Water is the basis of life. Our bodies consist of mostly water, we need water to survive, the animals and plants around us need water to survive, which is why water is such a strong and commonly recurring symbol in our dreams.
Water is used to bless, renew, and purify. However, water can also be used to torture and kill. Water can be peaceful and life-giving, or it can be powerful, over-whelming, and dangerous.
- Lying in a calm pool of water can be restful to our body and soul.
- Riding on a wave of water can be exhilarating and exciting.
- Falling into a deep ocean of water can be dark, directionless, and full of unknown terrors.
When we cannot properly express our emotions during the day, they may take form in our dreams at night. Therefore, finding the meaning of our dreams, will help us understand ourselves better, as well as improve our emotional and physical well-being.
To find the deeper meaning of our dream about water, we need to look at the details of our dream, within the context of what is currently happening in our life.

Our Dream of Water – What, Where, How

Dreams about water can have many different interpretations depending on –
- How we interact with the water.
- How we feel during and after the dream.
- What type of water appears in our dream. A clear ocean, a fast moving river, a swampland, a swimming pool, or a lake, will all have different associated meanings.
- What objects and people are in the water dream.
1. How we interact with the water
There are many ways with which we can interact with water. Different actions, have different purposes and effect, and therefore a different meaning.
Positive interactions –
- Swimming in water indicates that we have a new goal or destination that we are moving toward. We could be finding a new direction in life, starting school, moving, or changing jobs. Swimming with the current, shows that our journey is going well, and we are happy and confident with our circumstances. Swimming against the current, signals that we are having difficulties and have to work hard to move forward. Being carried away by the current, suggests that the journey is too challenging, and we are no longer sure that we can reach our goals. In this case, we may want to re-evaluate our future and current actions.
- Diving into water can signify a need to delve into our own emotions, needs, actions, and inner psyche. Alternatively, we may be trying to understand the goals and intentions of someone close to us, or how to solve a current work issue.
- Crossing a body of water captures a yearning for freedom, independence, and change. We are moving from what was known and safe, to what is new and not constrained by old rules and old doubts.
- Playing or frolicking in water signals the awakening of a new love or a new passion. We could be looking forward to a new relationship, a new work project, or learning a new skill.
- Walking on water suggests that we are in control and are confident that we can face whatever challenges are currently in our life.
- Listening to water shows a need for reflection, and to be at peace with our emotions.
- Pouring water on someone else may mean that we are helping a friend recover, helping her embark on a new journey, or offering her new opportunities and blessings.
- Drinking water from a water fountain, cooler, spring, or other nourishing source, suggests that we are seeking to be refreshed and renewed. On the other hand, drinking dirty water implies a fear of getting sick, continuing sickness, or some other contamination of the body and mind.

Negative interactions –
- Drowning, rising water, or being swallowed up by a stormy sea indicates anxiety, dread, or a feeling of being overwhelmed by external forces. We could be experiencing a lot of stress from work, from our friends and relatives, or from our current environment and circumstance. We may have lost our job, lost someone we love, and may feel that we no longer have control of our emotions or our life.
- Breathing under water suggests a wish to return to the womb, in particular, a need for safety, security, and freedom from responsibilities. We may be facing difficult issues in life and be overburdened by commitments, therefore we are looking to return to a simpler and safer place.
- Bailing out water is a signal of future troubles or difficulties, which we have currently forestalled with hard work and effort. However, there is uncertainty as to whether we can hold-off the coming tide.
- Looking or thirsting for water may mean that recent setbacks or current life experiences (e.g. work, health, relationships), have left us feeling empty and depleted. Therefore, we are looking to be refueled or reborn. We need to take time to nurture ourselves.
- Falling into water captures a feeling of momentary helplessness, of not being in control, regrets on mistakes made, and possible unpleasant consequences.
- Splashed by water symbolizes a wake up call. We need to focus, get our thoughts straight, and stop living in self-denial or self-delusion. Otherwise, we may end up in a dead-end job, a bad relationship, or a life full of regrets.
- Throwing water at others suggests the onset of an emotional outburst, or the need to show more emotion. Getting water thrown at us, indicates that we may be the target of someone else’s anger or strong emotion.

2. How do we feel during and after the water dream
- Feeling bold and laughing at the stormy sea indicates that we are ready to meet adversity, we are ready to transition into something new, we are confident we can sail through the difficult circumstances, and come out victorious on the other side.
- Feeling anxious and fearful of the water is a signal that we are afraid of the unknown. We may be unsure of the direction to take on a vast trackless body of water, or we may feel that we have no control of where our life is taking us.
- Feeling calm and peaceful about the water captures our feelings of safety, security, and contentment while in our mother’s womb. We feel safe in our current situation, our work life is progressing smoothly, and the people and environment surrounding us gives us peace.

3. What type of water appears in our dream
The type of water in our dream is also significant. In particular –
a) Size and depth of the water
- Large or deep bodies of water (ocean, lake, or well) indicate the unknown, hidden secrets, uncertainty, and greater danger.
- Small and shallow bodies of water (a pond, swimming pool or puddle) are safe, familiar, and known. Even if they are associated with negative emotions and actions, they are more of a nuisance or minor setback, rather than a life changing phenomenon.
- A path of water (stream, creek, or river) signals movement to a particular destination, or having to choose which direction to take.

b) Condition of the water
- Clear water indicates confidence, clarity in thinking, or that we are in tune with our spirituality.
- Still or calm water shows that we are at peace, or that we are seeking peace and relaxation.
- Murky or stagnant water, for example in a swamp or bog, is a sign of apathy and depression. We may feel lost, that our life is going nowhere, that we will never find love, or that our achievements are meaningless. We may be struggling with negative emotions, and find it difficult to take positive action, or indeed any action at all. Fog, is perhaps a weaker symbol, which indicates that we are having trouble reaching clarity, or taking action.
- Ice represents repressed emotions, or some disturbing past experience that still haunts us. Melting ice signals that we are ready to face our past or childhood trauma, and start unraveling our repressed emotions.
- Falling water, for example standing in the rain, under a shower, or in a waterfall denotes a cleansing or need for self-renewal. We may need to heal emotional scars or let go of pent-up emotions, that is causing us sadness and pain.
- Fast moving water, for example in a river, may signify that our life or emotional landscape is changing too quickly. Similarly, boiling water indicates emotional turmoil and great stress.
- Tsunamis, tidal waves, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other acts of God captures a strong sense of being overwhelmed by events that are beyond our control. They may also suggest a hidden guilt or sin, that is greatly weighing on our psyche. We may feel that we need to be, or are going to be punished.

4. What is in the water
Finally, the objects or people related to our water dream can also be significant.
- Boats, jet skis, water skis, water floats, and other objects that give us the ability to stay on top of the water, suggests self-confidence. In general, objects that provide us with more control and more speed, signify greater belief in ourselves and our actions. For example, speed boats and jet skis > sail boats > row boats > paddle boats > water floats.
- Hose, faucets, or other objects that allow us to control the direction and flow of water, also suggests that we are in control, and have the emotional fortitude to take charge of our life and actions.
- Other people swimming in the water with us, helping us get to the surface, or helping us get to shore, indicates that we have support from friends and family in our current troubles. On the other hand, being held back or pushed down into the water, suggests that we have enemies or competitors, who are trying to sabotage or impede our progress.
- Fish and other sea creatures can have a variety of meanings. Mermaids and fantastical sea animals, show a need for change or an urge to escape into a different life. Being attacked by sharks, alligators, or sea monsters, implies that we are feeling harried in many aspects of our life, or that we are worried about embarking on something new and unknown. Observing fish and other sea life from a distance, represents a feeling or indifference, and an unwillingness to explore or to engage in the happenings of our life.
- Barriers in the water or hitting some impediment, signals some complication that is preventing us from reaching our goal. We may be unwilling to take some risk, unable to commit to some action, or make a required sacrifice.
- Familiar objects under water implies that we have repressed or hidden feelings related to those objects. We may feel reluctant to examine or confront those memories.
- Water lily is a symbol of grief and separation. It indicates feelings of sorrow and bereavement.

What Is the Meaning of My Water Dream
Dreams are made of symbols. The interpretation of dreams involve identifying which symbols are important in our dream, and then translating what they each mean to us.
Some symbols have broader cultural significance, while others may have narrower meanings, or may pertain to specific experiences that are special or unique to us. Therefore, dream interpretation is partly a study of symbology, and partly a study of self.
In this article, we examine many of the broader meanings of water, in its various forms and contexts. However, always be aware that our personal experiences and histories also play a very big role.
To fully understand the meaning of our water dreams, we must not only understand the cultural significance of water, but also be brave enough to look into ourselves, and read what it signifies to our soul.

My dream was strange I driving to a lake to meet people i didnt no and there was about 20 people sitting close to the edge about 1m with a high fence and they didnt move for me to walk past I was worried I would fall in and as I was trying to pass ..i saw the water was really dark but I could see the bottom and the was a dolphin just moving around in one area next to the rage and as I sat down all of a sudden the people that were there were now on the other side of the fence so i got up to go on the other side of the fence and I kept looking at the dolphin and then I saw a young lady at the bottom with dark hair medium in length and very pale .. with her eyes open looking up ..just floting on the bottom and I couldn’t stop looking at her and remembering why is there so much laughter around but I couldn’t see any one ..then i woke up..
meaning of a dream. ( i went home with my two cousins and we were swimming a pond water filled to the brim to cross to our compound, after i left the church conference were i meet many men of God)
I danced to the Alter at the conference to drop my offering, were I saw many men of God, after I left the conferenceand I saw myself with my two cousins going home and there is a pond water we have to cross before we could enter the compound not my father’s compound. So all of us entered in the pond water and we crossed. I then open my eyes.
I have a sister every time I dream about her, something bad is about to happen . In real life, she never like me from the time i was a child to now. I dreamed about her trying to pour water to my head, but I was strong enough not to allow her to do it, than I woke up in the dream.
I Had A Dream That I Was Walking On Top Of Clean Water
I had a dream that was weird to me.. It was just a part of the dream like in the middle I dont know where the water came from all I remember was walking through my house trying to get out cause it was flooded with water up to my chest. I remember walking out of my room and past the back door and I can’t remember anything else its just blank…
I had a dream about 2 black dragon serpents swinming in the ocean and the water was black. Two little girls was buried in the sand with the blue ocean water . when the water cleared I pulled them out both out. One girl stood and walked away from me. The second little girl was ok to.
I had a dream that me and my son were in my car. We were parked. We were leaving and the car started going in reverse. I put on the breaks and it wouldn’t stop. We went into the water but stayed above water. I was freaking out because I don’t know howvto swim. There were other cars on top of the water as well. My car was passing them all. I looked back and I told my son we weren’t going to make it. He said to let him out to get help. He climbed over me, I opened the door and let him out. I wasn’t worried about him. I looked behind me and it seemed like a long way to get to other end of the lake. I made it with my car still on top of the water. I grabbed my cell called my son and we met up. He was rapped in a red towel. I woke up. That’s what I remember. I felt confused and anxioius that I actually made it wth no harm to my car, son or myself. No water came in the casr either.
I dram of saving ourselves by pushing us into the bottom of the ocean from all the way from a platform, way adove the sky. I threw a rope/hose color light purple that the more it sank slowly the bigger it grew. Right after I threw it, it was hitting poles in all directions which mostly formed a cube and I grabbed the tip of the hose holding on to you and we went down calm going through the center of every cube with none of them hitting us. I looked up and down and could not see anything just the outline of our path and what was infront of us. Finally, we reach the bottom of the ocean. We can see the rope still falling from the platform, is this a chance to go back? After everything, we’re now in a navy hue water very clear and I see a seahorse going up. I think of opening my diving suit and go up with it but I rathered not , I looked up and woke up feeling like if I crashed
I can’t remember the exact details, but I had a dream that I was on a plane and we (a bunch of random cool people and a cute girl) parachuted out of two planes The first time I bailed it but the second time my parachute didn’t work so I got shot into an ocean (right next to a swamp) but I was fine. Later we were at my backyard lake [which turned to literally a pool] and we were swimming in it. I noticed I could control the water by my will but not perfectly. We swam there having fun and I woke up thinking “why can’t that be real”
* I nailed it
I dreamt we (a close friend and myself) had to jump from a platform way too high, hundreds of feet above the ocean and dive into it… we did it once or that’s what I thought… it was time for the second jump and fro. Tbe platform you couñd see below by some opennings and see the little people and announcer down below asking for the jump. My friend goes to the edge of the platform and turns around facing me, Iask him what he was doing and tells me is a backflip and jumps down. I couldn’t look at him and was heading down, but instead I went ahead and look to see him going the wrong direction a d hitting the ground, just a couple of feet from the wate. I was screaming and comming dow for him, when I see ghat he moves towards the water trying to go in, like if nobody saw he missed the water. I called 911 on my way down and when I got there he was already standing up anf walking, talking and denaying what had happen, I take a look at him anf he was way taller and slimmer do to him crashing to the ground, at least that is what a was thinking… i woke up after that.
I dreamed that I was coming off a minor road to enter unto the main road that should lead to home, and just as I was to enter the road I saw that there was the ocean on both sides of the major road and further up, the ocean actually came across the road and completely flowed over and covered it. I was driving and realized that I can’t pass that way and in the dream I concluded that I would have to turn back and go back unto the minor road and choose an alternate road for reaching home. My dream ended there. What could this mean?
I had a dream that I was swimming in a pool. The water was so beautiful. I swam up to my children’s father (we are separated but are trying to work things out) I kissed him on the cheek and we smiled really big at each other. I then went back under water to swim to the other end of the pool. As I got to the other end the water at that end turned black and I instantly was terrified of it. I turned to try to swim the other way but the black water started pulling me in and I felt like I was going to drown. I woke up right as my legs went into the black water
I dreamt that my 4 year old nephew came to me in the middle of the night desperate for water. He showed me that his cup was empty and he really needed more.
Could this have any special meaning?
Maybe he needs a hand. 🙂
I dreamed that my 13 year old grandson was on a bridge. I told him to stop but he kept running up the bridge and he fell off the bridge into the ocean. I ran after him and saw him fall into the water. He landed in the bottom and the water was clear so I could see him. I jumped in and was able to save him. What does this mean?
I had 2 dreams one about fire the other about water…
I have dreamed that I was running with a lighter but at the end my father was on fire and I was tied he was in alot of pain
The other one was repeated
I had dreamed that I was in a car with my little brother and the car was out of my control but before it falls in a sea my brother was out of it, I was drowning but breathing under water I was scared but the water was clear and safe inside but outside looks dark and stormy…what could that mean?!
I keep having dreams I’m falling into the bottom of the water and its very very deep. What does it mean?!
My father recently passed away in nov 2016. My mom is still with us and had a dream. The dream was my dad (her husnand) with his parents (my mother inlaws who are also deceased) were all together in a large body of calm water, walking away. Nothing was said to my mom. Does anyone have any thoughts or interpretations. Thank you
My dream was that there was another me and she was dragging me underwater trying to drown me I screamed for my boyfriend and he just looked at me didn’t help next thing I knew I was dragged completely under and the other me over powered me (I was drowning) then woke up screaming!
Please can anyone tell me what this means!
I had a dream of several large frogs swimming in a clear stream of water while looking down at them. Very calming. What does this mean
My recent dream started me and my boyfriend standing outside holding hands and as I looked up there was a Tsunami clear water , but as it came down it just stop right above us and it was over, like nothing happened. Just then another Tsunami came and we didn’t move we were still standing in the same place like this did not bother us. When the Tsunami came for the second time it changed to a flood and we were still in the same spot with the water knee high and the water was still.
I had a very similar dream, my husband and young daughter were with me we were playing in the ocean and my husband tells us to look at the huge wave. It keeps growing and growing and finally it gets to us and it’s just a wall of water. I see fish my daughter is laughing. It never crashes on us though just kinda dematerialized and I never the panic I thought I should feel over a tidal wave! Weird, that’s what brought me here though was hoping to find out what it means.
I have had to several dreams involving water and my daughter. The first is in a cave at the top of a waterfall and I’m trying to get her to go down the waterfall. She doesn’t want to go down the fall. A man is standing at the opening of this cave where the waterfall begins yelling that she has to go now. My other two children are at the bottom of the waterfall in a calm pool of water yelling for us to come down. It is like we are being chased or are trying to escape danger of some kind. I also have dreamed of an ocean storm where there’s a lot of people along the beach with tubes waiting on a big titel wave. We are looking at the beach from the road trying to find a spot to ride the wave out but we have no tube, again my daughter is with me in this dream. There’s another dream about water with my daughter, we are at a waterpark at the top of a slide and I’m trying to get her to go down. She will not go so I go before her so she can see there’s nothing to be scared of. She is always with me in my water dreams and I’m always trying to protect her from danger or get her to not be afraid.
I had a dream where I was sitting in a swamp filled with tadpoles, and a lot of people were with me in the pond having fun at first. Then out of nowhere they start trying to drown me and I swallow a tadpole and immediately I get up a start throwing people around and swim away. When I get to a wall, a girl from high school I used to know, even though never really talked to her, comes up to me kisses me and we swim away.