncertainty as to whether we can hold-off the coming tide.
- Looking or thirsting for water may mean that recent setbacks or current life experiences (e.g. work, health, relationships), have left us feeling empty and depleted. Therefore, we are looking to be refueled or reborn. We need to take time to nurture ourselves.
- Falling into water captures a feeling of momentary helplessness, of not being in control, regrets on mistakes made, and possible unpleasant consequences.
- Splashed by water symbolizes a wake up call. We need to focus, get our thoughts straight, and stop living in self-denial or self-delusion. Otherwise, we may end up in a dead-end job, a bad relationship, or a life full of regrets.
- Throwing water at others suggests the onset of an emotional outburst, or the need to show more emotion. Getting water thrown at us, indicates that we may be the target of someone else’s anger or strong emotion.

2. How do we feel during and after the water dream
- Feeling bold and laughing at the stormy sea indicates that we are ready to meet adversity, we are ready to transition into something new, we are confident we can sail through the difficult circumstances, and come out victorious on the other side.
- Feeling anxious and fearful of the water is a signal that we are afraid of the unknown. We may be unsure of the direction to take on a vast trackless body of water, or we may feel that we have no control of where our life is taking us.
- Feeling calm and peaceful about the water captures our feelings of safety, security, and contentment while in our mother’s womb. We feel safe in our current situation, our work life is progressing smoothly, and the people and environment surrounding us gives us peace.

3. What type of water appears in our dream
The type of water in our dream is also significant. In particular –
a) Size and depth of the water
- Large or deep bodies of water (ocean, lake, or well) indicate the unknown, hidden secrets, uncertainty, and greater danger.
- Small and shallow bodies of water (a pond, swimming pool or puddle) are safe, familiar, and known. Even if they are associated with negative emotions and actions, they are more of a nuisance or minor setback, rather than a life changing phenomenon.
- A path of water (stream, creek, or river) signals movement to a particular destination, or having to choose which direction to take.

b) Condition of the water
- Clear water indicates confidence, clarity in thinking, or that we are in tune with our spirituality.
- Still or calm water shows that we are at peace, or that we are seeking peace and relaxation.
- Murky or stagnant water, for example in a swamp or bog, is a sign of apathy and depression. We may feel lost, that our life is going nowhere, that we will never find love, or that our achievements are meaningless. We may be struggling with negative emotions, and find it difficult to take positive action, or indeed any action at all. Fog, is perhaps a weaker symbol, which indicates that we are having trouble reaching clarity, or taking action.
- Ice represents repressed emotions, or some disturbing past experience that still haunts us. Melting ice signals that we are ready to face our past or childhood trauma, and start unraveling our repressed emotions.
- Falling water, for example standing in the rain, under a shower, or in a waterfall denotes a cleansing or need for self-renewal. We may need to heal emotional scars or let go of pent-up emotions, that is causing us sadness and pain.
- Fast moving water, for example in a river, may signify that our life or emotional landscape is changing too quickly. Similarly, boiling water indicates emotional turmoil and great stress.
- Tsunamis, tidal waves, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other acts of God captures a strong sense of being overwhelmed by events that are beyond our control. They may also suggest a hidden guilt or sin, that is greatly weighing on our psyche. We may feel that we need to be, or are going to be punished.

4. What is in the water
Finally, the objects or people related to our water dream can also be significant.
- Boats, jet skis, water skis, water floats, and other objects that give us the ability to stay on top of the water, suggests self-confidence. In general, objects that provide us with more control and more speed, signify greater belief in ourselves and our actions. For example, speed boats and jet skis > sail boats > row boats > paddle boats > water floats.
- Hose, faucets, or other objects that allow us to control the direction and flow of water, also suggests that we are in control, and have the emotional fortitude to take charge of our life and actions.
- Other people swimming in the water with us, helping us get to the surface, or helping us get to shore, indicates that we have support from friends and family in our current troubles. On the other hand, being held back or pushed down into the water, suggests that we have enemies or competitors, who are trying to sabotage or impede our progress.
- Fish and other sea creatures can have a variety of meanings. Mermaids and fantastical sea animals, show a need for change or an urge to escape into a different life. Being attacked by sharks, alligators, or sea monsters, implies that we are feeling harried in many aspects of our life, or that we are worried about embarking on something new and unknown. Observing fish and other sea life from a distance, represents a feeling or indifference, and an unwillingness to explore or to engage in the happenings of our life.
- Barriers in the water or hitting some impediment, signals some complication that is preventing us from reaching our goal. We may be unwilling to take some risk, unable to commit to some action, or make a required sacrifice.
- Familiar objects under water implies that we have repressed or hidden feelings related to those objects. We may feel reluctant to examine or confront those memories.
- Water lily is a symbol of grief and separation. It indicates feelings of sorrow and bereavement.

What Is the Meaning of My Water Dream
Dreams are made of symbols. The interpretation of dreams involve identifying which symbols are important in our dream, and then translating what they each mean to us.
Some symbols have broader cultural significance, while others may have narrower meanings, or may pertain to specific experiences that are special or unique to us. Therefore, dream interpretation is partly a study of symbology, and partly a study of self.
In this article, we examine many of the broader meanings of water, in its various forms and contexts. However, always be aware that our personal experiences and histories also play a very big role.
To fully understand the meaning of our water dreams, we must not only understand the cultural significance of water, but also be brave enough to look into ourselves, and read what it signifies to our soul.

Hi I see a lot of these main symbols on all the websites but I can’t find anything about diving into water (the ocean) with another person and what that means. In my dream it was a boy I had sort of romantic situation with a while ago and the feeling of the dream was kind of “I can’t believe this is happening and semi shy” please can you reply! I don’t have a credit card or anything sorry
I saw the same dream.i read that it means consummation of happy dreams and passionate love.
I had a dream about water lots of water like a tsunami. I was having lunch with my sister and very good friends. The friends house was at the sea with a very large window overlooking the sea. The next moment I saw a tsunami of water heading towards the house. I exclaimed “Oh my God.” but then I was fine with it realizing that I wanted to die. I looked back in the calm water and waved at my sister and friends. Very content. The next moment I was on a cement ledge and with me was a man from who was also at the lunch. His is faceless I could not determine who he was. I asked him why he saved me, but in the same breath said actually you did not I ended up here. He pointed back towards the direction I came from and indicated that he was forced to go after me and handed me a letter from my sister. I then woke up.
I had a dream where it was nighttime and I had a guitar ( I can’t play the guitar). There was a cliff overlooking a deep, dark ocean. I was entirely aware that it was there, yet I continued walking towards the edge. I was playing a sad song and singing as I walked. I can’t remember whether I fell or jumped, but as I reached the chorus of the sad song ( it was a REALLY sad song) I went over the edge backwards and looked at the Milkyway as I fell. I fell on my back into the ocean and it was SUPER murky. I tried my best to break the surface but I woke up before I could. It was at once the best and the worst dream I’ve ever had.
I had a dream of playing with kids just like my old job at a summer camp. Now that I’m living abroad my mother had come to visit me, but she is fishing at a creek. Finally I make it so past the kids to check on my mother who is fishing at the creek. As I approach she was fast asleep, right when I came closer the pole was dragged away by a force into the creek (probably a fish). I yelled why she had to fall asleep, there’s a fish on her pole. The creek was shallow, small (3-4 meters wide), ankle deep, fast and really clear. So I jumped in and chased after the pole. As I got closer, I saw that the fish hooked onto the pole looked like a walleye and was already dead. Probably had been dead for a day. I know this because I fish a lot. Since the fish was already dead and I was chasing the pole, the creek current was strong to push the pole further away from me. I lunged after it a couple more steps until the water became deeper up to my thighs, and I could see the path of the stream flowing into an indoor underground sort of mythological aztec/mayan looking pathway. The water was beautiful, deeper now, thicker and richer. But not wanting to be washed by the currents (possibly dying) I turned back and saw a mossy staircase. I grabbed onto the mossy stair handles, it was slippery as the whole staircase was covered in moss. The creek current tried to push me in. Even though the water was only up to my thighs it was so hard trying to pull myself out, with addition of the slippery mossy stairs. It felt like an entity in the water was trying to pull me in as well. Memories of a little boy, I shout for Mom. She arrived atop the stairs. I worked hard, giving my all to climb up as she encouraged me. Vowing inside my head not to let the currents take me. I don’t want to die abroad. I’ll make it back to her alive, because I know that in real life, she’s not actually here to visit me. I never made it past the stairs before I woke up. But I felt a sense of relief as if I had escaped the force of that creek before I woke up. I wake up feeling uneasy and fear.
I had a dream where I was swimming with my childhood friend but he was a mermaid. We would swim around an island, and come back to this theme park. It suddenly ended with him saying goodbye to me. I need to know what this means.
This dream can have many meanings. Saying that he left so suddenly may symbolize that you miss him or that when you were kids moved away suddenly. It could also mean that you miss the old times.. Just some guesses based on your dream
I had an dream in which I saw my dad is driving scooter with me sitting behind n road is between the rivers n uneven road with very bad condition car n buses r sinking in the river .but my dad manage to over come all the hurdles on road n take me to best island which is end point of tht road .whr we see nice n beautiful people n my dad is quite popular thr n he talks to them ..in reality I lost my dad 11 yrs back ..but I often see him in my dream is thr any reson for y I see him quite often even @ his death past 11 yrs
I had a dream a couple night ago that I was living back in the old house where I grew up, but discovered that the previous owners had completely flooded the back yard. Only the “back yard” wasn’t really a yard anymore. It was turned into a several-hundred-foot-deep swimming pool spanning about 4-5 acres. When I looked down into the pool, I could see multiple “shelves” and levels that made the pool 10 feet deep in some areas, 50 in others, but the bottom was too far down to see. Several boats, pool noodles, inflatable pool rafts, toys, etc. lay marooned on these shelves. I wanted to dive down and explore the pool, but I knew that I would probably drown or be hurt by the water pressure if I actually did it.
I realized I was dreaming when I found myself treading water in the middle of the pool and I realized I forgot to take my phone out of my pocket. When I dried it off, it still worked because it didn’t get “that wet” and I remembered that I had it on me “soon enough.”
I keep having a similar dream just into respect I am in water and realize my cell phone is still in my pocket. I panic and think my phones broken but the same as you it still always works.
I have this dream too . . . i’ve fallen into the pool and realise my cellphone is in my pocket and have a mild panic but i seem to have got it in time and it still works and is fine and i’m relieved . . it would be great to hear some interpretations
I had a dream where where I’m in a pool all by my self, nobody else in their but me. But I’m sitting in the bottom of the pool criss cross on the floor, BREATHING calmly. For hours. I’m just sitting their looking at the same spot of the wall. I’ve had this dream repeating for almost a year now.
Also another dream I’ve been having for a couple years since I was little an to this day still have it is that it’s like Theirs two of me.
One version of me is sleeping on my bed peacefully asleep. An the other is on the ceiling I’m guessing, I can’t see the other me it’s like I’m actually their with my real eyes looking at myself sleeping.
As the one of me is sleeping out of nowhere a demon/ possessed girl starts to climb onto my bed where the me I’m seeing is sleeping.
She has a bullet right in the middle of her forehead she crawls closer to me in a weird way that I can just picture right now an gives me goosebumps . All the way until she’s in my face. I don’t wake up. But the me that sees myself sleeping.
She sees me an looks up into my eyes. An screams as loud as she can like somebody scratching a chalkboard.
Now the real me that’s in the middle of this dream try’s to wake up. (In real life) I try to wake up I can feel my hands hitting my face an moving trying to wake up but my eyes won’t open and I feel swear on my face .
I’m stuck like this for 2 minutes not being able to wake up but knowing my body is moving but my brain just isn’t working an my eyes are closed right an won’t open either….
Hi when I was a young girl I too had dream like there is two of me. Had the dream for years.but it stopped.I never understood why I had dream.?
Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me I’ve been having this dream where I go out boating on the lake with my Ucle, my Dad, and someone I can’t exactly see the face of. Anyway, I’m sitting on the stern of our brand new bowrider looking up at my dad reading his book. I start slowly sliding of the end of the boat therefore I reach out and grab my dads arm. He doesn’t even look up at at this point so I start saying to him “Daddy? Can you pease pull me up?” He flips the page of his book and says “yup, just one second honey,”. By then it was to late my body is halfway in the water and I’m and struggling to stay on the stern, no one even glanced my way when all of a sudden my uncle starts backing the boat up. I start panicking and struggling even more, I can feel the suction of the propellers from under me and I fear this might just end in having to watch myself die. I start frantically grabbing my fathers arm screaming at him “Daddy! Please daddy I’ve had enough!” He doesn’t even look up. I turned around to try to pull myself using the handle of the 2 step stairway of the boat and just then a girl comes screeching out of the water. Her screem was like nails on chalkboard but I couldn’t look away it was like I was hooked. I look her up and down, about 1/3 of her body is in the water allowing me to only see her collarbone up to her hair which is slicked back into a light brown ponytail. I realize I don’t reconize this women from anywhere she could be anyone I am wondering what she’s doing when she starts screaming again but this time she looks me straight in the eyes. I feel me wanting to give my life for her and all my will to live, my dad finally notices something and looks over. “You’ve been awefully quiet, do you want..,” he is cut off when he sees me half in the water staring at this girl that is somehow oddly enough staying behind the boat that’s is now quickly moving backwards. My dad grabs my hand and yells at me “hurry Chloe, try to get up and I will help you”. I turn and grab his hand as the women hurls herself at me land at my feet and grabbing my ankle trying to pull me under. I start screaming as loud as my voice would go and my dad yanks me up in one try and I watch the girl get sucked into the propeller of the boat. I run to the bow of the boat and grab my towel. I frantically shove myself down on the seat as everyone else just resumes their position as if the dreams about to start agian. At this point I wake up startled and filled with anxiety.
Nvm lol I know some people actually had dreams like but I just made it up to see if anyone would reply
I dreamed I was in this cemetery, one of four areas I always dream about. All the graves are real close together, and one line of them are above ground crypts, large enough to hold one casket each.
I’m standing beside one coffin with another guy, and there’s a little boy standing beside the coffin.
I look in the coffin since the lid is up, and I can see this dead woman floating in clear water that half fills the interior of the coffin.
She’s dressed in a fancy white outfit, and the strange thing, she’s breathing, her belly extending almost comically with each breathe.
We turn to talk to the boy ,obviously the woman’s son, and turn back to look at the body, but the lid is closed.
The boy has some boxes of files sitting on top of the closed casket, and along the top of the red brick that form the crypt.
We ask him for som e of the records, and he opens the casket and pulls out a small metal file box and hands tol us.
That’s so bizarre because I’ve had almost the same dream.
I keep on having dreams where I’m in my yard and it’s flooded and I keep sinking to the bottom of the water. What does this mean?
I had a dream that I was cleaning the house. But the washing did not get done me and my husband had a fight he was grumpy even after I invited his friends and made them super to eat. The next moment there was flame and we lived in a wooden big house I ran for the two children and my mom and got them outand to safety, then I saw my hubby ran out to go and call people and I ran back to the house got in byck door there was our 2 cleaners stil standing I took an container with water and start blising the fire the next moment there was a man helping me and the fire was out after every thing my hubby wnated to put the electricty back on and I told him not to and a guy took the cable out of hnd and said to him this is the reason for the fire. I gave him a hug and sai I am glad he did not get hurd.
I had a dream last night of being on the top of a water slide.every one was sliding down but i just couldn’t go or i didn’t want to.then im al of a sudden on a pier and i start swimming in a lake that is deep and i say out loud.”they think i cant swim.i can swim real good”.then i swim to the end or edge or shore but i remain in the water i dont get out.then i swim back to the pier and i see children playing on the pier.now i see the wood pier and it has stairs to go down to another side of the lake.and i hear an old man say “we wete thinking that side of the lakes has sharks ” so i look toward that side and in the distance i see a boat and another end to the lake.so i reply back saying” yea there is sharks im sure” acting like its nothing.and i think to myself” so what.” i keep seeing the strange pier shape with steps and children walking around the pier having fun .i couldnt see tje old mans face only thst he was black American and was sitting on some chair at the edge of the pier and he kept talkimg to me about the same thing.i never went back in the water and stayed on the pier.but there was also several other black American guys by the old man but i couldn’t see them.the water slide part was colorful slide and everyone was happy me too.the pier part was a little weird but didn’t really fear. What does this dream mean? I always have water dreams maybe 5 times a year if i remember.the scariest dream was when i dreamed of the trade towers when i was 16 and happened 5years later.
I had a dream where I was with a friend of mine. We were at a lake..or a really large deep pool. I can’t tell, but I’m pretty sure it was a deep pool because it was indoors. He trusted me to carry him when we were walking along rocks, and I dropped him but he fell into the water. There were things like water floating things, and I went into the shallow part of the water and grabbed onto a floating thing that looked like a rubber duck. I floated towards him easy, but the water was still. I got him out of the water and we ended up staying in the shallow part of the water and he started talking about an arguing two people I didn’t know were having.
I dreamed last night. I was sitting beside of a calm riverbeside with a fish swims… and there’s a man putting a trap into the river to catch a fish… and then he finally catch the big fish I was so happy that he got the fish…what does mean?
What does it mean to dram floating in a perfectly square swimming pool with my sister ( who is in cancer remission and her husband who has had 5 strokes) the water is very black, & thick like tar. I remember my whole body and that of my relatives being under water then I can see my head comes out as I star floating, then I’m out and making a very short line to a clean rinse of fresh water. And the only thing I can think of is how I was able to float when I’m not even know how to swim. And I question myself about not knowing what happen with my sister and husband…
I had a dream my boyfriend and I are by a slow moving clear river and then he was digging around it to make it larger then before he could get back to where I was ( on the left side) the river turned dark brown started raging rushing in and he was jumping rock to rock got to the top of a waterfall and turned to run to me and like a few feet away the river water bashed into him he hit his head (no gash no blood mo cuts) blurred his vision (I jumped from my body to his and saw through his eyes he could see yellow pink grey but he could see me a little bit just the outlineof my body (it looked like looking into a coliedascope not sure how to spell it out, but it is the toy kids used to see bright colors and turn it to make shapes) anyway I then jumped back into my body and told him to follow my voice and walk fast towards my figure he could barely see he did it and when he got close enough to me I reached out my hand and told him to do the same I yanked him as I told him to jump to me and we hugged each other without hesitation and told each other we loved each other and it was the best feeling ever. And then I woke up
Whatan awesome dream!
Umm, hi! I had this dream a few nights back that I was in a pool with my boyfriend. It was a fairly large pool, and he kept making fun of my height because I couldn’t stand on the deep side with him. I can’t swim, so I just stayed on the shallow side. After a while I saw a little girl frolicking at the poolside and got out. My boyfriend tried following me, but some people randomly came out of nowhere and held him back. The little girl took me to show my a small litter of kittens she found and a voice said “there they are” I didn’t see anyone, but I quickly tried reaching for this one kitten (the only one I remember out of the litter) with beautiful blue eyes.
Can anyone help me understand this??
I have a continuous dream that is the same never changes that I have since I was a child.
My dream starts im in the forest walking among a path in the darkness with the moon as my guide. I follow the path between twin mountains that are all stone with no life upon them I walk through the opening and I descend through the small valley I find my self at the edge of a crystal clear lake I look around and I am surrounded by mountains like a big bowl I hear thunder so loud I could feel it deep in side as if took my breathe. I look towards the sky and the clouds begin to roll in the colors of the sky and moon begin to change I see amber orange and red flash through the clouds. I dont blink nor shutter a away. The clouds open up and behold a tornado of fire bursts through the clouds like a lightning bolt and hits the still clear lake i feel the warmth of the vortex but It stays in on place it doesn’t move just spins where it landed. The voice that comes from it is so loud so overwhelming it takes my breathe like the echoing thunder. I fall to my knees and as so as I touch the water in flash I awake sweating.
I dont what to make of it nor what to think I have always been able to alter my dreams as I see fit but this is the same I can alter nor change the outcome nor stay asleep to see the end .
I know exactly what this means. Jesus is trying to reveal himself to you, your dream is described in the bible. Gods speaks to people and does miracles in all those force of nature ways. Read it for yourself!
I had a dream at first i couldnt remember but as da day went on i remembered i dreamt that i was in a shallow some what like a pond but the water was so clear n see thru and i was reachin for sumthing, all i remember is that i could see clearly my hand reaching down to get sum thing n my body was reachin down to da bottom dont kno what i was reachin for cant remember why what does it mean please explain…
Lost n Confussed,
What is it mean to look at the sky right when you wake up in the morning and see black cloud and the cloud turns into black water, then I saw myself running
to wake-up my mom and tell her get up its the end of the world look at the sky full of black water but no water is coming down it’s staying up in the sky, then my mom start waking my dead dad to get hop and see what is happening, it felt like it’s the end of the world. Please explain. Thank you